The Well of Inspiration

The Well of Inspiration

A Poem by Daniel DeLorez

The well of inspiration
only runs so deep.
The high of our salvation
is as hollow as it's cheap.

A soft, sound vibration
leads you to its source.
A train at the station,
due to run its course.

You never know the time
in this empty state of mind;
You never know when and if you'll find
your relief.

But rest easy knowing
that the water's always flowing;
the water of inspiration;
the river of creation.

When the well runs dry:
Close your eyes.

© 2016 Daniel DeLorez

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I like this. I looked at your titles and this one sort of put its arm around me and whispered, 'Read me.' So i did. Creativity fascintaes me as does inspiration which is key to it. I confess I also though 'Yeah, I've heard that phrasing used before,' but it still drew me to read. By the third verse I was totally into it because what you say is true. And I absolutely agree with the last two lines, the universe within being far more fascinating than that without. Yes, we can find inspiration in galaxies and this n that, but I always think that what is within us beats everything. Human creativity is truly astonishing, but that it exists at all, that we are as we are, and that we really don't know all that much about it. I hope it will always remain a mystery. I wld hate to discover that poetry is just the outcome of chemical and electrical reactions in the brain.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


I like this. I looked at your titles and this one sort of put its arm around me and whispered, 'Read me.' So i did. Creativity fascintaes me as does inspiration which is key to it. I confess I also though 'Yeah, I've heard that phrasing used before,' but it still drew me to read. By the third verse I was totally into it because what you say is true. And I absolutely agree with the last two lines, the universe within being far more fascinating than that without. Yes, we can find inspiration in galaxies and this n that, but I always think that what is within us beats everything. Human creativity is truly astonishing, but that it exists at all, that we are as we are, and that we really don't know all that much about it. I hope it will always remain a mystery. I wld hate to discover that poetry is just the outcome of chemical and electrical reactions in the brain.

Posted 12 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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1 Review
Added on February 4, 2012
Last Updated on October 6, 2016
Tags: faith, inspiration, religion, poetry


Daniel DeLorez
Daniel DeLorez

Columbus, KS

Proud soldier of the US Army and father to a beautiful little girl. I write in an attempt to maintain my sanity. more..
