![]() The GunslingerA Story by The Zombie Guy![]() David Mage has a terrible gift, he wants to control it but couldn't do on his own. Now after applying to a Merlin's University, he must now solve the mystery of a headmaster disappearance and survive![]() Chapter 1
In the tavern called Orion’s belt, there is a particular man
named David Mage. That’s me, my reasons for being there you ask? Calming my
mind before my entrance exams to the Merlin’s University the reason I’m going
there is because it was my family’s idea before they… left. So I sit at a tavern in a corner stall drinking “The Teen’s
Special” which is a Coke, a drink in one hand and an open book on the table.
I’ve currently stayed there for the past month, sometimes I’m there to relax
and wait for the exam to come or help out being security. The door opens with that familiar ding of the bell hanging on
the door. Five gentlemen walked in like they were looking for someone, shady
bunch. They looked like any second they were about to rob the joint, but I
didn’t worry about that the bartender, Michael, was already getting cranky
because he usually works the night shifts but was forced to work during the
day, even though the day could kill him. Michael was equipped with a double
barrel spiked shotgun; he only uses when he’s pissed off and that weapon will
do serious damage if you don’t wear your magical Kevlar body armor and only
rich people wear those. Michael was wearing a bartender suit and was all about
the color black. Black suit, black shoes even a black fedora. The five shady gentlemen were walking towards me while the
middle man said, “Well if it isn’t the famous David Mage.” He sat across from me while his men sit down
in another stall, waiting for a signal? I look at the man and he replies with a
smirk. “I heard that there was a man
with your description staying here.”
Before I could react, he grabs my book and laughed. “You’re going to take the entrance exam
aren’t you?” He laughs and said, “I like
you already, but listen here. You’re not going to pass, you wanna know why? Because I’m going to be in your opponent
in the finale dual and you can’t win against this bad boy.” Beneath the table he
pulls out a rifle of some sort, I’ve never seen anything like this. He saw my
quizzical look and laughed again. “This
beauty right here is the accurate rifle that was ever made in the forge. Here
hold it.” He reached out the rifle
toward me and I was curious about it so I reached for it, by the time I was
about to touch it the stock of the rifle came towards my face, it was so fast
that I didn’t even react towards it. The force of the stock made my head bang
the wall behind me. My nose started to bleed, I’m losing conscious. It’s
happening; I need to fight it off, not yet and definitely not now. I sense my
eyes changing color. Once I was able to regain sight of this b*****d I see that
he was smirking again, one day I’m going to change that face. “So the rumors are true, you do have the
berserker’s blood. This is going to be a fun year.” He gets out of the booth, signals his men and
starts to walk away; before he left he
said the few words that I’ll never forget. “I will make sure that you won’t get accepted.” Once he left I felt the anger building inside of me and
before I knew what I was about to do I had already broken the table that I was
sitting next to. Once I regain my normal self I got out of my seat and looked
at my mess. I’m still not able to control myself, even after the years of
finding out about my curse. I felt a hand on my shoulder, as I turn around to see who it
was I first saw a fist and was hit in the same spot where the stock had and was
knocked down. After struggling with the pain that my face had met with for the
second time I see that there’s a hand in front of me, I looked up and I see
Michael there. “That’s for the table,
now stand up and I’ll get you some ice.”
I grabbed his hand and got up. Putting the ice pack that Michael had provided had helped
with the swelling that was starting to grow. He grabbed two glasses and one
Coke can and poured until my glass was full, he then grabbed a bottle of
whiskey and poured himself a glass. “So
what’s the story with you and why the hell was McGregor beating the holy hell
out of you and what’s up with your eyes there a moment ago? I’ve never seen
something like that before.” So I told Michael about my younger life. When I was young I was excited to learn about magic,
especially since it was spreading throughout the world. We don’t know what
started it but we find out that there are certain kids that have a rare chance
of being special. My mother wasn’t special nor was my father, but I just knew
that I was going to get something; I didn’t realize
what the cost was. When I was ten, I started to think that I wasn’t special and
that I was going to start being normal. My emotions were mixed I was sad,
angry, and confused about why I wasn’t special and I started having a tantrum.
