All material things aside, they cannot offer us happiness, only the distracting illusion of some smattering of joy. We can surround ourselves with all the pretty toys and all the shiny things that make us go ooooh, ahhh, mmmm; but at the end of the day they are just objects and cannot offer any satiation to a soul that craves something more. Yet, in the smallest thought, the kindest thought, that simplest of thought offered by another - we can find a smile that grows from deep within - a smile, that tended with such thoughts, can grow into a garden of smiles that will one day bloom into happiness...
All material things aside, they cannot offer us happiness, only the distracting illusion of some smattering of joy. We can surround ourselves with all the pretty toys and all the shiny things that make us go ooooh, ahhh, mmmm; but at the end of the day they are just objects and cannot offer any satiation to a soul that craves something more. Yet, in the smallest thought, the kindest thought, that simplest of thought offered by another - we can find a smile that grows from deep within - a smile, that tended with such thoughts, can grow into a garden of smiles that will one day bloom into happiness...
My therapist is always telling me that I need to take care of me more. I don't have kids, but I have other loved ones and I always put them first. It drives my Mama nuts. Of course, the last week, she put me first while I was there and it was wonderful. That's beside the point ...
This piece shows a lot of self-reflection and understanding of yourself. I love it. I think that a lot of people ... women and moms being the majority, need more time to take care of themselves.
At times, these types of self reflection can be our best medicine, instead of always trying to please others with what and how we express oursleves to down right sacrifice of thoses things that need to get done everyday. Even a short few sentences brought to the fore front of our mind as to what we deserve and maybe wish for, can sometimes shake up others to realize that a random act of kindness maybe all that is needed. It doesn't make us selfish to want and need, or expect a slight connection, but rather natural emotions, a survival mechanism. We can't always be a giver and never receive in return. You cover this subject quite well.
I read this piece and had to smile. It brings to mind a couple of ladies to mind. My own mother included. :p The questions you ask in your poem are great reflective questions and how true, that some days are go-go-go!
It is a piece that one can really identify with! A great reminder too, that it is ok... to give yourself that moment... if for nothing else... to be able to gain your sanity! LOL
How grateful we should be to those woman in our lives. May we never live a day without first remembering their diligent labor. And maybe once in a while, more than on their day, remind them of our gratitude and quiet the chaos within their minds.
This is not my favorite Frost poem, but it is my first Frost poem. Dropped within another book I was reading at age 9, I never forgot it. While I wrote short stories at the time, it was my inspirati.. more..