written from the point of view of me, as a four year old, watching my family fall to pieces.
Fighting, angry shouts
Brother, don't take me away.
Whats going on with mommy and daddy?
Why is everyone upset? Is this my fault?
No, don't take me downstairs.
I want to know whats happening.
You say everything is okay, don't cry.
Why is there so much anger?
I dont understand.
Where is daddy going?
Daddy, please come back,
Dont drive away.
Dont you love me?
I'm still here.
Me, your little girl
staring out this window waiting for you to come home
I see your truck drive away up the hill.
Why isnt it turning around?
So much confusion
I dont understand.
You showed your confusion very well, and I'm not going to pretend that I know how it feels to go through divorce.
My only suggestion is for instead of "what" as the last word you could try "what's going to happen to me" or something along those lines. You don't have to change it if you don't want to.
I'm katie, and that's basically all I am and will be. I am completely myself. I'm opinionated and different and I won't change that for anybody. My past isn't amazing, but hey, everybody has it better.. more..