Chapter 6

Chapter 6

A Chapter by Brooklyn

I wonder what torture they’ll use on me. Electric chair? Some sort of stretching machine like in that Greek Myth? Bite from something poisonous and hold back the antidote?

            These guys really like keeping me in the dark. I wait for hours, panicking about what was to come. Then lab-coat-guy-who’s-name-is-unknown comes back in looking awfully pleased. I guessed that that wasn’t good news for me.

            He takes out a taser-gun and aims it at me. Then he takes out a pair of handcuffs attached to a semi-short rope. He, of course because my day wouldn’t be complete without it, handcuffs me and drags me out of the room. We take a long walk and soon I loose track of the turns we make, hallways we go down and guards we pass. My chances of escaping are about, I don’t know but they are very slim. Which, I guess, is the point.

            How did I get into this mess? I think to myself. It isn’t my fault!…none of this is my fault. Yet, it is happening to me.     

            I am lead to a room in what I could swear is the basement. I had lost count of the times we went up and down in the process of getting here. I wonder why a place like this would need a basement for torture. I mean, really? Soooooo cliché.

            I see a blueish light move like a current from a black box on the ceiling, down the wall, and to where I was tossed. My body shakes like I was electrocuted, which I sort of was. 

I’m not about to let them use me. No, I’m not going to tell them anything. I scream in total agony, as another current hits me.  



            It gets stronger and stronger, as if they are adding more volts as the hours go by. I didn’t sign up for electric shock therapy, and I don’t want it. What I want to do is beg for release. But I am stronger than that. I won’t, won’t let them get the better of me.

Oh God, I think I’m going to pass out. Maybe Cole will somehow make good on his word and save me. Anyone saving me would be a miracle.  I, like every other heroine in every other book you ever read, am praying for a miracle. I never thought this would come down to me being a damsel in distress, and I can’t say I’m enjoying it.

            I sink in and out of consciousness. My will to stay strong is thinning. That’s when they open the door to the torture room again. This time they throw in a boy about my age. He is tall, skinny and has blond-almost-white hair. His eyes are electric blue under his long bangs. Great, I have a cellmate.

Just then, a vault of electricity slams into me with amazing force. I scream. The boy wheels around and spots me, lying on the floor. His eyes fill with fear as he watches another electric current race through me causing me to scream again. The next time, the electricity shocks him, too. I see him intake breath sharply and his eyes bulge. I cry out again and my vision temporarily goes dark.. His eyes dart to me fearfully but another shriek tells him I am alive. At this point I wish I wasn’t.

He scans the area looking for any escape (as if I’d still be in here if there was one). Zap! Another scream from me and a wince from the new guy. I watch as his body shudders and his shoulders roll. Fur covers his body, and the next thing I know he’s an… albino lion. What’s with these people appearing all of the sudden? I mean I go fifteen years without meeting anyone even suspicious. Now in the course of…I don’t know how much time, but that’s not the point. I meet two. Dose! What’s with that?

I nod weakly and say in a low, coarse whisper, “Me too.” Then another scream. His feline eyes widen at my confession. He paces back and forth. He changed to human and back as another bolt hits us. Was the electricity doing something to his morphing? I suppose I should try, too, to see if I can change. But, just as I decide this, the pain becomes too much and I black out.

© 2012 Brooklyn

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Added on December 1, 2011
Last Updated on April 29, 2012



why do you want to know?, MA

I'm a fourteen year old girl that is now in her freshman year of highschool. wish me luck!. I'm awful at spelling, and I need to work on "down time" in stories. I also can't seem to write one book for.. more..

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