My Best Friend ~ My Worst Enemy

My Best Friend ~ My Worst Enemy

A Poem by MaRmAlAdE


You fill my heart with love – I fill your heart with love
You tore my heart from my chest – I tore your heart from your chest
I held your heart in my hand – you held my heart in your hand
You squeezed the life from my heart with your hands – I squeezed the life from your heart with mine
I threw your heart onto the floor – you threw my heart onto the floor
With regret I picked your heart up off the floor – you did the same
I held your heart close and wanted to lock it away so no one else could touch it – you held my heart close and wanted to lock it away so no one else could touch it.
I threw your heart outside into the cold – you threw my heart outside into the cold
I ran outside, picked up your heart and kissed it until it was better – you took my kisses and didn't do the same to mine
I set your heart free – you let me
I caught your heart with a butterfly net – you let me
I stabbed your heart with a sharp object - you stabbed mine back
I threw your heart in the street and ran over it with my car – you threw my heart into the street and ran it over incidentally with my car as well
I scraped your heart off of the pavement and pampered it with Neosporin and band aids – you scraped my heart off of the pavement and kissed it until it seemed better.
I tried my best to piece your heart back together just the way I found it – you didn't quite put the same effort into piecing my heart back together
This made me put even more effort into caring for your heart
I tried to add pieces to your heart that I thought were missing – this made your heart resent my heart
This left my heart empty and enraged
I told you that my heart needed kisses and attention
Instead you squashed my heart and left it gasping for air
I take responsibility for what I did your heart.
Do you understand what you did to my heart?
You gave it away long ago my friend. Now let it go.

© 2009 MaRmAlAdE

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This is one of my favorites by me:) Anyone viewing this, please visit my new page. :)

Posted 8 Years Ago

This is one intense poem, lots of pain and emotion in this wonderful write.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Intense! Very vivid and touching. I can tell this comes from life experience. I enjoyed the format of the poem.

Posted 15 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on January 22, 2009
Last Updated on January 22, 2009



Fargo, ND

I'm in grad. School and working on my first nonfiction book. I write poetry everyday. I've lived a life of happiness, heartbreak, disappointments, and successes. Hence, I am the creator of h.. more..

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