It turns out that my tantrum was the key to unlocking
my abilities. It all started with an explosion within inside me, that force
broke most of the windows in the house. At the time I didn’t realize
that I was dying, my body was rejecting what was happening to me. I remember
passing out in my room. I awoke with a man in white carrying me away from a
house that was burning in the distance, it was my house, before I could say
anything my body was acting like it ran a ten-mile
run and I passed out again. “What happened to your parents?” asked Michael, I responded, “They were in the house, I caused
the fire.” The glass in my hand was cracking by the force of my hand; I placed
the cup on the table and continued. I never knew the man who saved me but he was the one who
saved me from spontaneous combustion. I woke up weeks after the house event and
I notice that my body was diffidently different but I didn’t know why. When I
woke up the man entered my room with a tray of food, before he gave me food he
told me what happened. He told me that I was one of those special people; it was my
dream to be one of them, now I didn’t know what to believe. He gave me a tray
of food and sat in a rocking chair in a corner of my new room. At the time my
body was still feeling like jelly and I couldn’t move around much so I was bed
rested for the rest of the month. Once I was rested enough, I started slowly. I was able to get
off of my bed and walked around a little before I almost fell on my face. It
was embarrassing for me but the man watches
quietly, after a while of me walking around without falling he told me he had a
cure. He went to the closet in the corner of
my room and pulled out a box. Before he opened it he told me that it was not a
toy and that my story had just begun. It was a colt revolver; he told me that I can have it but not
until he upgraded it to my need. I asked him why he was helping me, he smiled
and told me that his son died because of something similar, he said that I
looked like him. I still have the colt, I have to have it equip before going
crazy or else I’ll overheat and exhaust my body and destroy myself and others
around me. Being told this at a young age made me who I am today. Scared of everyone around me, not because I’m scared of
people but because I’m afraid of hurting them.
I barely remember what he even looked like. The only I
remember is the bullet mark that I gave his eye "What can you do with the colt?" Asked Michael, I
pulled out the colt to show him. The colt
is different when the man showed it to me, it was stated as a small gun but
after modification, the barrel was longer and the whole gun seemed to be
bigger. There was an emblem labeled onto the gun, there's not much I could tell
you about it but all I know is that it keeps me alive. Michael grabbed the gun
and examined it, after looking at it for a couple of minutes his eyes grew wide
and hurriedly gave it back. "You need to go and go see Lewis, he's the weapon smith,
tell him that I sent you and ask him for an upgrade, don't worry about the
price I'll take care of it but you need to hurry." Before I was able to speak he pushed me out
of his tavern. "I don't even know
where it is!" There was no
response, I sighed and headed down to the main town, hopefully, I'll find it.
Chapter 2 After taking a couple of wrong turns, I eventually ended up
at the town's armory. I walked inside and was abruptly interrupted by the door
swinging open and revealing a girl. Before she was able to notice me she
crashed into me and launches me away from the stairs. I wouldn't lie if I said
that this was the first time that a girl was on top of me but I wished it
wasn't because she was practicing for a football game. "Ow. Oh, I'm so
sorry! Sir, are you dead? Hello?" She was poking my head; once my eyes
started to blink she was relieved.
"Oh thank god, I thought you were dead,”
I replied that it was ok and stood up, wiped some of the dust off of me. "It's alright, is this the local
armory?" She smiled with a big
grin. "Yup, this is my uncle's
place, he's the best around. Now I've got to go, see you later mister."
She started running around the corner and was off. I can’t help but chuckle,
wonder what the rush was? Entering the store, I felt that the temperature was colder
than it was outside and the longer I stayed inside the more it felt like I was
in a freezer. The store was empty and there were all sorts of weapons hanging on every wall, ladies,
and gentlemen I give you our trust armory. An armory is where people who are
like me come here to get something to bind with them. Of course, I didn't get mine in an armory so this is my first time
in an armory; I've never had a reason to go to one. I didn't need ammo for my
colt, all I need right now are answers. I ringed the bell on the counter and there was no response so
I ring again and once my fingers had touched the bell again I hear a loud
growl. "Nora I swear if you keep
ringing that damn bell one more time."
