![]() I asked, Who is she?A Poem by Boldapple![]() She rocked my world![]() I asked the sun as it shines through its beaming rays of light,
..... Which person gives the most beautiful light?
In response, he beams back and says,
..... She is that person, who sees her light as it shines through other people,
I asked the poet as he writes through his pen so beautifully,
..... Who writes the most amazing versus?
In response, he writes back and says,
..... She is that person, who writes beautifully to touch the hearts of people around her,
I asked the pious wise old man as he worships Allah(SWT) day and night,
..... Who has the most beautiful faith in front of Allah(SWT)?
In response, he bows his head in front of Allah(SWT) as he says,
..... She is that person, who loves everyone around her, just for the sake of loving Allah(SWT) with a pure heart,
I asked the most beautiful father, who teaches the best wisdom to his children,
..... Who is the most beloved daughter to his dearest heart?
In response, he hugs me tight with a beautiful smile as he tells me,
..... She is no other then a daughter who brings tears of joy and happiness each time I think of her,
I asked Aamir, as he struggles to get to his true love,
..... Who is that one person that you cannot live without?
In response, he lowers his gaze in shyness as he speaks softly,
..... Her heart is sweater then the most beautiful fruits,
..... Her smile opens up thousand doors of happiness as everyone smiles around her,
..... Her strength in her heart is stronger than the most patient lovers,
..... Her wisdom is as wise as a pious wise old man,
..... She is no other than the love of my life,
..... You and only you. © 2013 BoldappleAuthor's Note