Powerful reasons

Powerful reasons

A Story by la_laland29

     I held the gun close to my chest. Ready to shoot it if needed. My parents blood plastered the walls. Their screams ringing in my ears. If I hadn't of been so afraid to shoot, they would be alive right now. I heard the door to my room open. Heavy footsteps soon followed by pacing across my floor.

     "I know your in here Sadie. I can smell the fear pouring off you in streams. No need to be afraid, it'll be all over soon. I'll make it as painless as possible."

     I pushed myself more agaisnt the wall. The rifle shaking in my hands, I pulled it closer to me so it would stop. I could hear him breathing, slow, heavy breaths. My brother had gotten one good shot at him, puncturing one of his lungs. His footsteps got closer to the door, my heart beat racing. I put my finger on the trigger, waiting for the door to open.

     I looked down at my feet. My cat ran across the shelf making boxes and books fall off it. I quickly looked at the door, it opened revealing a man with hateful eyes. I could feel the pistol my dad had given me. It was his, he gave it to me to keep me more protected. I miss him.

     The pistol was hidden from his view, he smiled his sick smile. Grabbing my arm and pulling me out. He squeezed my arm making it drop to the floor, firing towards the bed.

     "You look so afraid.," his free hand running over my face, "To bad your pretty much dead to me. Pitty though, your very pretty."

     He dropped his hand, throwing me onto my bed. He tied my hands so I couldn't move. How the hell am i suppose to get the pistol now? He stood at the edge of the bed, looking me over like art. Maybe it was art to him. 

     "I don't know how to kill you. Maybe I could cut your throat, that would be less painfull."

      He ran his hand up and down my leg. 'Some men have really sick minds,' I thought to myself.

"Or I could do what I want, and not care if it hurts or not."

     He kept moving closer to me, his hands running up and down my body. He got onto the bed and then onto me, kissing up my neck. He cut through the rope, pinning my hands. I pretended to like it, slipping my hand down his side and to my back pocket where the pistol was.    I quickly pulled the gun setting the barrel next to his temple.

     "Move!" I said promptly.

     He got off and sat against teh head board.

    "So you do speeak."

    HIs smile showed fear, but his eyes showed strength. I pushed the barrel more onto his temple.

    "You killed my family, god help you, because your not going to kill me!"

    "You wouldn't shoot, you don't have it in you."

    He smiled. I loaded the gun and put my finger on the trigger.

    "Watch me."

    I pulled the trigger, blood going overwhere. I starred at his body shake then nothing. His blood now plastered the walls like my parents do. The gun suddenly felt heavy and it dropped from my hands. My whole body was shaking rappidly, I starred at the blood that was all over me. His blood mixed with my parents. The smell was overwhelming.

     I ran out of the house dropping to my knees in the wet grass. The street light hitting me and making the water droplets shine. A car pulled up beside me and a man got out. He look and me and told me to get in. He looked familiar but I didn't say anything.


         To be continued.....


© 2009 la_laland29

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Added on July 20, 2009



Turner/Sorrento, ME

name:Bri Status: sick and tired of cheaters age:15 where I live: Maine (sadly) Where am I able to let go? I'm nothing more nothing less. My writing lets my feelings out. Stupid boys, cheaters are.. more..

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