![]() Chapter 10A Chapter by BrooklynI didn’t see that one coming. “Uhhh…
you’re kidding right?” “No.
I’m not kidding. I can see the future.” She laughs at our reaction. “That’s not
the first time I’ve gotten that look. That’s not even the worst part. Drumroll
please!” None
of us move. I still think that she’s pulling our legs. “Fine,”
She says with a sigh. “There’s a prophecy"that I conveyed"about us.” “What kind of prophecy is this?” I
ask slowly. “Well…”
She takes a deep breath, “It goes like this: Seven fighters Cruelly made But created All the same…” “Wait! And
you made up this prophecy?” I sigh in relief. There was no way that a poem that
this girl made up was coming true. She sighs with irritation. “No, I
did not make it up. I just voice the prophecies; I have no control over them.
Now, if you would let me continue.” She continues with her rather long
“prophecy.” By the time she is done, both boys
have a contemplating look on their faces. Ian is the first to speak, “Well, It
does kinda make sense if you think about it.” I think
about it. And it still seems as outrageous of an idea as it did before I
thought about it. “How do you reason that?” “Maybe if
Alina could prophecy now for us…” he suggested looking hopefully at the
“oracle.” I turn expectantly towards her. “It
doesn’t work like that. I can’t just do it whenever I want! Sorry, I can’t
prove anything now…maybe later. Who knows?” “Seven,” says Cole. “Four down, three to go.”
Oh yah. What was the rest of the prophecy again? I was kind busy not believing
it to actually listen to the words. Not that it really matters, ‘cause it’s all
fake anyway. But how did she know about me then? Oh gosh. This makes no sense! “One
mistake could change it all,” I say, remembering the last line. Crap. No one is
that perfect. And what exactly was “all”?
Wait! I’m thinking as if I actually believe this. And I don’t. Do I? “Who
do you think we are according to the prophecy?” I ask in a small whisper. “I
think that I’m the lover,” Says Ian. We all shoot him strange looks. “Got
a girl waiting for you back home?” I ask. He just blushes. I’m assuming that’s
a yes. “I
think that you are the leader, Leesha. I
mean you are the most doubting person I have ever met.” “You
just met me! how would you know? Just because I don’t believe that you can tell
the future doesn’t mean that I’m doubting. I means that I’m practical. And another thing: me?
Leader? That’s funny!” But there was something in the way she said it that
makes me think that she was serious. And the boys were looking at me, thinking.
It is never good when guys think. “Why
not you?” Cole questions calmly. “Yah,”
Ian agrees, “Why not?” “B-b-because.” I sputter. “I’m me.” “And
apparently ‘me’s can’t be leaders,” Cole countered sarcastically. “No,”
I reply. “They can’t. At least not when their name is Leesha Rose Jones.” Yes, that’s
my middle name. By now you should be able to attest that my middle name doesn’t
describe me at all. Unless you mean the thorns. They snicker. “Hey, I didn’t choose it,” I mumble. “But
seriously, though. Give us a good reason,” Ian says. “Just
leave it already!” Cole walks
toward me. “Listen, you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. We just
think that you’d make a good leader. Think about it.” Cole puts his hand on my
shoulder and Ian looks pretty POed. What’s with that? I will never understand
boys. “We haven’t
even met the others. How would you know that I would be the best leader?” “Good
point. And Cole as right about you not having to do it if you don’t want to.
It’s all about the choice you make. Many prophecies don’t come true because
someone chose a different path,” Alina puts an end to the discussion. Thank
you! I exhale
The fire
has dwindled to just glowing embers. Alina has fallen asleep and is snoring
next to me. I stare at the cave wall, but I’m not really seeing it. Instead, I see my “dad” tucking me into my purple
comforted bed, every square inch of space covered with stuffed animals. My
five-year-old arms wrapped around a giant stuffed leopard that I named Leesha
Junior. I wish I could go back to then. Then, I wouldn’t have to worry about
all of this. If my parents hadn’t sent me away, maybe then I still wouldn’t a little voice in my head chimed. I’m so tired of blaming people. The only person who really is to blame is me.
Even as I think the worlds, I know that they’re not true. No! It’s not my
fault! I was made this way! Its not my fault for being me. It’s those eff’n lab
guy’s! Hatred and
vengeance fills me and must shine threw my eyes as well because Ian (who was
staring at me) looks shocked. I’m freaking tired of doing nothing! We have to get up off our lazy butts, find the others, and destroy those heartless geeks! Who cares if you have a genius IQ? That doesn’t give you a right to torture people and freaking mess with their DNA!!! I hop to my feet and clap my hands together. “Up and atom! We’ve got work to do people.” Ian gets up quickly. Cole moans and mumbles something that sounds suspiciously like “Yah. Not a leader, huh?” as I kick at Alina’s lumpish form. “Up! Up!” I yell at her resting form. She grunts in her sleep every time my foot makes contact with her side but she doesn’t wake up. With sudden inspiration, I belt a high F sharp worthy of the opera, The guys cover their ears and Alina sits up suddenly yelling “Fire! Fire!”“There’s
not a fire. I just couldn’t wake you up,” I inform her. “Oh,” she
blinks. “Anyway. It’s time for us to get going. We’re too
close to the lab, we need to look for others, and we’re wasting time by just
sitting here.” “You may
have been just sitting there,” Alina mumbles under her breath, “but I was sleeping.” She had seemed awake a second
ago, but now she’s in that stage in between but you feel more like your asleep.
