

A Story by brassos

A reminder to pay attention to your surroundings as you walk through life.


Many years ago a handsome young man was walking in the hills just outside his village.  It was a hot day and soon he grew very fatigued.  He saw a cherry blossom tree just ahead at the base of a small hillside waterfall.  He went to sit underneath its beautiful flowers and enjoy the shade it afforded. As he neared the base of the tree he saw a small pool had been formed at its base by the years of water running down the hillside.  "This is too good to be true" he thought, cool water and shade and in such a beautiful spot as well.  Thanking his luck stars he sat at the edge of the small pond, his feet dangling in the cool waters.
    Feeling refreshed, he paused to take in his surroundings. The pond was very clear and he could see small fish and insects in the water. He also could see a bright green object just out of his reach in the deeper water.  He waded into the water and reached deep into its depths. Grasping the object he waded back to the edge of the pond and upon sitting he opened his hand. He was stunned to find he had recovered a rough misshapen piece of raw jade. He knew it was valuable as he had seen many carved pieces in the local jeweler's shop in his village. Praising his good fortune he fairly ran back into town.  The next day he was thinking to himself that unless he was able to carve the stone himself he would have to just enjoy its beauty as it was. The thought of carrying such a promising piece of art appealed to him. So he decided right there to just keep the stone with him as a good luck charm and not worry about making any changes to it. Indeed as the years went by, luck was with him. He grew prosperous, made his fortune, and enjoyed the company of many good and true friends.
    Finally, feeling content in his life, he found himself back at the little pool under the cherry blossom tree.  Grasping the piece of jade that had brought him the good fortune, he said a few words thanking the gods for the blessings it had brought him.  He then threw the stone into the deepest part of the water. Contented, he left the pond and the lucky stone forever.
    Years went by and the pond and its contents remained unchanged.
    An older gentleman was out for a stroll one late afternoon.  He had suffered a great loss recently and was trying to understand why the gods had given him such a sorrowful lot in life.  He had children that he loved dearly but still he felt an emptiness inside.  He soon reached the little pond and its protective cherry tree.  Sitting beneath the blossoms he too dangled his feet in the cool waters.  As had the young man many years earlier he spied the green object in the deep water.  Feeling adventurous he doffed his sandles and waded in. Grasping the object he climbed out and sat down to view his newfound "treasure".
    As before he too recognized the stone as jade. Not only because he had seen its kind before, but because he was the owner of the small jewelry shop in the village.
    Feeling a change in his Karma he made his way back into town and into his shop. Holding the stone in his hand he gazed at it intently as he turned it over and over in his hands. Seemingly asking the stone he spoke aloud, "show me your true nature" he said. His head was filled with images, not unlike the shapes one sees when looking at the clouds in the sky. Closing his eyes he tried to bring forth the strongest image in his mind. "Ah, there you are" he said aloud and he set forth to work on the stone. Using the stones inner nature, the various fissures and small imperfections, he soon was changing its shape.  The stone knew what it wanted and it seemed to lead the jeweler along a journey of introspection.
    The jeweler cried tears of joy as each piece removed or reformed brought him closer to the picture he had in his minds eye. He soon felt a contentment long missing in his life. What was the power in this stone and why did it affect him so?
    Days went by as he worked the now smooth surface in the final finishing touches. The true nature of the stone was revealed it all its glory! It had become a figure of a reclining woman. Perfect in its proportion and amazing in its detail. Her hair flowed like dark water down beyond her shoulders, and her skin shone with an inner light never seen before in common jade. Her perfectly formed breasts seemed to rise and fall as she took invisible breaths only he could see. Her soft belly and rounded hips flowed downward to long supple legs that seemed to go on forever.
    This, he knew, was a masterwork. The jade had spoken to his heart and guided him on a journey of discovery.  His heart had been healed along the way and he knew perfect peace at last.
    This piece of jade would stay with him forever. On display for many to see as the years would go by. He knew inside that he would keep it close to his heart until his end.
    To honor his wishes, his family promised to place the carving with him in his eternal slumber.
    Word spread of the legend of the misshapen jade and many a cold heart was warmed by its story.
    Even today, the people of the small village look carefully at every small stone they find. They know that a treasure can be found in any of them, and to miss one would be a great loss.

© 2008 brassos

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Treasures can be there at our fingertips--such as this dear story of yours! A very enjoyable and extremely well written story. I found each word beautiful.

Posted 17 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 20, 2008



ft collins, CO

I'm a videostore owner with a wonderful wife at home. She writes for writers cafe and thinks i should too. more..