Chapter 1: Runt

Chapter 1: Runt

A Chapter by Finnian

An Enzha Resistance meeting is tonight. There's a reason Zacharias prefers not to participate in these things...


'Late... Not again... Can't be late again... They'll kill me this time for sure...' 


            My battered dragon hide boots pounded against the dirt path and I clutched the sharp stabbing pain growing at my side as I sprinted to the tall village gates. I groaned in frustration when I saw three Guardians at their assigned positions in front of the gates. The bulky red-haired one stepped out in front as I skidded to a halt. “State your business outside of the village, boy.”  I turned slightly and nodded at the dingy strip of cloth tied around my sleeve, its faded paint of three curved blades positioned triangularly around a blue star. The village resistance symbol, the Enzha Resistance.


            He grunted in understanding, stepping aside, and I took off at full speed again. I slid halfway down the grassy slope, clumsily bending sideways to grip at the dead grass to stop. The camp in the distance glowed with firelight against the darkening sky. A sigh of relief escaped me when I saw the tiny distant figures of the Resistance team gathered outside of the largest tent in the camp. The meeting had not yet started. I flopped down and tried to steady my breath, the dead grass still in my grip. The late afternoon felt cool against the dark burns on my neck and forearms. Another heavy sigh. I watched distant figures of young dragons tied to a wooden post out in the plains, fighting over a wild boar carcass. My eyes drifted to the grassy mountains, black in the late afternoon. The bright turquoise scales of about ten dragons gliding above the mountain peaks shimmered in what little sunlight was left. The first few stars of night started to peek out when I decided to get a move on.


            I strolled along the narrow dirt road, kicking up dust and pebbles, to the abundance of rough cloth tents, the heat of several fires warming me up instantly. I joined the crowd of fellow rebels waiting anxiously outside of the Resistance tent, their muscled and bulky figures towering over my scrawny frame. The draped entrance fluttered open everyone shuffled into the tent to form a sloppy circle. Some stood, others took seats on crates and barrels. I chose a small wooden crate in the far corner where I would go unnoticed. I don’t participate much in these meetings anyway.


            Excited murmurs filled the stuffy tent until a loud and shrill whistle silenced the rest of the noise. A short and smirking young woman, Lana, the Enzha Resistance leader, parted the crowd took her place standing on a large barrel in the center of the circle. She adjusted the gauze tied over her missing eye and nodded approvingly at her team. “Enzha Resistance, stand at attention!” Those sitting down shot up from their seats, those already standing stood straighter.


            “I’m sure you all know why we’re here. Yesterday, our lovely spy, Phillip returned to Enzha from the capital city of Eden. There has be-- yes, Phillip, we all love you--  anyway, there has apparently been talk of military plans to patrol the southeast here.” Protests and bellows of outrage ripped through the quiet crowd. “Yes, yes, I know. Settle down. There was talk of the military setting up bases around and possibly in Enzha"“ More shouts of protest. “If you would kindly shut up for a minute! There, much better. As I was saying, it’s still not for certain if the plan will really be put into action, but we will not wait until then to find out. We will not be driven out of our homes and be forced to live in exile again. We will not let those b******s overpower us!” Cheers broke out through the tent. “But I’m afraid I have more terrible news. Only just a few days ago, the northern village of Bronheim was raided and destroyed completely. I am sorry to say that out good friends, Will and the rest of the Bronheim Resistance, has perished along with it.” Gasps and shouts of disbelief rang in my ears. Things like “Not them! Not our friends!” and “Those b******s!” Were screamed and choked out in horror.


“Their memories will live on, but for right now, let’s focus on the task at hand.” Her voice cracked with emotion, but she kept her composure. “What we need to do now is make an efficient battle plan. We can’t sit around here anymore. We’ll need to attack at the source. The military is strong, but we’re stronger. We’ll leave for Eden in a few days. The Guardians won’t let us leave, but if we can sneak out of the village…”


Did Lana honestly think we would stand a chance against the entire Eden military? We’re a strong resistance, true, but we’re also the smallest. The military had more technology, better weapons, and stronger magic. We had little to no technology. Our weapons are impressive, but not against the Eden military. Our magic was strong as well, but again, not against the Eden military. Besides, there were patrol officers all over the nation of Valla. We’d be dead before we even make it close to Eden.


“It won’t work,” I blurted out. I clamped my hand over my mouth, immediately hoping no one heard me. We all knew better than to challenge Lana. But of course, good luck has never been on my side. I heard several amused chuckles and scoffs. “Yeah, let’s all listen to the runt,” the man beside me murmured. In a matter of seconds, Lana had jumped down from her barrel and her face was now inches from mine, glaring challengingly. “Oh yeah? Why don’t you share with all of us what you think we should do, Zacharias Hall.” There is a reason I don’t participate in these meetings.






© 2012 Finnian

Author's Note

I feel like this sounds a bit rushed, but... Uh, anyway, opinions and advice. Thanks. c:

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I like it. Waiting for the next chapter. Trust me, it is hard for books to catch my attention because I have a vivid imagination but your book caught my eye

Posted 12 Years Ago


12 Years Ago

Thank you very much!

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1 Review
Added on August 3, 2012
Last Updated on August 3, 2012
Tags: magic, dragons, rebellion, dystopia



San Diego, CA

Hello, my name is Finnian. I'm that one kid who reads all the time and listens to weird music and gets stuff thrown at him a lot. I have wanted to be a writer since kindergarten. I also love art, acti.. more..

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