My old math teacher called it “sleeping with your eyes open.” “C’mon.
Let’s go,” I insist. “Who died
and made you queen?” Alina moans, standing. I glare at her but I doubt she can
process that right now. If I only had a blow horn… We pack up
the few item we have and head out. On the
road again"I can’t wait to get on the road again! Here we go with the
songs. “So I may or may not be the leader. Loverboy
over there thinks that he might kill,” I say gesturing to Ian. “Your obviously
the enhanced, Alina. I mean, you can read the future for goodness sake!” I went
from not believing to believing in 3.5. “Anyone
have any ideas about the rest of the seven?” I look pointedly at Alina. “No. I’ve
got no clue,” She smiled softly at me. We spend the next twenty minutes
guessing at possible scenarios for the seven people. And then I stumble. This in its
self isn’t that unusual. I’m ultra-klutzy. But it’s not everyday that I trip
over a super-secret trap door. And fall into someone’s kitchen. “What is this?!” I yell as I look up at the
hole that I had fallen through. Just call me Alice and give me a bunny to
follow. “Well,
then! I spent years renovating this place,” a voice coming from behind me says.
I turn around to se an old man standing a few feet from where I am sitting on
the wooden floor. He is average height with pale skin and snow-white hair.
There is a twinkle in his wise eyes that tells me that he isn’t really
offended. “I must
have bumped my head when I tripped because there is no way that this is
actually happening,” I mumble, rubbing my eyes The man
laughed ruefully. “It is happening. I
advise that you go back out the hole over there and don’t ever think about it
again.” “Leesha!
Leesha!“ The others called form above. “I’m in
some guy’s kitchen!” I yell back. “Oh great.
Now she’s hallucinating. I better go in there and get her,” I hear Ian say and
he drops into the hole. Since I hadn’t moved from my landing spot, except for
standing up, He landed on top of me. I crumple
under his weight and there is a sharp snap as my arm twists behind the two of
our weight. “OWWWWWWW!” I howl in pain. “Are you
okay?!” He asks, still on top of me. “I’d be
better if you’d get off,” I say through clenched teeth. He hurries to get off
of me and air floods my lungs again. But the pain in my arm is still as sharp
as a knife. “What is
this place?” He asks, looking around. I wish He’d stop talking. “Welcome to
Wonderland,” I say tightly. The old man hurries over to me and asks if I’m
okay. Then he looks at my arm explaining that he used to be a scientist that
specialized in antimony. And animal sciences. A spark of suspicion ignites in
my mind as he describes his past job positions. “Of course,
I don’t work now. I retired a few years ago, he says as he examines my arm. “Nothing
major. I’ll just get you some ice.” He announces and goes to a fridge a few
feet from where I am laying and opens the freezer. “Everything
alright down there?” Alina asks. “That
voice,” the scientist mumbles a sharp alarmed look in his once kind eyes, “I
know that voice.” “We’re
coming down!” before I can protest, two bodies drop down the trap door. Luckily
the scientist had the sense to move me before working on my arm. So I wasn’t
landed on again. The
two landed lightly on their feet in a crouch with grace and kept their balance
even now, before standing up. “Show offs,” Ian mutters before turning back to
me worriedly. “You!”
The scientist gasps looking at Alina. “Me.
And you are…?” She leaves the question hanging. The
scientist sputters before speaking, “You don’t know? How could you not know?!
You’ve been haunting my dreams for years!” I pull a disgusted face. The idea of
a sixty-year-old man dreaming of a fifteen year old girl was not appealing.
Apparently Alina didn’t like the idea either because she pulls a face and says
“Excuse me?!” “You
and your prophecy!” We all straighten up at that and start paying attention. I
had wondered why he was living under ground and now he knew something of us.
This man was getting more interesting. “Prophecy?”
Alina asks innocently. It was useless because one look at our faces told that
we do know what he was talking about and we are dying for answers. Answers that
apparently he might be able to give. “I can see
that we’re going to be a while,” He says rubbing his hands over his face and up
through his white hair that still stuck up in spots after he pulled his hand
out. “You might as well make yourselves comfortable.” © 2012 BrooklynReviews
1 Review Added on April 28, 2012 Last Updated on June 5, 2012 Author![]() Brooklynwhy do you want to know?, MAAboutI'm a fourteen year old girl that is now in her freshman year of highschool. wish me luck!. I'm awful at spelling, and I need to work on "down time" in stories. I also can't seem to write one book for.. more..Writing