

A Story by Patrick Masters

Chapter 1

Hello there I’m Terry and I want to talk to you about a topic near and dear to my heart. I want to talk to you about my savior. This is the story of the man who came to me in my time of need. When I was buried in the darkness he was my light. He was the J-man. Ok, now that I’m rereading that beginning it sounds like I’m talking about Jesus. I ain’t talkin about JC I’m talking about JS, Jerry Sandford, my personal savior. The man with a plan who gave me the… ok sorry I wanted to give you a cool rhyme but it's just not coming to me. So I’ll just get going with this story and stop embarrassing myself. It was a hot summer day back in 1962 and I had just received a very special letter.

I sat there frozen like a block of ice. Tick Tick Tick went the clock, on and on, as I sat there silent, too nervous to open the letter. Sweat dripped from the tip of my bangs and slid down my nose, dripping onto the letter. Taking a big gulp I broke it open.

“OK, Here goes nothing!” I said as I tore open the envelope and took out the letter. Closing my eyes before I could see it I slowly opened them up to read the writing.


“WHAT! YOU DID?! Lemme see Lemme see! Wow congratulations!” She said hugging me

At the time I was on top of the world. Later that night I would fall into the deepest pit. Sitting at dinner my mom was silent. That was unlike her. Usually she would start going on and on about Sarah or Suzie saying this or that while she was doing their hair. However she was silent. I was worried she was angry so I stayed buried in my bowl of beef stew until she finally called my name.

“Terry...:”  she whispered it like a church mouse, it barely escaped her throat.

Looking up I saw the image every child hoped they would never view. My mom’s face was red and looked bloated. Tears streamed down both sides.

“Wha...What’s wrong mom!” I said bursting up from my seat.

“Did Dad come by again? Did he hit you!?” I said raising my voice

“No! No… nothing like that. Though it does involve your father.”


“I’m sorry Terry I really am. I tried to convince him. I tried so hard!” She said beginning to break down further

“What? What happened?”

“Your father said he won’t pay for you to go to St. Edward.”

“What does that mean mom? Are you saying I can’t go.” I said as the oxygen left my body and I fell back into my chair, my world collapsing in on me.

“Yes... I’ve tried to figure it out but...but the numbers just won’t add up.” she said throwing her face into her hands.

“Is that really how it’s gotta be.”

“Yes honey. I’m so sorry. You know I just want you to be happy. But I just can’t give this to you. I so sor…”  Her words became unintelligible as she began to bawl. I got up and wrapped my arms around her. I knew she and tried her best. Mom had always tried so hard to give me a good life. Since Dad left things had been rough. She worked two jobs and scraped together any penny she could to clothe, feed, and house me. With this I came to a realization. It was my turn to contribute. That’s where Jerry came in.

Chapter 2

Smack Sma Sma Sma the balls went in each in every direction, bouncing into each other. Behind the sounds, was Jerry. he stepped back while still holding the cue, his preferred weapon of execution. Looking my direction he addressed the elephant in the room.

“Dude, Little T, stop looking so down. It’s throwing me off my game.”


“Ok, seriously, what’s up? You look like someone killed yer puppy. It’s so depressing”

“It’s none of your business.” I told him with acid in my voice

“Lighten up. If your mood is affecting my game, it is my business.”

“Just shut up.”

“Ok I’m givin you two choices. Either yer gonna tell me what’s goin on or I’m gonna knock some sense into you, then you can tell me. Choose wisely.”

“Alright! It’s my dad.”

“Really? What’d that piece of s**t do this time?”

“He says he’s not gonna pay for me to go to St. Eds”

“Oh, damn man that’s rough. Ok I understand.”


“So you need money.”

“No s**t Sherlock, brilliant observation. Got any ideas on how to get it.”

“With that pissy attitude of yours, no. You turn the frown around, I just might think of something.” He said scanning the room before finding his target.

“Yeah I may have an idea...Hey guys wanna play some pool!”

“Huh you talking to us?” asked a couple guys over by the bar.

“Yeah everyone else is playing. I’m looking for some competition.” Jerry told them as he spun the cue around the room indicating a lack of people to play with.

“What about the kid sitting next to you.

“Oh, don’t worry about that chump. He’s such a rookie he doesn’t know what the chalks for.”

“Haha, alright we’re game. For fun or money?”

“I feel like some stakes always make these games more fun. How’s five sound?”

Looking at each other they nodded in agreement. Setting the table Jerry eventually broke. The game was back and forth but ended when Jerry sank the eight ball with three more on the table.

“Damn that’s rough. Wanna raise the stakes? Play for double?”

Looking at each other, they then agreed. Jerry then proceeded to sink the 8-ball early in three straight games.

“Ok, one more final game. $250. Money on the table. I’m warmed up now.”

“You sure are a glutton for punishment Mr… oh wha wh what was y...yer n.name again.”

“It’s Jerry, would you want me to get us another round?”


“Ay Big Charlie. Two more beers.”

“Wha? A...a...aren’t y...you g.ggetting another b...beer?”

“Nah man I don’t drink.”

“Psh yer such a baby!”

“I know I know.”

Jerry sank almost everyone of his shots on the way to an easy victory.

“Hey Terry. You needed money right?”


“Well here’s your christmas present.”

He said as he handed me the $250 he won plus another $50


“Ah Ah Ah no buts, just take it man.”

“Th...Thank you man” I told him as I wrapped my arms around him

“Whoa Whoa ok man I get it. Seriously let go people are watching. I don’t want them callin me a f****t.” he said pushing me away.

“But this is a lot of money man?”

“Just pay it back later.”

“When’s later?’



I never did find out when later was. Jerry died before we could figure that out. He always had been a free spirit. While crossing a bridge he wanted to feel the wind on his body so he let go of the handle bars, immediately falling back into the car behind him, snapping his spine in half and shattering his skull. Heard it likely killed him on impact. What a way to go. I’ll never forget that gift he gave me. I worked two jobs to try to pay it back. Still work one to pay for school.

“Hey Terry quit dawdling and get back to work.”

“Sure thing Mr. Gray.”

Nowadays I work for Mr. Gray laying tiles on floors. Offering a special where floor packages are 25% off. That’s great for customers. It’s also a lot more work for me. But I got to pay for school somehow and Mr. Gray pays a dollar per hour above minimum. Mom met this guy’s wife doing hair and she talked to her about me. She talked to her husband and he gave me this job. Been at it for four months now.

I wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for Jerry. He was my savior. Now he’s up in heaven riding his Harley. I’d say I wish he was here, but that would mean I still owe him $300 dollars.

© 2017 Patrick Masters

My Review

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A neat little read, I enjoyed this, off the beaten path, example of a saviour. They truly are everywhere and come in all shapes sizes and preferences. Thank you for this fun and enlightening afternoon read. Cheers!

Posted 7 Years Ago

Patrick Masters

7 Years Ago

Thank you for the review. Glad you enjoyed it!

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1 Review
Added on November 27, 2017
Last Updated on November 27, 2017
Tags: Pool, Gambling, Hustling, Savior, Poor, High School