A crater within, within my heart, a deep one, so many around me, around the world know what its like to have that crater filled, to be complete, to love, i have loved but you dont become complete until they love you back unconditionally,until they fill that hole with their heart, and you fill theres, the feeling we all wish to have, wether we find this or not, i do not ask to have this permanently filled, but even temporarily filled would satisfy my wish, but no matter what i do, it runs from me, avoids me, it is repulsed by me, driven away by my desperation and need for it, further and further away, more and more, nothing but more pain, more depressive nights, not able to sleep, not able to eat, breath, live, someone tell me, wat is it like? what its it like to live, to love, to hold someone that will hold you back, someone who loves you unconditionally, would do anything for you but never has to, because in their own imperfect ways, they perfect you, they perfect your heart, mind and soul, your life, your existance, someone please tell me, i want to know this, i need to, i need you, someone show me this feeling, this splendor, break this curse, banish it, forever, show me how it feels to be whole, to be alive, to feel, to love, break it, before it breaks me...