The thing entered behind a room behind the counter, stopped and looked
at me. The thing in front of me is a man who I assumed was the owner. His face
is noticeably reddened despising the fact that it’s freezing in here “Oh, sorry
about that young man, I didn't realize
that I had a customer. Now a day people order things at the other armory,
people don't like a guy like me. I was confused because he looked as human, he saw my
quizzical look and laughed, “I’m a warlock, I just use glamor son, I look human
but really I look as those trolls in those kid books, but more handsome of
course, names Lewis, this here is my shop.” Warlocks are people who help people
not going nuclear. He smiles and grabbed a couple of weird objects behind the
counter. "What will it be, more potions? Books? Or are you in need of a
staff?" At first, I was confused
then I realized that he was treating me as an actual customer. "Um actually, Michael sent me; he said
that I needed an upgrade."
I pulled out my colt
and handed it to him. Once he realized that I wasn't interested in potions, he
pulled out a monocle and examined my colt. He checks the ammo and notices that there are normal bullets loaded,
the reason there are normal bullets is because my abilities require something to ignite my abilities into
the gun for it to fire, but it doesn’t require
additional bullets. He aims the gun at a nearby wall and is getting confused
every time he checks a different part of the gun. Lewis said, “Son I'm going,
to be honest, I don't know what's wrong with the gun, but if Michael sent you to hear
then I guess I need to wait for Nora."
I asked, "Is Nora the girl that ran out of here earlier?" He nodded “Yup, I swear that girl is going to
give me gray hairs, I’m not even 200
yet.” I asked him, “Is Nora also a warlock?” He chuckled and said, “No, warlocks
are only male and has to be related to a warlock’s bloodline.” He noticed my
confused look and continued, “She’s not related to me, I’ve found her abandon
in an alleyway, at first I didn’t want to take her in but in the end I did.” I
asked, “Why did her parents abandon her?” He looked me in a stern look that
I’ve never seen before in my life and said. “She’s a necromancer.” That would make sense; sometimes parents will disown children
by their abilities. If they don’t like it, they won’t like their child. It’s
messed up, but that’s why Raven
Barrow is the place for people who accept people who are special, even
different magical species live in Raven Barrow. It’s a nice cultural diverse
society that people like me can go to a special school to harness their
abilities. Merlin University is named after one of the famous wizards in medieval time. The only way to get
in is an entrance exam and the only way to get into the entrance exam is by
answering a bunch of questions regarding the abilities that you have so the
headmasters at the school can test you on it. The questions are complex but it
helps. So after answering all of the questions I got a letter saying to come to
Raven Barrow and take the entrance exam. So I set out and promised myself that
I was going to control myself and all I had to do first was to enroll in the
university. I’ve never heard of someone enrolling in the university
before, I wonder what the test is on that? Predict the future or summon someone
that had deceased. Necromancy is known to be bad magic but really magic is
magic, it only depends on how the user uses their gift. There have been reports
of people abusing their powers to get what they want. I guess you can say is
that the world never really changes even if you add magic to the equation, if
there’s good in the world there’s always going to be evil. The order of balance
is normal once again.
I asked Lewis, “Why do we need to wait for Nora sir?” he
chuckles and said, “Nora is my partner in
this shop, with her necromancer powers she can go into full detail with your
weapon and I will be able to fix the problem.” I asked, “How long until she gets back.” By the time the words came out of
my mouth the door comes crashing open and a disfigured man entered the store
carrying all sorts of objects. I was going to grab
my colt from Lewis by I saw that he
wasn’t as hyper I was. I heard him growl and spoke like he spoke before, “Nora
how many times do I have to tell you not to use your magic when the sun’s out!”
