It started out inconspicuously, inauspiciously, a small pimple on the lower left of his back, something that no one would ever give a second glance at. so demanded no instinctive scratching. it grew and grew, developing into a small cyst at first, then into a larger and larger one acquiring along the way the powers of perception, cognition, speech, reason. in the running of his life til there came a point when he realized he had become the boil.
He now was the awkward, ugly lump of shapeless, useless flesh that needed to be amputated at the soonest possible opportunity, discarded with other medical waste or better still, pickled and preserved for eternity as a freakish anatomical occurrence– a talking, reasoning pustule that apparently possessed all the features of a well-developed human being. he had deluded himself into believing that he was a real person who deserved love, companionship, all the rights that every member of society should possess whereas he was just a cyst that somehow grew, assuming the proportions, the attributes of a person.
© 2009 BorisReviews
1 Review Added on December 18, 2008 Last Updated on February 5, 2009 Author![]() BorisMelbourne, AustraliaAboutMy life-long ambition is to become a child prodigy when I grow up. I have but one humble aim - to change the very fabric of space-time itself. My hobbies in my spare time include conducting my o.. more..Writing