Crush on a Christian Boy

Crush on a Christian Boy

A Poem by BristolMaud

I was not prepared to be moved by anything else but my adoration for a Christian boy I tried to get nearer to. Yet, I was.

Belief often leads to profundity,
disguised under nuance of pace
of interactions betwixt those of
this indomitable and muddled race.
I found my  heart longing for the hands of soft grace
but while clutching his palm, I dared not look at his face.

Preoccupied by rafter that reflected their voices,
I was too shy to lift my pine.
But nary a neighbor seemed at all bothered
by the muted tones of mine.
Pew by pew and rows by rows
of the body blossomed as one,
with deft baritones and muted tenors
beaming as they sung.
For most of the time, I must have forgotten
my hand was clutching at both
the man on my left and the man on my right:
brothers of both mother and holy ghost.
Adrift in delight, my fanciful feelings
that normally drove me near him
had vacated softly, while I wandered loftily,
leaving me strong in my skin.
Despite the tunes I had sung before,
just minutes before the morning,
and despite the plans I devised at the door
when he called me for such a joining,
I was free to rejoice as a child can give voice
to the flames that ignite within her.
Yet feeling drawn into my infinite skin,
for once comfortable in the temperature, 
I fell in love, hardly, with the man who adorned me,
but it was warming to feel him so bare.
But rather, I fell, with love in my throat
for the faith I found frolicking there.

© 2012 BristolMaud

Author's Note

Does the tone of adoration stand out? What do you think my adoration is for? What do you think of the setting? Can you tell I was there for a man I liked but realized I was much more taken by my surroundings? The first stanza is supposed to be a preface. Is it too blocky/ clumsy?

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Added on June 14, 2012
Last Updated on June 14, 2012
Tags: agnostic, agnosticism, faith, crush, christian, profundity, grace



New York, NY

Bristol: Age 21. 30 credits toward Polisci BA. Recently married. Recently moved to Lower East Side, NY. Unemployed. Well-fed, well-sexed, and well-loved. Looking forward to friends, online and IRL. De.. more..

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A Poem by BristolMaud