the volume of his voice made my ear cry out in pain, but my brain was confused
because I heard a girl’s laughter. Another figure came around the man and was revealed that it
was the same girl as before. Nora was unlike the glamor Lewis; his hair was
black while Nora’s was brown. She was wearing a cashier outfit while Lewis was
dressed like a street hoodlum. When she came around she was trying not to
explode with laughter, “I’m sorry uncle but the list you gave me was going to
take forever, so I had George here help me.” She pats the man " George " and notices me, “Oh, hello mister I see that you're still here.” She then looked at my colt
that Lewis was still holding, I notice that her eyes widen, “Ooh, what you got there uncle?” He smiled and tossed the gun
towards her. “Need you to take a look at that, be careful it’s loaded.” Her mood changed once she caught the gun, from herself to a
serious worker. Kind of gives me the chill on how fast she changed. She snapped
her finger and George disappear and the objects that George was carrying were
on the floor. Nora rushed past me and Lewis and disappeared behind the room
behind the counter. Lewis turned and looked and me, smiling, and said, “Nora
really likes working.” Knowing that I didn’t have anything to say about what had happened I asked, “Does she go to Merlin’s
University?” Lewis smiled receded and said, “No, and it’s best not to ask why
because I don’t even know. She was accepted but a week later she says that she
was expelled, I tried to ask what happened but she would only push me away. So
now we run this shop and I make her run errands, figured it’s best to move the
mind then allow it to focus on one thing.” I stand there feeling sorry for the girl, I’m seventeen and
she looked barely thirteen, she must’ve had a dream to go to that university.
It kind of pisses me off that something had driven the girl to get her
expelled. I know what she was going through; most likely she was bullied
because of her ability. I know how that goes, trust me, the reason I’m going to
Merlin’s University is because of my temper.
Once I realized I was driving myself to dangerous levels
Lewis was already had a hand on my shoulder and was in front of me, our eyes
locked. Once he realized I was focused he
let go of me and backed off and said, “You ok son?” His voice was cracking like
he was scared of something and I realized that he was scared of me. I tried to
play it cool and said, “Yup everything is ok, just thinking is all.” He looked
at me with a stern look, “I think I know why Michael sent you here.” He went back to his counter and I followed, he pulled a book
out and laid it on top of the counter. Before he continued he asked, “Son, have
you ever experienced rage that you don’t know what you’re doing anymore?” The
question surprised me, but if I needed answers I needed, to be honest. “Yes,”
I said, the look on Lewis’s face told me that wasn’t the answer that he didn’t
want to hear. He opened the book and turned to a couple of pages and asked, “Do
you know why you get angry so fast compared to others?” I shook my head and
reply, “Yes” again. He turns more pages and finally revealing a man wearing bear
skin, he has a sword in two hands. His eyes are the things that caught my eye, their blood red and he’s smiling. Lewis gave me
the book and said, “Berserkers, Norse warriors that had a unique trait when it
comes to fighting. The in juice themselves with rage that it makes them almost
invincible, legends say that they barely bleed if pushed to their limit. I
believe that you have the blood of a berserker.” Good news, I got answers. Bad news, I didn’t believe it or
rather I didn’t want to believe it. My nerves are going haywire just looking at
the picture of the man, I’m part that? I
close the book and asked Lewis, “Do you think that the university will help
me?” he frowned at me and shook his head, “I can’t guarantee it, but with
Nora’s help we could temporary repel the power. I notice the colt’s power;
you’re an elemental shooter aren’t you?” I nodded, “Yes sir, so far I’m only
able to shoot fire shots, mix with the berserker's
power, every time the two mix, my shots become dangerously powerful.” Lewis acknowledge what I said and requested me to follow him,
he leads me towards the room behind the
counter. Behind the counter, there’s a room where I assume Lewis and Nora spend
their time away from the shop. “This here is where you’re going to wait for
Nora.” He pointed a rocking chair and signals me to sit there. While I sit and
wait, Lewis went to a door that leads into the basement, for a store that looks
small on the outside, it’s pretty decent of a house/store area. Lewis went
downstairs and closed the door behind him. Half an hour later both Lewis and Nora come out behind the
door and were looking like they were pleased with their result. Nora hands me
my colt and said, “Here you go, the colt
had been rigged with a binding spell so for now until you think you’ve to control your ‘other half’ you should be
ok.” Nora pointed at the symbol that was on the barrel of the gun.
