teenage passionA Poem by -!katie!-warm smile bright blue eyes shining back at my dull greys cautiously fumbling for trust regretting the past fearing the future promises, promises
laughter filled with trepidation flirtatious flickering of eyelashes striving for a new start novel hope doggedly goes on with a bittersweet symphony of exciting ideas of what could or would be but how am i to know what will be?
teenage passion grows ripens fades your lips meet mine hello, goodbye © 2009 -!katie!- |
Added on August 13, 2009 Author-!katie!-paAboutI'm katie, and that's basically all I am and will be. I am completely myself. I'm opinionated and different and I won't change that for anybody. My past isn't amazing, but hey, everybody has it better.. more..Writing