Ever Wondered About Death?

Ever Wondered About Death?

A Poem by Brooke

Death is something we all fear Yet, I’ve heard when you grow older the fear dissipates Some think death is peaceful Others think it’s their worst nightmare Some say they will see the pearly gates open wide and God will be there waiting Others say a fiery pit is in the midst of their future Me, I don’t know Could heaven and hell be a fabrication? Or could they be truer than the sun? Do each of us have a destiny nature follows? So many questions… Is it true that when you die your questions are answered? Or is there bitter disappointment? So many questions… I guess the truth of the matter is only a deceased person can answer these questions We are stuck in the dark until the final moments of our last breath.

© 2013 Brooke

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You asked good questions in the poem. No-one truly know what is next. I like the many good questions in the poem. Type of poem that open the door to a long conversation. I tell people. Be kind and do your best. Whatever we must face. Better to had lived a good life and hope the karma is light, not darkness from our heart. Thank you for sharing the thoughts provoking poetry.

Posted 10 Years Ago

Well thought out poem about something everyone ponders. Death is the last great mystery that man faces and yet it is also the final destination everyone has to arrive at. Having studied the varied religions of the world in depth, I feel Christianity is the most logical one.

There are several religions that promise that their god or gods have mastery over death, but Jesus Christ is vastly different and superior when a person comes unbiased and open-minded and examines his claims. I've been present at the end of life of several people, and I have witnessed a conscious, clear-headed man who was a Christian awaiting death, not with fear but with peace and comfort.

So in my personal experience, I have found the greatest comfort against the fear of death to be the Christian faith.

At any rate, your poem is well thought out and well done.

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thank you!!
Religion and science, philosophy and pragmatism; all claim to know the path that lies beyond the final sleep. But wisdom can only come from experience, and death is an experience we can never learn from in life.

This is a fantastic poem, reflecting on the unknown and unknowable fate beyond the veil. I especially love the final line "We are stuck in the dark until the final moments of our last breath." It perfectly captures the essence of a mortal ignorance. Great work :)

Posted 11 Years Ago


11 Years Ago

Thanks so much, I'm really glad you liked it!

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3 Reviews
Added on November 28, 2013
Last Updated on November 28, 2013

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