![]() unknow as of yetA Story by angelus![]() randomness![]() " get up Willow or you're goin to be late" said Willows mother. "okay" yawned willow as she sat up. willow was sixten years old. she had long jet black hair and light blue eyes that almost looked gray. she was adopted by the ports. when she was born. she lived in new york city. the ports were a really rich family. so they sent her to a private school which she hated. willow stretched and got ready for school. then she grabbed her glasses and headed down the stairs. "morning sleepy" "i hate private school" "you say that every year willow" "but you dont listen other wise i would be in public school by now" said willow as she sat at the table. "i do listen will but public school is for the best" "no its for robots. mom i hate the school they treat me like im special" "you are ur the smartest girl in the school." "thats not what i meant and you know it. i want out" "willow" "i mean it want out" "you cant just ignore them till u graduate?" "i ignored them for as long as i could i cant take it anymore" fine youll start public school in the fall but dont think im going to let u slck off" "thanks mom" said willow as she got up and headed to the door." "what about breakfast?" "xander and i are going to go get bagles be fore we go to school" "ok be careful" " i will and just so u know i always slack off" said willow as she closed the door behind her. ------------------------------ "angelus are u packed" angelus had short messy black hair that was streaked with blonde. her bangs covered her eyes which were light blue almost gray. she also wore glasses.the garrets had adopted her hen she was born. ever since she was six she noticed that they were always acting wierd around her. she was sitting in the living roomwatching t.v. "does it matter?" said angelus as she turned the channel "angelus" "dad chill ive been packed for a week. why are you so stressed about this?" "why arent you? you are going to america for a month and a half" angelus was leaving london for the first time in her life. her family did lots of trips but she never went on any of them. "your point being?" "angelus for once could you try to pretend like you care about something?" "i do care just not as much as you do. wheres mom?" "at work" "and donni?" "at football" "and raffi?" "baseball" "im going to my room let me know when were leaving" "angelus" "why dont they like me?" "they do" "thats a lie and you know it goku is coming over" said angelus as she headed up to her room. angelus entered her room and closed the door behnd her. she then started to rip drawings off her wall. the were drawings of her family her brother her mom her father. she tore them all to pieces. then she smashed all of the picture theat the whole family took once a year. shattering gas al over he room. she laid down on her bed and began to cry. after a while there was nock on her door. "angelus are yo alright?" "come in goku close th door behind you" goku came into the room. he had messy blond hair and olive green eyes. he was seventeen a year older than angelus. "angelus what happened are you alright?" "im fine" "you ddnt cut did you?" "no not yet anyway" "angelus" "goku lay with me please" "of course" said goku as he laid next to her. angelus put her head on his shoulder. "are you still goingto go to camp?" "are you?" "im only going because your going your parent are paying for me to go the orphanage cant aford to pay for me as long as ur going then ill go" "im going" "u know ive never seen u upset before" "thats because most things dont bother me" "do you mind if i ask what happened" "ill tell u later ok?" "of course" "thanks" "for what?" "always being her for me" "i always will be here as long as you need me to" "i know" said angelus befor she kised goku on the lips. "and im glad you are" said angelus when she pulled away. "umm wow" "promise me something?" "of course" "Promise me that while we're at camp that u wont let me do anything stupid and if i do u have to stop me by what ever means nessary" "angelus" "promise me" "i promise" ------------------------------------------------ Kaoru was laying down on her bed staring at the ceiling when someone lai down next to her. "what are u thinking about?" " i was thinking about u but now ur here" "kaoru" "cera you've been to the main land before right wats it like?" "scared huh?" "alittle" "dont worry about it ok?" " i dont want to go anymore ill mess every one especially you" "no you wonti convinced my parents to let me go withu they said i have to bring my body guards" "grown me at a camp for teens?" "not them the others "the super ninjas at camp that is crazy" laughed kaoru. "thats what i said" "im sorry" "for what?" "you want to be a regular kid dont you?" "its not possible is it?" "i dont know" said kaoru as she took ceras hands in hers. "wait your capable of being a body guard right?" "um yeah yeah i am. wait what are yo thinking?" "come on" said cera as she at up. "what are you thinking?" cera kissed kaoru on the cheek causing kaoru to blush. "im coming" saidkaoru as she got out of bed and followed cera out of the room." could you at lest tell me what your thinking though?" "im going to try and convince my parents to let you be my body guard so that i dont look like a freak with a gorup of people following me" "are you sure one will be enough?" "as ong as the one is you i am positive that you are all i need as protection and im sure my mother will agree with that" "cer" "i want to have fun for once just this summer i want to be a normal teenager. can we do that please?" " your luck i cant say no to you" "i know and i also know that you hate me being surrounded by a bunch of boys" "i dont remember saying that?" "its written all over your face" "i just dont think that they do a good job at protecting you thats all" "sure it is. you know that you have nothing to hide the whole island pretty much knows" "knows what?" "i like you and i know that you like me you cant hide that" "im not trying to if i were trying to hide it i wouldnt be so eager for youto ask your parents if i could be your body guard now would i?" "alright you win this time i rather have to akis your parents they are more reasonable then mine" "to bad we have to ask yours" kaoru as she pulled cera out of the house. © 2010 angelusAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on April 8, 2010 Last Updated on April 10, 2010 Previous Versions |