![]() Chapter 5A Chapter by BrooklynHis little sister is both adorable
cherub and adorable cherub. It’s like she doesn’t have any faults. I called her
cherub once and she asked what it meant. After explaining that it is an angel she
exclaimed, “But I thought I was a princess, Mallory!” “You’re the princess of angels.”
This brought a fit of giggles and hugs from the little girl. The she ran off to
tell her brother that she was an angel princess. Her brother. While she is only five
and full of bubbly aliveness, her brother is much harder to figure out. He is
guarded, safe, and never lets anything slip. He gives out no information about
himself and when asked questions, his usual response is, “You look smart enough
to figure it out yourself.” The only time he allows himself to
open a little is when he is with Princess. He obviously loved her to bits. He’d
put flowers in her hair when she asks and play Grizzly with her, but even then
I can see a glint of worry in his dark eyes. Just a hint showing that he knows
that it’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt, and that he is determined for
that someone not to be her. Other than the few pieces that I’ve
been able to put together, he’s a total mystery. He hasn’t opened up to me and
he hasn’t even told me name or age. I still don’t know what to call him. I’ve
tried everything from Hermit to Hey You, but nothing fit him. Hey You stuck for
a while and even his sister started to call him it with a giggle, but I dropped
it after he started calling me “Girl” in return. He’s the one that said I could
call him whatever I want, he doesn’t have to make this so difficult. I’ve been with them two weeks now
and I am no closer to uncovering what’s underneath that “rock” act he uses like
armor. That’s an idea. “I know what we’re gonna call your big brother today,
Princess. How about ‘the Rock’?” She giggles with glee. “Or
‘Rocky’!” She suggests. “What do you think, Rocky?” I ask
the mystery guy who had chosen this moment to walk back into the cave. “At least it’s not ‘Hermit’.” He
sighs. “Time for a nap,” he says turning to Princess. She puts on a pouty face,
but other than that, doesn’t complain as she walks to her bed. Within a few
minutes she’s snoring. “C’mon.” he waves me over to where
he is still standing at the opening of the cave. “Where are we going?” I ask as we
exit. “I’m gonna teach you how to hunt.”
My heart plummets. Oh, no. I could have learned to hunt back at home. Sam even
offered to teach me, and I rarely gave up a chance to spend time with him.
Instead I decided to stick to gathering. Why? Because I don’t think I’ll be
able to harm, kill, another living
thing. It’s just not who I am. I think that it was planted into my DNA that I
burst into tears every time I walk by the butcher’s. Needless to say, I don’t
eat meat. “I don’t think that that’s such a
good idea…” I say hoping that he’ll see my rising panic and drop it. No such
luck. He ignores me and walks up to a
tree about ten feet away. He makes a small circular mark and tells me that that
is what I’m aiming for. He shows me how to hold the bow, how to pull it back,
how to aim. Then he shows me how to breathe. He tells me to put my hand on his
chest as he slowly inhales then exhales. “Feel that?” he asks. I nod quickly.
“That’s how you want to breathe. Got it?” I nod again and he steps away,
handing me the bow. I breathe how he showed me and
raise the bow slowly, pulling the string back in the same motion. I hold there
for a moment while I aim. Then, I inhale deeply and let go of the string. It
snaps forward and the arrow soars…right passed the tree and into the
surrounding bush. “Well, It was only your first time,
right?” he questions and I nod. “Try again, but this time take longer to aim.” I do and this time the arrow nicks
the tree before flying off to some unknown realm in the greenery. I try again
and again, each time getting advise from “Rocky” and each time getting a little
bit closer to the target. That is, until I hear a little
angel voice right behind me whine that she’s hungry. I jump with shock and my arrow that was
pointed at the tree flies high into the sky, skewering a pheasant that was
flapping up above. “I think Mallory has dinner
covered.” Rocky says with a smirk as he retrieves the poor bird. “Nice kill.”
He congratulates me. Kill.
I killed something. Tears stream down
my face as I look at the bird. Blood spurt out of its wound in its chest. At
least it didn’t suffer. “What’s wrong, Mallory?” Princess
asks. But I can’t explain. “Rocky” doesn’t even look
surprised. He just stares at me sobbing my eyes out and says, “Am I allowed to
ask you if you’re okay? Or will I be yelled at again?” That makes me laugh-cry. He waits
until I calm down and then says, “Listen, I know you’re not gonna like hearing
this, but you’re gonna have to get used to hunting. And eating meat. It’s a
part of life.” He doesn’t say man-up but I get the meaning. I know that I can’t
have a sob-fest every time I kill something. And he’s right. I’m going to have
to get used to this. I take a few shaky breaths, in,
out, in, out. The tears stop and a smile comes to my face. “See? I didn’t yell
at you.” Is mouth twitches in an almost grin. Then it’s gone and he instructs
me in how to cook a bird. It’s a messy job and plucking the
feathers is a pain, not to mention that doing all of this makes me want to
start crying again. But eventually, we have roasted pheasant. “You are the only person I know,”
starts mystery guy as he takes a bit of meat. He chews and then continues, “that
can shoot a bird out of the sky by accident.” “I’m not proud.” “I can tell by that scowl.” He
responds. That makes me a bit angry. “Look who’s talking.” He raises both eyebrows “what’s
that supposed to mean?” “Fight! Fight! Fight!” Princess
chants. That seems to calm us both. It’s like Princess has a soothing effect on
people. Anyway, I smile a t her and say, “maybe
later, when there’s something worth fighting about.” That’s my way of telling
him that I’m sorry and that I was being stupid. He nods his understanding. That was settled fairly quickly,
but I know that it won’t be long before I snap again. Like I said, there is
just something about the guy that gets me worked up over nothing. As grateful
as I am, I will be fuming again soon. © 2012 BrooklynReviews
10 Reviews Added on July 3, 2012 Last Updated on July 3, 2012 Author![]() Brooklynwhy do you want to know?, MAAboutI'm a fourteen year old girl that is now in her freshman year of highschool. wish me luck!. I'm awful at spelling, and I need to work on "down time" in stories. I also can't seem to write one book for.. more..Writing