The symbol looked like an arrow bouncing off of a line. Nora said “The purpose
of the symbol was to bounce the rage away from the colt but be careful; we’ve never experienced anything like this
before so we don’t know how to truly fix it. So who knows what will happen if
you get super pissed off at something, will the bind
work? We don’t know. Just stay calm and you should be fine.” She tried to smile
while saying that everything is ok, but I knew the truth. I’m a ticking time bomb. I took back my colt and
nodded, looking at the clock I realized that it’s time to get back to Michael’s
place. As I make my way to the exit Nora stopped me and asked, “What’s your
name stranger?” I’ve forgotten to tell them my name; I smiled and said, “David,
David Mage and I’m going to stay calm.” I waved them off and left the shop,
heading my way to the tavern. So far the city is still new to me, but I should know where
to go to get to Michael’s tavern. After all,
I just have to retrace my steps that I took to get to the shop. Where do I
start? Looking around I notice that the scenery is different, the
sun was setting and not like it was beginning to become night, but the position
of the sun changed. It’s only been 2 hours since I left Michael’s. Before the
area was a spring setting, the town was full of recently bloomed flowers. Now
everything is warmer and more colorful flowers are already bloomed. What the
hell is going on? I walk away from the store and I notice that everywhere is
like this, colorful, flowery, and warm, it truly does feel like summer, even
though it’s technically Fall. I walk pass a pile of roses that has actual bees and I
stumble upon a well in the middle of a market area. The well was activated and
the water was falling from the top and slowly going dripping to the bottom and
repeating the process until someone shuts it down. The markets around me were
beginning to close but I see what most of the stores are. Weapon shops, magic bookstores, and the typical blacksmith's shop, and of course your usual
food markets. When I have time tomorrow, I’ll buy some food, but I have to pass
and talk to Michael. Looking around I notice the fact that Michael’s tavern is
outside of the market block, makes sense because where do people go when there
done shopping and needs a drink? The nearest tavern that is conveniently
located outside the block. Good on you Michael.
Entering the tavern I was greeted with a woman dual wielding
.45. I smiled with my biggest grin. “Hey Gloria, Michael here?” The guns
dropped to reveal a woman with red hair and wearing a yellow barista outfit.
Gloria is the dayshift version of Michael, happier with the fact of using her
favorite weapons to shoot any trouble makers that dare cause a ruckus with her
on shift. She puts her guns back in her holster and crossed her arms. “He’s in
the back, crankier as hell but what can you do? If you were a bloodsucker that
hates working the day shift I would be cranky to, but you know Michael, he’s
always cranky.” We both laughed and after I was able to stabilize myself I
headed in the back to have a little chat with Michael. The back room can be described as a good looking apartment.
One second you’re in the tavern and after opening one door, you’re in the
living area the Michael, Gloria, and now I sleep when we need to of course.
Michael barely sleeps because he doesn’t need a lot and when he’s not sleeping
he’s working the tavern. Gloria likes to wander outside of Raven Barrow and
likes to collect strange objects, probably should mention that Gloria is the
mad scientist of our group. Doing weird experiments in her room which she said
that we should avoid entering, nothing illegal but mostly because the fact that
it could cause harm with others in the vicinity of the tavern. This was fine
with Michael as long as nothing blows up or destroys the tavern in any way
possible. I, on the under hand, am a drifter or was until I found out about the
university. Michael and I made a deal stating that I can rest here, but all I
had to do was work when he was resting. Guess that means I should be working
soon. The apartment section is a one floor with three separate
rooms, Michael was on the left side and I was in the middle between my two
roommates. I’ve never seen the inside of
Michael’s room because you don’t want to risk of opening the door to the
man that could potentially rip my head off if he so wishes. I knocked on the
door and I hear a shuffle coming towards the door, Michael was wearing a robe
looking at me in his usual self and asked “Did you upgrade you colt?” I pulled
out the colt and showed Michael the emblem that Nora had put on it. Michael
nodded and said that I should get to work, so much for a decent conversation. With Michael resting, that means that I and Gloria are going
to be working part time for tonight. The work is decent and it's not much to
complain regarding the fact that I technically lived here for a month without
paying rent. I changed into the typical tavern's uniform which is just us
