![]() true loveA Story by brittany![]() its about two teens falling in love and them growing up together.![]() When soccer practice was over Ashley went to the local grocery store. When she was walking down an aisle she saw this boy so she passed and said hi. He then looked at Ashley and said “can you help me?” Ashley said okay so they started to talk and he gave her his name. His name was Jacob. So they became best friend. Ashley would call him when she wanted to hang out. He had a little crush on her and he wanted to tell her in a romantic way. So when Jacob answered the phone he got all excited and said do you want to go out to eat. Ashley said yes in a heartbeat. So that night they went out to eat but not at a normal romantic place, they went to a big field. They had candles, a big blanket so the bugs would not distract them; they also had a basket full of food. Ashley knew something was up. So she said in a funny way “what’s the deal?” He suddenly looked at her with a smile on his face and said “okay I have had this feeling for a while now and it’s not fading, I…. I’m in love with you.” She looks up at him from her food and said “well I love you too.” Jacob knew she loved him too but he had a secret. So he was going to tell her. Jacob stopped for a quick minute, and then a police car came and was flashing the high beams on them so they got up and started to run. A few blocks down the street they both started to laugh. Ashley told Jacob that she has never felt this alive in her whole life. Jacob was still speechless about her saying she loves him. So he said “wait is it true?” Ashley was confused and said” umm is what true” Jacob said” that you love me too” Ashley said “yes of course what’s not to love I’m in love with you no matter what.” Then all of a sudden he started to cry. Ashley was confused and said “what?” Jacob wanted to tell her his secret but he did not know how. Jacob said “don’t worry about me I will be fine, I have cancer.” Ashley was speechless and confused. She started to cry. Jacob wiped her tear and kissed her on her forehead. Ashley knew she can’t tell anybody. Jacob was going to wait for the right time to tell his parents. Ashley wanted to tell somebody but she knew Jacob would be mad. She did not want him to get mad because she had stronger feelings for him now. Things got worse he told his parents and he could not go to school. There was not a lot of time left for him. He would call Ashley a lot just to hear her voice. Ashley was really sad. She would buy him gifts and she would cry every time she saw him. Jacob said “do you remember the first time we met we were at the grocery store and I needed your help?” they both started to laugh. Ashley looked at him and said “what are we doing with our lives?” Jacob looked confused so Ashley said “our love will never stop right.” Jacob said” nothing could break our love.” Ashley said “you know I never stop thinking about you, you were the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Jacob looked at her with a glow in his eyes and said “never let me go” the next day Jacob went to the doctors. Ashley wanted to go so she tagged along. Ashley had to wait in the waiting room but she did not care. Meanwhile while Jacob was being seen in the doctors the doctor “said that the medication worked, Jacob you do not have cancer anymore.” Jacob was so happy he cried. He ran out of the room and went to Ashley he kissed her and she said “what?” Jacob told her that he does not have cancer anymore.” Ashley was so happy. That night Jacob snuck out and went to Ashley’s window and she snuck out too. They went back to the field where they both shared their feelings. They both lied under the stars and they both looked at each other with a smile. Ashley got him a gift at the hospital that day. She gave him it and he opened it with excitement. It was a locket. It had a picture of him and her in it and on the cover it said our love lives forever. He was so happy he replied with I love you. Ashley says no matter what happens don’t forget me. Jacob says “I will never ever forget you; you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” They both kept quiet as they fell into each other’s eyes. Then when they saw the sunrise they both got up and went home. Jacob climbed in his room and nobody found out. He had told her to call him as soon as she got home so he can hear her voice. Ashley ran home and climbed through her window, got her pajamas on then went to the kitchen. Her father was awake. Ashley said in a sarcastic way“oh you are awake early way.” Her dad said yea I can’t sleep. Ashley said “yea me either.” she forgot that when she go home she had to call Jacob. So she runs to the phone and dials his number. Her dad says “its way to early!” Ashley said “it’s his cell and he wakes up early all the time.” Jacob answers and they talk for like fifteen minutes and he says “I need to see you now.” So Ashley tells her dad that she has to go. She runs there and he is outside. He takes her hand and they go for a walk. They go to a lake and he gets on one knee. He then says “Ashley, you have been here for me for a long time now and I want it to be even longer. I will be there for you no matter what. I will never hurt you so Ashley please will you marry me?” Ashley says” yes I will be your wife.” Then he picks her up and swings her while they kiss. She runs home with him to tell her dad. She goes in the kitchen where her dad is and Jacob is at the door, her dad says hi Jacob. Jacob replies to a gentle hi. Ashley smiles to Jacob then turns to her dad. She says “that she has to talk to Jacob for a minute.” She turns to Jacob and she is unsure she wants to tell him now. He looks at her and says “it’s all up to you my parents already know,” she invites her mother and father to dinner tonight. They said they will go. While they are waiting Ashley and Jacob go back to Jacobs’s house. On their way they talk about their wedding, who’s going, what the dress is going to look like. They were in deep love. That night Jacobs’s parents even went too. When they were half way done with their food Ashley tells Jacob that its time, so they both stand up and say mom, dad we have to tell you something. Jacob and I are getting married. Her mom and dad are so happy. Ashley’s dad says well son welcome to the family. Jacob says “thank you sir and I promise not to hurt your daughter. After that Ashley and Jacob were talking and they decided that Ashley would sleepover Jacobs’s house. It was fine with everyone. When they were getting ready for bed Jacob told her that they should get a house together. She agreed and she said what it wants it to look like. He said he would fulfill all of her dreams and desires. He told her that he has bought a house as an early engagement present. She was so excited to move in. Jacob said they will move in next weekend. Till then they have been inseparable. That weekend they packed up everything they ever knew. They moved into their new home. After unpacking they lied on the couch planning their wedding. They said it would be on Valentine’s Day. Ashley said “wait, what’s today? With a smile on her face” Jacob replies “its January fourteenth. They had one month to plan the wedding. They felt like they could succeed. When it was time for the wedding Ashley had a beautiful sequenced puffy dress. Jacob had a nice tux too. They said their vows and danced the night away. When the wedding was over they went home. They really wanted to go to Spain for their honeymoon. So they went and they enjoyed themselves. When they got home Ashley found out that she was pregnant. Then after she thinks about it she tells Jacob. A few months pass and the baby begins to grow. The baby was born and they had their new family and new home. They named the baby girl margeaux. Its pronounces like Margo. every night Margeaux and her mom and dad would go for a walk along the lake. they have been married for about ten years now and they still love each other as they did on the same day they meet. they grew old and died together. now its Margeaux's turn to find her true love. © 2010 brittany |
1 Review Added on June 23, 2010 Last Updated on June 23, 2010 Author