A Poem by Uniqe In Many Ways

This one is about the guy from my past. Wish we could have had more.


There he goes

The prince of my past

The things we had were meant to last

The big brown eyes that told lies I knew

But I didn't care

Just wanted to hear them from you

The arms of pain hold me close

Those are the moment I miss the most

When the words I love you were like the tissue to my tears

He made me explore my fears

Said if i do the dirtiest things to show my emotions

And did things like sung to me to make your love potions

All I wanted was to know you felt the same way

Damn I wish you could make stayed

But because of society we couldnt be seen

I feel bad that you were 18...

© 2011 Uniqe In Many Ways

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Marvelous like always

Posted 13 Years Ago

Love this...just read it over and check your lines. Take your time and be sure that the words you use are what were intended. Being that its a poem and not a song puntuation will help the reader. This is a deep poem and I like it very much.

Posted 13 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on March 25, 2011
Last Updated on March 25, 2011


Uniqe In Many Ways
Uniqe In Many Ways

Adamsville, AL

hey. My name is akira. I love poetry, singing, playing piano, and jsut being me. Did somestupid s**t in the past but hoping to me better in the future!! I would like my readers to read my writings and.. more..