dressed in black wearing the tavern's logo. The logo is just a full beer stein
with an artist that made a cartoony version of Michael. Best way to pissed him
by saying that the logo is adorable. Entering the tavern I see that people are already coming in
from, whatever they do. You get the usual people that are regulars and then you
get the creatures that come and go from, where ever they come from. We tend to
just serve them whatever they want and not ask their business, make them cranky
and it leads to a bad tip. Gloria saw me enter and came up to me, "Sorry
about the guns, been a little tensed lately and thought you were one of my
creations." To some that would have set them off, it did for me for the
beginning. I smiled and said, "What is it this time? Creatures that
weren't meant to be made or something new?" She punched me in the shoulder
and laughed, "A*****e." "So how's the new project going?" I asked, Gloria
came up to me one day a few weeks back and asked about the colt. Once I
explained what it was, her eyes shined with an idea, she asked me if she could
make a special outfit. She asked this because what I was wearing at the time
didn't match the colt, she said I was a greaser when I protest. Sure enough I
agreed to her proposition and said that it was going to be done by the time the
entrance starts. That's tomorrow. She smiled and scratches the back of her
neck, "It's almost done, there's just something I need." The last
time she said that she needed -- "Your blood." I gave her a quizzical look and she responded by clapping her
hand together. "Please, I just need to extract the owner of the outfit so
that the bond can never break." After saying that ended with a puppy look.
I sighed and told her, "Only if you promise that you won't create another
mushroom creature that only made people very ill." Never again, it started
out as a little mushroom pet that Gloria loved, and then it got bigger every
time someone with a human blood type was near it and the victims had gotten
sick. The mushroom would absorb the immune system of the body and practically
fed off of it. I ended up killing it and Gloria was stricken down by Michael
and made her pay for the damage that it caused, in exchange for Michael not
telling the police the true story. You don't want to be caught Raven Barrow's
police, especially being labeled a terrorist. Giant monsters aren't unusual in the world; there are
multiple places across the world with a magic barrier surrounding the towns or
cities. The reasons were because varieties of monsters are cannibals and others
just love destroying the area. Luckily that's what Gloria's mushroom was.
Needless to say Gloria learned her lesson. She understood what I was
referencing and nodded her head, "I promise." That's how I ended up
with my new defense mechanism outfit Chapter 3 Waking up the next day was usually
the same. The birds were chirping, the tavern's T.V was on, and Gloria making
the whole building rock. It's going to be a good day that is it was once I
remembered that the entrance exam was tomorrow. The only thing that I need is
my University book that the school had provided me. The same book that I
destroyed when that prick whacked me with his rifle. What was the name that Michael
called him? McGregor That's him, forgot about him and
his crew but I won't forget his threat. "You won't pass" his
words still gets to me, especially the fact that beforehand I got whacked with
a butt of a gun. I shook my head and tried to forget
his smug face when he said that. I needed to see if Gloria is done with her
"project" and then ask her if she used my blood for something else. I
got out of my bed grabbed some clothes and put them on and headed out my door
when the devil herself was on the other side of my door with her hand formed
into a fist, guess I beat her to the door. Gloria was smiling like that doctor
that made Frankenstein; she pulled out an outfit that belongs in a western
movie. I asked, "Why do you have
Clint Eastwood's outfit and why are you smiling?" She handed me the outfit
and told me to get change and slammed my door. Guess I need to change out of my
clean clothes, or clean enough. The outfit even came with a hat and a bandana,
but if Gloria made it I had faith. I also told a silent prayer that I wouldn't
turn into a humanoid monster. Putting on this cowboy outfit was
actually easy, the boots were awkward but if need be I can get used to it. I
yelled at my door, assuming that Gloria was being it and sure enough she came
in before I was able to finish my sentence. She was now holding up a clip board
and was writing something in it with her pencil. "Do you experience any tightness?" She asked "No" "Are any part of the outfit loose or struggling
to hang on?" "No" "Have you tried shooting it yet?" "No, wait wha-" before I could finish she
pulled out a handgun and shot me. The shock drove me to the floor. I struggled with the bullet thinking that she was a
madman or women or whatever! Point is she shot me! I didn't even start my exam
