the Tercel sped down the highway, Ethan’s excitement was still
high. He could see buildings and neon signs pretty much constantly;
Emma was driving them up to Taipei; the airport was actually located
at a distance away from the capital city, and from the looks of it
they had arrived. He turned to the driver and smiled at her in
pleasure and anticipation.
glanced over at her passenger. After the excitement of that first
embrace, the friends had gone out to the parking lot arm in arm. Her
emotions were clearly also running high, for her face was unusually
expressive. But now it seemed that Emma had become shy for some
reason"as if she had much to say, yet dared not speak much. Was she
perhaps forcing herself to smile now? Ethan wondered whether Emma
felt let down upon seeing him in person"Emma, frankly, had always
seemed a little bit starstruck, as if she had idealized Ethan as an
exaggeratedly magnificent ideal...had even called him a superhero a
few times. Beginning to worry a bit, he reflected that it was only
natural, after a year of thinking of Ethan as something like a
combination of Pallas Athena and Batman, to feel disillusioned at
meeting her idol in person. Nobody could live up to expectations that
were that high. Still, Ethan worried, if Emma were that disappointed
already, the next six months would be filled with daily home stress.
In the face of what she assumed was a sort of resentment, Ethan
hardly could summon any words that could be taken well"probably,
Emma felt cheated. Well, it wasn’t Ethan’s fault, at any
rate"he’d said to Emma many times that he was not as great as she
thought, but Emma had only taken these protestations as manifesting
the humility that only proved how commendable he was"well, now that
they were practically face to face, or rather cheek to cheek (Heaven,
I’m in heaven...), the illusion was shattering, of course.
embarrassment and anxiety starting to ramp up, Ethan racked his
brains, trying to think of something to say"something to break the
ice, to make the awkwardness make Emma less let down.
Turning to Emma, Ethan spoke out the first phrase that came to to his
lips: “Emma"Thank you for picking me up.”
even as the words were being spoken, Ethan regretted them. God"how
blasé is that? She’s going to think I’m not only boring, but a
rotten conversationalist. Well"maybe it would be better that she
found out now that Ethan was just an ordinary guy with health
issues"not really worth anyone’s admiration or time.
now that his own self-assessment had been more or less confirmed,
Ethan felt that coming here had been a ridiculously unwise thing to
do, even though it had at first seemed almost magically fortunate.
There had to be a catch"it really had been too good to true, Ethan
told himself. And This was the on the highway. Emma had
had unrealistic expectations of him, and now she resents me being
“just this guy.” It was easy, he reflected, to be accepting of
looked awkwardly away from Emma’s face"she was now determinedly
staring straight ahead a the highway, probably lost in troubling
thoughts"and gazed down at his own lap and his hands, clasped
there, not knowing what to do with them, like an amateur stand-in
suddenly called upon to play the lead. He had always been
dissatisfied with his hands"felt them mannish and
unattractive...and yet, today, self conscious as he was now, he felt
as if they blew his cover, betrayed him. How did I ever suppose these
hands were a man’s hands! Too thin, too smooth"now at this
moment, dysphoria, almost. What good were these hands? Why did I even
think I could work with them? I will even fail at this dream job.
They won’t want me. Why the hell do I start now to feel like a
girl...NOW? And Emma here"she’s lovely, not really trying hard to
pass, but in her heart, authentic through and through, whatever
external descriptors applied to those who didn’t know her. Did
Ethan? Did he really? She passes better than I ever do, in either
mode. Intellectually, he knew, it didn’t really matter to
Emma"siblings was enough, male or female in any
Emma had always said. Maybe now, she was regretting that. Reality
breaks up all the idealistic sayings"it’s disillusionment in
action. It was so great, online"all our hugs in our minds, would it
have been better to have left it forever at that, and been satisfied?
Probably, he reflected, momentarily forgetting the many times he’d
wished the hugs could have been real and the conversations around the
fireplace could have been in person, hand in hand. Or maybe this was
better, to wake both of us up from the silly fantasy. What were we
thinking? Better that the truth is out. She’s 19 years older than I
am, we can’t really have anything meaningful in common anyway, what
did she even want from me?
these stupid hands, he thought, allowing himself to feel the
disappointment in full, allowing his body’s pain to register,
wallowing in depression as he had promised himself he never would do
again, seven years earlier. Punishing himself for his idiotic folly,
his bad decisions"for f*****g this opportunity up, giving up his
apartment, for depending so pathetically on others and being so
useless, a drag on family, a leech on good people who loved him. Even
if my family is abusive. DAMN these hands! Damn this nitwitted,
pain-filled body. Damn my unreliable brain, no sooner one thing than
it scampers off into the other. Damn ME. There’s nothing about me
worth salvaging, nothing of my own to be proud of"s**t!"to be
satisfied with, even.
miserable, Ethan started to pick at his hands, pinching, scratching,
as was his old wont.
his peripheral vision, something was moving, off to his left. Emma’s
hand. She must be reaching for sunglasses or something.
glanced again, surreptitiously, at her face. Now she looked
different"the smile had been dropped"I was right, it was a fake,
he thought! She looked serious, emotional. There’s something on her
questing hand was still reaching"Ethan jerked his own hand out of
the way, thinking that a chance contact would be the touch that
brought the whole card house down.
looked over at Ethan, at his hands, and then at Ethan’s face, in
something like consternation, and as she looked back alertly at the
road, his hand reached out again. This time it was more deliberate,
the reach was farther. Ethan froze. What is this now? Oh help!"
