hhhhhhhh, guess not. I usually find myself in such a state and that's when I RE-FUEL :) Don't worry; just read through classical literature whenever you are there. Good Luck
Well penned!
It happens to us all:( just like the storm it too will pass and the
rainbow of colorful words will flow:) Thanks for sharing and b-blessed!
Wondrous poet, you are in good company! And not only did you face the wall so courageously, you fiercely climbed it and overcame the stone silences. Let words flow through you endlessly... for they are seeds... and sometimes they grow slowly, but they always grow.
the "rebel revolution" the boycotting...happens at times...
but then they will apologetically change their mind...and the words will come faster than we can bang the keys to get them down.
have often felt there was no more, that creativity has taken its final bus ride with me...and will miss my stop from now on....but the words will come back...they just become dormant for awhile.
Is it the writer's block? even when one is having writer's block one come up with the stories, sometimes silly and sometime terrible but in the end you learn a lot.
You are not losing it. Writing is odd. We will write 10,000 words one day and the next. Be empty. We just need good song and something good to read to motivate the mind. Thank you for sharing the excellent poetry.
one thing that I want to try is to change my daily routine, that my give me more Idea to start writing again but still didnt get the chance to do so. try it and tell me how it goes :P
go to the beach or any area that my catch your muse again.
Writers block...that's a hard thing to overcome. You know what can help. Think of an object or an animal or a feeling, anything that pops up in your head. Write ten words that's defining the thing and then write sentences around these ten words. You'll see that will help. :) Rudi
"the cave you fear the enter, holds the treasure you seek"
Joseph cambell
this quote is my thriving recipe for dwelling in the enchanting castle of words, more..