and I already got shot, goodbye sweet dream, I'll miss you. "Are you done?" Asked Gloria, I looked up
and she's smiling. I realized that I don't feel any pain, no blood, the only
thing that I feel is my red getting red when I notice that she was smiling,
struggling to keep herself from laughing. Was it a fake or did she missed? I
looked around and saw no bullet hole. I tried to stand up but was interrupted
by a metal object making a clanking noise as if something fell on the floor. I
looked down and it was a bullet, not just any bullet but the bullet that came
out of Gloria's gun. Usually bullets goes into the body not just stop
especially of the gun was fired close range. The look on my face told Gloria to explain and that's
what she did. "By combining my super Brainiac abilities and
your blood and with help of a witch friend of mine I was able to come up with
something stronger than a magic weapon proof defensive wear. Theoretically it
should be able to stop most magic weapons from hurting you rather that be knife
to snipers. You’re practically invincible with that thing on. I stood up and I
the feeling of being alive and mixed with my adrenaline I went her and shook
her hand. "Gloria, you’re a genius, so you’re saying I just
got to wear this for the rest of my life and no one can hurt me?" She
shook her head, "Well you can't keep it on forever because of the side
effect." That caught my attention, "what side
effect?" She said, "Well take off your jacket." I acknowledged what she said and I
did what she said and the moment the jacket hit the floor I felt a force that
punched me in the stomach, similar to the force that a bullet would make
hitting your body. The air escaped my lungs and the room started spinning and
before I knew it I fell to the floor. Struggling to stay conscious and keeping
the acid in my stomach. "That would be the side
effect, if the jacket gets hit by anything you will feel the force of the pain,
you won't be in a fatal condition with the jacket on, but once it's off. It
will feel like you are." With that in the back of my head I slowly
struggled to get up. With a fresh, cool air in my lungs, my head starts
responding normally and I was able to take notice that Gloria was writing in
her notebook. I asked "How does it work?" She smiled like she was
waiting for someone to ask that, "It's simple really, with a little bit of
your blood and a special type of fabric the proteins in your blood was able to
connect with the fabric making a bond between the two. It's like wearing
another layer of you, the outer layer takes the blunt of the damage while later
on when you take off the jacket you'll take the force." Next time a scientist or however
you call Gloria in this case, it's not simple. I ask, "So is it like
splitting the pain between me and this new layer?" She nodded her head,
"Precisely there are two different form of pain, you have the force and
then you have nerves in your body when you experience pain. You feel the force,
but not the pain, at least not until you remove the extra layer." No
kidding, that force of the gun still aches. "What happens if I don't take
off the jacket and I keep it on?" Without a second of hesitation she said,
"You'll die." Note to self, do not keep it on. "If you keep the jacket on for a long
period of time and not have to deal with any attacks of any sort then you'll be
fine, but because you are going to a school where weapons are sighted daily
then I recommend that you don't keep it on because too much force in your body
will kill you." The jacket is a good invention I'll admit, but it does
have one of the worst kickbacks, literally. None the less I will take the
jacket mostly because it looks good, but the rest of the outfit seems a little,
western. I ask her, "So what's up with
the rest of the outfit are there any other magic touches you put on it or
what?" At first she didn't realized what I asked then she once she did she
started to chuckle and soon after start laughing. "No I just figure that I
could trick you into wearing it." My face redden as I realize that I have
been tricked, but before I could let Gloria get to me I grabbed the hat that I
threw previously on the bed, shaped it firmly and look back at her and said the
words that Mr. Eastwood himself would be proud of. "It's high noon." After agreeing that I would wear
the outfit for the years coming of staying at the school I figured that I
should practice the three skills that will be tested for the entrance exam. The
accuracy test, the knowledge test and the mystery test. There are rumors of
many different tests that might be the mystery test. Some say that it's a
hunting party and the goal was to catch and kill the biggest creatures. Another
rumor was that it could be a test of mental sufficiency, which just means
writing a series of essays about anything. One essay that made the security
upgraded the past years was about what would happen if one day the protective
field malfunctioned and it caused a massacred. He became the new researchers
for the protective fields around the areas and it turns out that he was able to
