Ninth April,The Time We Were Declared A Free Country

Ninth April,The Time We Were Declared A Free Country

A Story by bluessadmood

A Comedy-Tragedy Story



April, 9th, i reached Jordan, flying from Yemen; I had been watching the news on the tele for the past few days...
And as I sat in my hotel room, I remembered family, mother and sister all alone...
I used to hear and see all that bombardments, all those shells I saw on tele,how nice they were
Better than any film I would have loved to see, I wondered if any left there to see, so I went to see
In Jordan, in my hotel...lying on bed i used to think, what if, what if...
Everyday I go to the foreign affairs they tell me no way to Iraq, all roads blocked. Its war
And I waited just a little more, it was tomorrow the first lights of day. A car will take me in
Four years been away. Just could not wait to see if anybody is left to see
So in I went, no customs on border, no police no nothing...
Only American soldier on border waived his hands...hello
Was so happy...i was on Iraqi lands, i saw loved ones and been home...
First few days, I saw peace not a shot was here...
But alas took no more than thirty days and it flared again
You can hear bombings and shelling every where
 And I asked what’s wrong we have been ok
They told me it’s a change of plans. Lots on the way...
I said which plans and who made them
And they told just sit back and enjoy the show
For its going to take too long. I was dazed
I it days or weaks
And they said months and years till eternity
And I laughed for inside me I knew it all the way
It’s never going to be sunshine and roses
But to get this dark I never thought, it will be this way
So I asked God if it’s not too much to ask
Dear God either make and end of it, or just take me away
I would love to be with you. This is too much burden I can’t bear no more
God just help ease this burdened soul, for I can not take any more

© 2017 bluessadmood

Author's Note

it what happened to me,and millions around me, on the ninth of April 2003..
I wrote this in the dark ,as usual we had no light,its wonderful writing on candle light

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In my opinion, the invasion of your nation on behalf of the western oil industry is the greatest war crime since the holocaust of world war two.
It was based on lies, the majority of citizens in my 'democratic' country, (england/britain) was opposed to it, but the b*****d politicians followed bush anyway. I'm currently following the Chilcot enquiry that is investigating the possibile illegalities of the occupation and, as expected, vital evidence is being witheld that would see Tony Blair and co charged with war crimes. It was based on the most ridiculous lie imaginable. I mean, if Iraq had WMD's I imagine they would have been used in retaliation to the carpet bombings of innocent people. There is no freedom in the west...unless you can afford it- I'm just sorry that the free spirited among us couldn't do enough to stop the atrocities.
This is just another case of poor killing poor on behalf of the rich elite...or maybe it's all a coincidence that Bush and Bin Laden families are heavily involved in oil industries and I'm just paranoid. As far as I'm concerned the whole thing was a set up from start, (9/11), to finish...(when the oil runs out).
This is an excellent write and I'd like to offer belated thanks for your review of my work., take care, spence

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This is such a vivid account of a terrible situation. Of course no one who has not lived in such conditions can truly understand the horror of it but you really give the reader a taste. One's heart goes out to you and the repetition that conclude these striking lines is deeply moving.

I would love to be with you. This is too much burden I can't bear no more
God just help ease this burdened soul, for I can not take any more

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I cannot imagine what is must be like in Iraq; the constant bombardments, the worry for your loved ones and the longing for the war to be over. Yet, 'they said it would be months and years till eternity'. That is a powerful line.

was tomorrow the first lights of day. A car will take me in
Four years been away. Just could not wait to see if anybody is left to see

Those were outstanding lines too as the whole poem is, beautifully penned. For me this seems like the most powerful of journalistic stories laced with the emotional love of your family and patriotic longing for Iraq. I do not think any reader could ask for any more...this stands testament to the tragedy of the Iraq war in the same way Owen and Sassoon stand as a testament to the tragedy of the First World War.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

the truth of war, the innocent lives affected by ugliness. What is so foreign to US soil, the continued bombardments, I can't even imagine. I pray for you and your loved ones. Blessing for sharing this wonderful piece of work.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This is an astonishing piece. Well penned. I could not even imagine such turmoil. I hung on every word as I read.


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Oh heart aches at the thought of what you felt then.................still as today, all the heartache, and pain, and loss that has been a part of your life! Your accounting is gripping, vivid, truthful, and so, so sad! May God be with you and continue to strengthen and guide you with each step of your life, with each stroke of your pen, as you continue to educate us about truth, and your world that we must view so very far away! You bring it so very close to "home"!
With love, and empathy for your pain!

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

There is something pure and inspiring about candle light, I like to write and read by it. I hope many of your Countrymen get to read your words. It will be their Balm of Gilead. Cherrie

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I it days or weaks
And they said months and years till eternity
And I laughed for inside me I knew it all the way
It's never going to be sunshine and roses
But to get this dark I never thought, it will be this way
So I asked God if it's not too much to ask
Dear God either make and end of it, or just take me away
I would love to be with you. This is too much burden I can't bear no more
God just help ease this burdened soul, for I can not take any more

Thanks for sharing with us. It burdens my soul to know others are in such torment and pain. May God strengthen you each day in your hour of need. Your heart shines forth brightly even by candle light. This is so much more than poetry. It is a recording of human suffering and history.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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What a moving poem. It just hits you, makes you realise what is going on beyond your on doorstep. I hope with all my heart things get better there for you blue, absolutely terrible. Yet, what a very inspiring poem. X

Posted 15 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Good writing, The news put a false face on wars, not understanding what it is like to be in one. You have captured that feel in this great. Good job keep it up.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Moayad, as with all your writings I am left stunned, sad and with so many
emotions and complete empathy for the ongoing nightmare that you
have to endure every single day. This horror beyond words....beyond belief for most
of us, but not so for you and your ravished country, because you know first hand
about hell.

"So I asked God if it's not too much to askDear God either make and
end of it, or just take me awayI would love to be with you. This is
too much burden I can't bear no moreGod just help ease this burdened
soul, for I can not take any more"

Alhumdullilah your prayers were not answered and you are still here with us. But insha Allah oh how I pray that the first sentence in this quote will be answered very quickly for you my dear friend and your burden lifted forever.

Be safe...


Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 9, 2009
Last Updated on June 25, 2017




The Music I like,the Carpenter,all their songs and albums,The Super Tramps,one of their songs ,reminds me of a girl who nearly broke my heart,still feel the pain ,no ,no i will not tell who ,I like t.. more..

warda warda

A Story by bluessadmood

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