![]() Soundtrack of My Life.A Story by Courtney![]() Pick songs that describe your life.![]() Dear Reader, Rose-colored
glasses are not permitted here. I'm not the average teenager, but of course you
at least know that. One look at me and you can tell that I am different. My stories run deeper and darker than they
should, but of course, I have the bright, colorful moments, too. From the day
of July 29th, 1996- I have been destined for a great life. I was born in
Nashville and I have lived here all my life- but believe me, it never gets
boring. So reader, please, be ready, you are about to know a lot about me. Oh,
but please, don't be afraid. I'm a happy person. There's a reason the past is
the past. I've heard the bullets whistle, and believe me, there is something
quite charming in the sound. No, you don't know what it's like When nothing feels all right You don't know what it's like To
be like me. If I had to choose a song that completely moves me, Welcome to My
Life by Simple Plan would be the song. It reaches my lows- which is really,
really hard- I've built a wall around myself. So please, take this opportunity,
and come inside my world. Dear Reader, Welcome to my
life. ___________________________________________ Alright, admit it. We love explicative words. We love songs and
themes that seem dangerous, or controversial, or things that just make us
feel.. bad? And love is a
homeless guy searching for treasure in the middle of the rain and finding a bag
of gold coins and slowly finding out they're all filled with chocolate and even
though he is heartbroken, he can't complain because he was hungry in the first
place... There are many reasons why this song is important to me. Not only is it my favorite song, but it's the song that reminds me of a few of my best friends. It reminds me of the people that make a difference in my life daily, and those who keep me on track. So this song is dedicated to my best friends, the people who keep me in line, who keep me focused, and most of all, I can have fun with. "Love is..." represents the laughs we have whenever we discover a funny joke and can't stop thinking about it, or whenever one of us goes to the other with a problem, because we know our parents would murder us if they knew what was going on. So, thank you. Because my love for you, is stronger than Dora's love for Maps. _____________________________________________________________________________________ What You Want- Evanescence Serious matters rule our lives. We all have screwed up from time to time. (Why?) Because we're human. But I doubt, how I doubt so very much, that you have screwed up to the effect that I have. Do what you, what you want Your world's closing in on you now (it isn't over) Stand and face the unknown (got to remember who you really are) Have you ever lied about your age to get what you want? To make someone fall for to so you can feel loved? Every heart in my hands Like a pale reflection Have you ever manipulated someone, believing that you are in control, you are the ring leader? Is it really you who has all the control? Do you run the circus? Hello, Hello, Remember me? Somewhere beyond the pain There must be a way to believe We can break through You play the cards until you realize it's over. You try your hardest to fix things, to hide, to clean up the mess that you unleashed- even though you realize your charades would come to an end somehow, some day. Do what you, what
you want You don't have to
lay your life down (it isn't over) Do what you, what
you want 'Til you find what
you're looking for) got to remember who you really are)
But every hour
slipping by, Screams that I
have failed you And then you try to fix it. And it doesn't work. My story is an emotional story. It's not for the
lighthearted. It's not an easy story to tell, or to find a way to begin. But I
will just have to, because you cannot have me without all of my past. Even the
part that I am ashamed of. I met Jordan through a friend. We started dating in
7th grade, then in 8th grade again. On his 18th birthday, he parents brought
him down from Illinois to visit family- and to meet me, for the first time. Our
relationship was built on lies- He lied to his family, saying I had lived near
him in the beginning and then moved away. We hung out and developed a deep
relationship the first day he was there- but then on the second day, he raped
me in his hotel room. Of course, It didn't start out as rape. It was pure
manipulation- he was determined to get what he wanted. I saw a side of Jordan that I never knew. An abusive,
deep, dark side that I hated. I went home, told my parents and they called the
cops. That night, a policewoman talked to me about meeting people online and
the dangers- that I understood. What had went unsaid was the fact that I had
been sexually assaulted. Imagine my position. I was scared. I was so in love
with him! He treated me like a princess, like every girl wants to be treated.
He bought me lunch and dinner and he would have bought me the world if I really
wanted. I was blinded by the fact that I was surely, completely, and totally in
love with this boy. With this in mind, no, I didn't tell my parents that he
raped me- heck, at the time, I didn't consider it rape. The next day, I hoped, I prayed, and I cried that
Jordan would come see me. My parents wouldn't let me see him. I watched the
window for hours on end- I couldn't stand it. I wanted to see him so bad. Hours
had past and the deep feeling of despair set in: I realized I was never going
to see him again. Then I did the unthinkable- I tried to commit suicide. I
swallowed over 30 Advil- causing my stomach to twist and turn. I threw up
multiple times that day- and I finally told my parents what I had done- yet I
lied again. I told them that I had unintentionally swallowed a few because I
had a headache and I was frustrated. Luckily, with some crackers, and a lot of
water, my body was set back to normal. Jordan called the following day. We argued and
argued- then my parents took the phone,
sick of hearing me in pain. He then said "But don't take her away from me,
we had sex!" and my protected lie came undone. That night I was rushed to
a CVS to get a Day-After pill, to prevent me from being pregnant. My family then pressed charges. Jordan and I have had
contact once, where he got very abusive and violent over the phone. I had to
lie and tell him my parents took my phone to prevent him from contacting me again. During July of 2011, I got a phone call from the
district attorney. She was calling to say that my case is finally going to be
seen in front of a judge. The problem? It had been TWO years. TWO YEARS! By
this time, I have built myself back up- debate Rookie of the Year, straight-A
student, and I respected myself now. Tell me, would you want to see him again
after all of this success? Would you want to look into your
ex-lover/abuser/rapist's eyes and testify against him? I told my mom that day,
that if he had not hurt anyone else, that I wanted to drop charges. Every time
I heard a phone ring, I cried. I called
my best friend and cried on the phone to her- I needed someone to talk to. I
haven't heard from the DA since July, so I assume that the charges are dropped.
