Paper Heart-Part III

Paper Heart-Part III

A Poem by B.E. Gonzales

I am afraid to love again because of her. It's better this way so I wouldn't be hurt again.


Time stood still

You took my heart

From my paralyzed soul

As I stood unconscious


My eyes were open

I saw you rip my heart

My paper heart

The core that holds my life


I felt every tear

I felt every blow

I felt the pain

It was horrible


You opened my soul

And offered a broken heart

Time began to move

Tears fell from my eyes


I fell to my knees

I was still alive

I was still breathing

But my soul was dead


From that moment on

I lived with a dead soul

A broken heart

Like an empty shell  

© 2010 B.E. Gonzales

My Review

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A sad and powerful poem. A heart brake leave us disappointed and afraid. Best to learn and move on to another part of living. Description and story was very good. Thank you.

Posted 14 Years Ago

Bj...i agree falling in love would lessen the hurt...thiswas sheer agony...your thoughts are very sensitive for your age..a very delicate heart..paper one...

Posted 14 Years Ago

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again, wonderful imagery used. I think I preferred number two, but that's simply down to my personal opinion not to anything you've written. But you ended the three poems well in this one.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on February 28, 2010
Last Updated on February 28, 2010
Tags: broken heart


B.E. Gonzales
B.E. Gonzales

Ouezon City , National Capital Region , Philippines

I am 13 years old from the Philippines. I write short stories, essays, plays, and songs. I specialize in poetry, both in English and Tagalog, my native tongue. I usually write about love, life, Death,.. more..
