..Chapter Two..

..Chapter Two..

A Chapter by jessthekitten



                Iza and I had talked everyday for the past week. I’ve learned that Iza lives in Portland, Oregon, which sucks because I live in Panama City Beach, Florida. He enjoys reading, listening to music (obviously), and swimming. We have so much in common it scares me.


betweenthebars: are you serious iza? your mind scares me…

afondfarewell: what? come on. you know it’s funny. fistopher.

betweenthebars: it is not funny. it’s weird and creepy.

afondfarewell: *whispers while caressing your cheek* fistopher…

betweenthebars: okay it’s a little funny

afondfarewell: ha you admit it!

betweenthebars: whatever. we should totally write a book called fistopher and his fisting adventures

afondfarewell: who has the weird mind now? but yeah we should. i can imagine it now. chapter one " the dark abyss".


                I laughed at Iza’s response. He is such a dork. My phone buzzed beside me. My mom had texted me saying that I would need to take my sister to a birthday party at 11:00. I looked at the time. It was 10:45. Wow mom. Thanks for letting me know in advance. I sighed. I knew I had to get Maya ready, but I didn’t want to say goodbye to Iza.


betweenthebars: hey i’m sorry iza. my mom just texted me and said that i have to take my sister to a stupid birthday party. talk to you later?

afondfarewell: it’s alright. and yeah. talk to you later alligator.

betweenthebars: seriously alligator?

afondfarewell: yes! now don’t you have a birthday party to get to. go! fly to the castle with the magical birthday cake!


                Iza logged off before I could reply and I chuckled. I reluctantly left the computer hoping Iza would log back on and we could continue to talk even though I was the one who technically broke off the conversation. Maya was in the living room watching Courage the Cowardly Dog. My eyes lingered on the television screen before I came back to earth and got Maya's attention.
"Hey munchkin. We gotta get you to Kaitlyn's house. Turn off the TV and let's go." Maya turned towards me and giggled at her nickname. Her chubby, short fingers pressed the off button on the remote and grabbed a small pink wrapped box with a blue ribbon. I scooped Maya up into my arms and carried her to the car. She was getting to heavy for me to this, but I love her and it made her happy. Inside the car, Maya sat in the backseat holding the present to her as if it was going to break any second. The sexy chainsaw voice of Andy Biersack filled the car. I heard Maya softly humming along so I started singing.
"In the end as we fade into the night who will tell the story of your life..." 
A huge grin appeared on Maya's face as soon as I started singing. I don't know why she enjoyed it. I don't sing that well. We pulled into the driveway of Kaitlyn’s house in ten minutes. As we got out of the car, I heard loud squeals and turned around to see about five little girls running over to Maya. They ran with her inside. I shook my head and smiled as I walked inside. Kaitlyn’s mom was in the kitchen fixing drinks for the girls.

“Hey Mrs. Blackwell. What time should I pick Maya up?” I asked while helping her finish up with the drinks.

“Around 2:00 will be fine Aaron. Thanks for helping,” Mrs. Blackwell replied pulling me into a hug.

I said goodbye to Maya and Mrs. Blackwell before driving back to the house. As soon as opened the front door, I rushed to my computer and logged on.

afondfarewell: we used to fit like mittens, but never like gloves

afondfarewell: that’s mittens by frank turner

afondfarewell: mittens is fistopher’s ballad

betweenthebars: you really scare me sometimes

afondfarewell: yay! you’re back! i’ve been so lonely. my mom has tried to get me to go outside but i hissed like a vampire when she opened the window.

betweenthebars: of course you did

afondfarewell: we have to catch up. you’ve been gone so long. so much has happened.

betweenthebars: how much could have happened while i dropped my sister off?

afondfarewell: a lot actually. did you know that tumblr is history. yep. after the zombies took over, they brainwashed the humans into thinking that the internet is evil. i obviously am not brainwashed as i do not go outside where the zombies can interact with me.

betweenthebars: you are so weird

afondfarewell: i know but you love it

I blushed at his words. He had no idea how much I loved his weirdness.

betweenthebars: sure i do. keep telling yourself that

afondfarewell: i am offended sir

betweenthebars: what if i told you that i am not a sir as you have perceived but an alien from pluto that is spying on the human race to acquire their weaknesses to report to my leader so the alien race can take over the earth?

afondfarewell: i would say that the alien race is very intelligent but will never take over the earth as long as iza the magnificent is here

betweenthebars: iza the magnificent? wow. it takes a special mind to come up with that one.

afondfarewell: well i guess i’m special

betweenthebars: you are

afondfarewell: awww aaron aren’t you sweet

betweenthebars: shut up

afondfarewell: you know you love me

Iza and I talked for a while before I had to go pick Maya up.

© 2015 jessthekitten

Author's Note

Thanks to Onision for the idea to include Andy Biersack's sexy chainsaw voice.

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Aw, isn't he the sweetest big brother... :)

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on August 30, 2015
Last Updated on October 24, 2015