This song represents the hatred I have for what I
did. In a way, I hate myself- for setting myself up for this. But I blame him,
too, because he manipulated me to get what he wanted. But I am okay now. I went to counseling, I sought help, and it has made all the difference. ________________________________________________________________________________ Hopefully one day I'll look back at life and
smile 'Cause I've been makin' weird decisions for
a while I'm almost an adult but I've been acting
like a child And I need something soon to know it's all
worth while
Hopefully one day I'll look back at life to
see that I've fulfilled my hopes and dreams 'Cause when my days are done and it's time
to go to sleep I hope that I had fun so I can die happy When you go through various stages of self-harm and self-hate, you begin to feel like your life means nothing. There was no one telling me I was a horrible person. There was no abuse, no hatred, only love in my house. So why did I feel like the world hated me? Because I felt that way. Because I spent the time beating myself up- physically and mentally. How do you recover from that? How do you recover from the mental self abuse that goes on inside of your head? How do you deal with every moment of your life, hating yourself for what you've done to yourself and to everyone around you? Hopefully by Plug in Stereo represents a physical and mental recovery. Not only that, it represents my physical and mental recovery. It represents every movement and every word that I wanted to make myself happy. After some time, I immersed myself in books, reading, and writing- finding anything to distract myself from what I had done. I eventually learned how to trust people again something I am still doing, every day. Little changes made the most of the difference. Why? Because every time I look in the mirror and see my face lit up because of a certain color I was wearing, it boosted my confidence. That, now that, is why. I've tried to dress in lighter colors- so I don't look so dark and demeaning. This song is what I want out of a life. I want to die happy, to look back and say, "Yeah, I've learned something from this life. Look where I have gotten myself. Look at all that I have done." This song is that. This song is my next step towards that. Because hope is what will push me to my next goal. ____________________________________________________________________________________ What happened to the girl who could overlook
the world? She never gave a second thought to what the
other people thought What happened to the dream of rejecting the
routine? 'Cause they never worked for me
I'm gonna burn this theater down and pray to
God for the strength to help me face the crowd I wanna live like I lost the script and
scream every line Like "This is it!"
They say all the world's a stage Rewriting you identity is all the rage Well next act please, I'd like a change I don't really like pretending This way Conforming. No one really likes to admit to it, but it's there. The point of the song, Theater by Icon for Hire, is that she (the main singer) is sick of it. She is sick of pretending and playing a role on a stage, pleasing everyone..but herself. This song represents my transition from middle school to high school. It represents everything I was and everything I am. In middle school, I worked my hardest to be liked, to please everyone-parents, teachers, friends, and even enemies- I wanted to be liked. I changed myself so many times, and I lied again and again so people would come to like me. My freshman year, and even continuing until now, I have adapted new ideals. No longer do I please everyone else- I work to please myself. And honestly, I struggle with it every day. The 'want to dos', the 'need to dos' and the 'must do TONIGHTs" all collide. I find myself struggling with perfection- I don't want to do it unless it is perfect and cannot be corrected, in any way whatsoever. But somehow, I make it through, and I will fight this battle every day- because that is who I am. So here's to being yourself and putting conforming back in its place. ________________________________________________________________________________ I see your dirty face Hide behind your collar What is done in vain truth is hard to swallow So pray to God To justify the way you live a lie Live a lie, Live a lie
And you take your time And you do your crime Well your made your bed And I made mine
Because when I arrive I, I'll bring the fire Make you come alive I can take you higher What is this, forgot? I must now remind you. This song represents everything I live for nowadays. Because not only am I recovered and going strong- but I am independent and I own my life now. This song summarizes everything that has happened to me in the past few years. Though it is not a set event, with a date or time, it still conveys my mindset now- the change I have gone through to get to where I am now. Now, I have a presence. Now, I am powerful. I am looking at being the captain of the debate team next year. I debate and I make an A in AP classes, as am I in French 3 Honors. This song represents my passion and how I overcame everything that other people had made me. The song Let it Rock by Kevin Rudolf may be a bit mainstream- but it is certainly applicable with how I view myself- the driver of my life. But when you go through so much in such a short life time, you gain so much experience. I've become the person that I am because of the choices I have made in life. I've had my ups and downs, but today, I am more mature, stronger, more intelligent, and overall- a better person. Dear reader, Each life is different. Now you know about mine, and you will continue to learn more and more. Thank you for being here to listen to my tale, because each second means so much to me. So many questions, so much on my mind So many answers I can't find I wish that I could turn back the time I wonder why
Everybody hurts some days Everybody hurts some days
Everybody hurts some days It's okay to be afraid Everybody hurts, everybody screams Everybody feels okay, and that's okay Everybody Hurts- Avril Lavigne © 2013 Courtney |
Added on July 4, 2013 Last Updated on July 4, 2013 Tags: soundtrack, me, voice, feedback, life |