Emma’s hand was on his hand"grabbing it gently, turning it palm
upwards. Holding it; squeezing. Ethan, shocked out of any sort of
mood, looked again at his driver, waiting, wondering...close to
still looking ahead, was tearing up, her mood unclear. What was
wrong? Later on, it was hard for Ethan to believe that Emma’s
expression and her action were so hard to understand. It must have
been that his own misery had clouded his perceptions.
slowed the car, pulled over to the shoulder. Stopped. She looked at
Ethan, squeezing his hand harder, seemingly unable to speak yet. He
wished she would speak and release the tension and the awful
discomfort of not knowing how to react to this. Then Emma took a deep
breath, clearly ready with Something to Say, and Ethan was
really here...aren’t you? I can hardly believe it, Ethan. You’re
still not sure what she meant, nodded. “I’m here, Emma. I’m
here for you.” And that was what he’d needed to say: what he’d
always said when Emma had been troubled. “I’m here for you.”
And this time, it was different, because he’d come across the seas
to be with Emma; but it was the same, too, because he realized that
whatever else was going on, he would still want to be Emma’s friend
and support, and he realized in the same moment that even though Emma
was making him so anxious, or so it seemed then, he needed Emma there
to reassure him and bring him back to peace. He needed this
relationship to go on, even if it couldn’t happen, even if the job
fell through and they lost the spark that connected them, it was
still alive for Ethan, and in some way, he’d probably always need
it to stay alive...would keep it in his heart, at least, and would
use it to reignite the friendship later if it ever became possible.
Right or wrong, this meeting had to happen. Even if the next words
Emma spoke were words of rejection and regret. He would try to heal
the heart he was breaking, somehow.
what was Emma saying now? She was about to speak, and her eyes were
seeking Ethan’s. So he took a breath, which caught in his
throat...and met Emma’s gaze, with courage but not without
Emma was having trouble speaking; this was hard to say. Ethan, heart
standing still, waited and watched Emma’s eyes start to release the
first few tears. When the second one had fallen, Emma took a shaky
breath and began again.
I love you so much. Thank you my dear, I needed you here, I need you
here now. I need you to keep at least a part of you here with me,
always.” She took Ethan’s hand and held it to her heart, and
their pulses seemed to match, or to flow together, like two
tributaries of the same grand river. “Thank you so very much for
coming to me, my love, my dear friend. You and I are together now, so
don’t be afraid any more. I’ll take care of you, dear...just"just
don’t stop loving me. Please, just keep loving me.” She raised
Ethan’s hand to her lips to kiss it tenderly...and Ethan knew,
could hear, the words in Emma’s heart: At last. At last.
looked down at their joined hands. He took her hands with his free
hand to complete the connection in the real world, the one that had
begun with words and images and a spark flitting across long, long
wires. His hands were fine...they didn’t hurt; for this purpose,
this use, the hands were perfectly fit; Emma could feel it too, they
were feeling things together now, at least for this lingering moment.
Then as Ethan kissed Emma’s hand in return, their eyes met once
gasped a little, and then gave a little, embarrassed laugh. “This much like my dreams. I’ve imagined this so many times. You
know how I sometimes need you to tell me something I already
know...just because I need to hear you saying it?”
nodded, smiling with understanding, and in clear tones pronounced the
truth of the matter: “Emma, this is real. I have come to be with
you, we’re together now here in Asia. I’m here because I needed a save my life. And I have come here, and here she is.”
Emma’s eyes widened in a variety of quickly-passing emotions:
recognition, surprise, pleasure, wonder. “Emma Itava, are you glad
I’m here with you?” He grasped his courage up and said the rest
of what he needed most to hear now. “Do you want me to stay?” For
in that breathless moment, he could dare to ask and half trust that
the answer would not destroy him. Watching the eyes he had grown to
know a year ago, but this time looking right at him through new tears
and studying his face...everything seemed to change. In an instant,
the pain"all of it, the fear, the doubt, even the self-hatred that
he’d been nurturing for years... it all was gone.
You must stay.” Emma started to cry then. “You’re so beautiful,
I can’t believe you decided to … to waste your love on a crud
like me...Ethan, I love you forever. This is the way things were
supposed to happen. There’s no mistake, my dear, I know that now;
this is the part where our lives grow together, and everything will
be better.”
misting over too, nodded and opened his arms to hold his friend.
“Everything will be full of wonder, Emma. Everything.”
then they both lost it.