upgrade it with the help of other similar researchers. Who said that writing a
story could benefit others? I should practice the two known
test and try my hardest for the mystery test. I pulled up my jacket, grabbed my
colt in the holster and a pack with essentials to rejuvenate my health. Eat
healthy and the more shots you can fire off before you pass out, sure you can
push yourself but only for emergency only and not even that. You use up all of
your energy you might not recover. There are stories of a man who died because
he drained himself dry. He was being attacked by a pack of bear size wolfs and
before he knew it he was shooting until he couldn't shoot any longer. His name
was Amir Ireneus; this was the dawn of the rising of end of a peaceful world
and turned it into the world of chaos. Leaving the tavern I
see that Gloria is working the day shift, she informed me that Michael was away
doing whatever that Michael does best. I notice that she has dark circles under
her eyes but she assures me that she's fine but she also said that once I get
back from school I would have to work the day shift and night shifts when
Michael went away from business. With that agreement in the back of my mind I
headed out heading south toward the woods where the C-class monsters are
lurking. There is a simple judge of different classes of monsters D-class is
the lowest while S-classes are the most dangerous class and must be dealt by
someone who is either stupid or insane. The area that I usually go to in the woods is a more
comfortable area compared to other spots that I tried out. For starters it
seems that no one else had found it so I claimed it as my secret spot for when
I need to either train or when I need to relax. I've used this spot multiple
times throughout the time that I've been here. Can't wait to get there and
excel my potential. Walking to the end of the area I see the blockers. Blockers
are the way that keeps the creatures from entering the town; the blockers are
20 feet high and full of electricity to cause series of shock to those that are
getting the idea of getting in and having a buffet. The blockers surround the
whole town and many others, some liked the idea, and some didn't but couldn't
complain. The officer that is currently on post is a good friend of mine Mickey
Long. If I had to choose anyone to watch my back, it would be Mick. The man is
a sure shot and not because of his super accurate rifle, some say that the rife
is actually inaccurate and that Mick's special ability is that he has what
people call "Eagle Eye," eagle eye is given to those who literally
"Opens their eyes." Mick is one of those people who have honed his
skills and had enhanced his eyesight. As I pass by the border I waved my hand where Mick is. He saw
my wave and waved back, his sunglasses are black tinted today. Mick needs to
wear sunglasses because the one drawback to enhancing your eyesight is that
according to Mick it burns like hell every time he see's something bright.
There is a way to willingly tone down the eyesight but either Mick doesn't know
how or he's scared that he's going to lose his advance eyesight. So he just
wears sunglasses during the day, sometimes he has fun by wearing different
tints. Mick saw that I was
wearing my new outfit and he smiled. Mick rarely speaks but when he does it's
either towards me or if he needs information, in this case both. "What's up with the new look, first you
were dress as a greaser, now your cowboy? What's next a clown?" Mick
chuckled by the thought of me in a clown suit. I said, "Gloria made me
this and admit it, it fits with my weapon." I showed him the colt in the
holster behind my jacket and Mick waved me off to leave and I nodded back and
looked at the barrier lowering. As I leave the town I looked back and get a glimpse of
everything before I head out. The weather was warm and the town was set in a
spring look, sometimes you forget that we surrounded our self in a wall. I
never forget though, I'm not claustrophobia Entering the forest is easy in the beginning because there
are trails that will help point you into the right direct, but the further you
get away from town the trails diminish into nothing and your force to find you
way back if you go farther than that. Once you get used to the fact that there
are creatures lurking everywhere, the forest is a beautiful location.
My usual spot is past the east trail and after setting
landmarks, it's easier to find it, especially when you know what you’re looking
for. Walking to the end of the east trail I notice that the forest had gotten
quiet, either I had startled the forest. Or something else did. I pulled out my
colt and continued on cautiously, I'm close to where Amir Ireneus had
died. Some may say that we built the town © 2016 The Zombie GuyAuthor's Note
Added on November 14, 2016 Last Updated on November 25, 2016 Author![]() The Zombie GuyNYAbout18 year old, likes coming up with ideas for a story but can't seem to continue or finish after a while. more..Writing