Fizz the goblin

Fizz the goblin

A Chapter by Boomkin Owl

In this chapter we will meet the protagonist of our never-ending story:Fizz Crankhammer-a goblin who is not a mean green trouble machine.

-Fizz!Fizz! Where is this God-damned kid?
-Just forget about that trouble-maker *hic* and come pour me another cup of Mornuk Ale!I work all day to feed you and your son!
-He is your son as well!
    While his parents are rumbling again,Fizz is at the local junkyard with his friends.Coming from poor families,they never had toys to play with,so they build their own with whatever they find at the junkyard.
    As Fizz turned his head,he caught what seemed to be a robot-like toy just a few inches away from his nose.If he wouldn't have such good reflexes,he would have a broken nose to deal with.
    He only had a few seconds to inspect the toy before he heard his name being called again:
-Fizz,that thing is broken!Come and play with us.
-I can't,Stork!You know I have to be home before it gets dark!
-Oh,you want to see your drunk dad again?
    Fizz shook off the insult and made his way through the garbage,hopping over the fence and making his way home.
    He entered his house only to duck at the last second to dodge a flying mug of Mornukian Ale,which smashed into the wall near him before shattering into tiny shards and spreading across the wooden floor.His parents were fighting again,so he made his way to his bedroom unnoticed,entering his room and locking the door.He put the toy robot on his desk and hopped into his bed,drifting off to sleep.
    Fizz was a very crafty goblin,however that did not make him stand out.
Fizz's father is drunk really often,and his mother has no time for him,as she has to take care of the house.However,Fizz was too young and immature to be affected by those things.
Just after Fizz fell asleep,the robot's eye started glowing.The robot stood up on its two legs,took his eye out of his head and threw it at Fizz,hitting his forehead and waking him up.Fizz jumped out of his bed startled,and grabbed a wrench from under his bed.He turned on the lights only to see the robot waving at him.Two bionic wings got out of the robot's eye,as it flew back into place.
-Hello there,fellow goblin!My name is Sparkbot!What is yours?
-M-m-my name is Fizz.
-Nice to meet you,Fizz!
-How come you are still working?
-Well,Fizz,I am not entirely mechanical.I was made by a gnome engineer and enchanted by a troll shaman.I can't run out of energy or lose any part of my body.Now you go to sleep,kid.It is late and I want to show you something tomorrow!the robot said before laying down on the desk and shutting itself off.

© 2014 Boomkin Owl

Author's Note

Boomkin Owl
Please ignore any grammar mistakes(I am not a native English speaker) and tell me what is good and what needs some improvement.

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Added on April 10, 2014
Last Updated on April 10, 2014
Tags: Fizz, Crankhammer, story, chapter 1, goblin, adventure


Boomkin Owl
Boomkin Owl

Petrosani, Hunedoara, Romania

Hi there!You can call me Boomkin!I will mostly write fantasy stories(yes,the ones with dragons) divided into parts or shorter ones that will be in a single part. more..
