I went golfing with my father today in Kelowna. I knew it would be challenging for me because this was my first game of the year. I started off quite well: the ball was going straight, my swing felt nice and smooth, and I felt very comfortable over every shot. About halfway through the game, things took a turn for the worse. I started to hit some poor shots, my balls went in the woods, and in a flash, a game I was enjoying turned into an exercise in mental torture. I finished my round with as much grace as I could muster, which was not very much.
What I have come to understand is life and golf are not so different. Just when we think everything is going our way, things have a way of evening out. Right when we seem to have everything in our hands, in our control, life slips out of our grasp, exerting its own power and reclaiming its mystery. Truth be told, life is mysterious and we cannot always expect to control our destinies. We may become under the illusion that we have our lives under our powers of will, but this is rarely the case, though we try.
I know that I need to enjoy my ride through life, with all the failures and successes. I will continue to play golf, continue to fight against the current. The only thing I can guarantee is my life will be a mystery, filled with the unexpected. I cannot control the events of the future, so I will do my best to embrace the unknown and to let go of my personal need for control.