Ninth April,The Time We Were Declared A Free Country

Ninth April,The Time We Were Declared A Free Country

A Story by bluessadmood

A Comedy-Tragedy Story



April, 9th, i reached Jordan, flying from Yemen; I had been watching the news on the tele for the past few days...
And as I sat in my hotel room, I remembered family, mother and sister all alone...
I used to hear and see all that bombardments, all those shells I saw on tele,how nice they were
Better than any film I would have loved to see, I wondered if any left there to see, so I went to see
In Jordan, in my hotel...lying on bed i used to think, what if, what if...
Everyday I go to the foreign affairs they tell me no way to Iraq, all roads blocked. Its war
And I waited just a little more, it was tomorrow the first lights of day. A car will take me in
Four years been away. Just could not wait to see if anybody is left to see
So in I went, no customs on border, no police no nothing...
Only American soldier on border waived his hands...hello
Was so happy...i was on Iraqi lands, i saw loved ones and been home...
First few days, I saw peace not a shot was here...
But alas took no more than thirty days and it flared again
You can hear bombings and shelling every where
 And I asked what’s wrong we have been ok
They told me it’s a change of plans. Lots on the way...
I said which plans and who made them
And they told just sit back and enjoy the show
For its going to take too long. I was dazed
I it days or weaks
And they said months and years till eternity
And I laughed for inside me I knew it all the way
It’s never going to be sunshine and roses
But to get this dark I never thought, it will be this way
So I asked God if it’s not too much to ask
Dear God either make and end of it, or just take me away
I would love to be with you. This is too much burden I can’t bear no more
God just help ease this burdened soul, for I can not take any more

© 2017 bluessadmood

Author's Note

it what happened to me,and millions around me, on the ninth of April 2003..
I wrote this in the dark ,as usual we had no light,its wonderful writing on candle light

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In my opinion, the invasion of your nation on behalf of the western oil industry is the greatest war crime since the holocaust of world war two.
It was based on lies, the majority of citizens in my 'democratic' country, (england/britain) was opposed to it, but the b*****d politicians followed bush anyway. I'm currently following the Chilcot enquiry that is investigating the possibile illegalities of the occupation and, as expected, vital evidence is being witheld that would see Tony Blair and co charged with war crimes. It was based on the most ridiculous lie imaginable. I mean, if Iraq had WMD's I imagine they would have been used in retaliation to the carpet bombings of innocent people. There is no freedom in the west...unless you can afford it- I'm just sorry that the free spirited among us couldn't do enough to stop the atrocities.
This is just another case of poor killing poor on behalf of the rich elite...or maybe it's all a coincidence that Bush and Bin Laden families are heavily involved in oil industries and I'm just paranoid. As far as I'm concerned the whole thing was a set up from start, (9/11), to finish...(when the oil runs out).
This is an excellent write and I'd like to offer belated thanks for your review of my work., take care, spence

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


This is such a heartbreaking reflection of what was.. what continues in so many places around the world.. Such burdens that none can bear.. In all this, you have stood and stand to this day. You show us that a light can shine in the darknest night..

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Yes, it happened to you and so many more of your people .. and terrible it was that old people and children, the sick and suffering, ordinary people, civilians, had to suffer what happened. Yes, our men died too, that's the evil horror or war. Tragically and too late, a great many people now understand a lot more than they did, have heard more details, more facts .. guilt is something human beings have to live with ..

Thank you for your courage, for managing to survive not only in your own country but in the Cafe; you've shown amazing dignity.

Your words live on.. and always will.

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Blue how I miss the man who had such hope for life.The one who knew as we did too that he would escape.that man that once was you

Posted 13 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

its a deeply touching write... I loved the way you ended it... I too hate violence... No one fetches anything.... Its the innocents who are ripped apart...
Great piece!

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

an insightful and great piece that captures such a crucial moment of our recent history very well...heartbreaking ,but extremely well written.

Posted 14 Years Ago

In my opinion, the invasion of your nation on behalf of the western oil industry is the greatest war crime since the holocaust of world war two.
It was based on lies, the majority of citizens in my 'democratic' country, (england/britain) was opposed to it, but the b*****d politicians followed bush anyway. I'm currently following the Chilcot enquiry that is investigating the possibile illegalities of the occupation and, as expected, vital evidence is being witheld that would see Tony Blair and co charged with war crimes. It was based on the most ridiculous lie imaginable. I mean, if Iraq had WMD's I imagine they would have been used in retaliation to the carpet bombings of innocent people. There is no freedom in the west...unless you can afford it- I'm just sorry that the free spirited among us couldn't do enough to stop the atrocities.
This is just another case of poor killing poor on behalf of the rich elite...or maybe it's all a coincidence that Bush and Bin Laden families are heavily involved in oil industries and I'm just paranoid. As far as I'm concerned the whole thing was a set up from start, (9/11), to finish...(when the oil runs out).
This is an excellent write and I'd like to offer belated thanks for your review of my work., take care, spence

Posted 14 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

Why don't you blame,ones that brought this upon your land and mine,,,why praying to Allah,,,why dont you curse those responsible,,,who said''they were sorry,they thought there were weapons of mass destruction around'',,,,who drone my land everyday,,,i wonder till when will we die,,,to let the rich part of the world live,,,,why have we gone''Sumon,Bukmon'',,,,iam sick of these disguises,,,,,,and this brotherhood,world is one philosophy,,,only the one bleeding knows the pain,,,,,rest is bullshit

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Great job. Full of the despair of the moment. And bafflement at what is going on around you. The savage beauty of it. And there was I wondering if you were in the American army. I now think I was wrong.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

you bring your words to life...or should i say you bring life to your words by telling the truth, however grim it may be. you have such a beautiful flow when you write. the entire thing runs together like a small creek...slow and easy on sunnier days, but as the rain fills it up, it gets flowing harder, stronger. like your words.

Posted 15 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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34 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 9, 2009
Last Updated on June 25, 2017




The Music I like,the Carpenter,all their songs and albums,The Super Tramps,one of their songs ,reminds me of a girl who nearly broke my heart,still feel the pain ,no ,no i will not tell who ,I like t.. more..

warda warda

A Story by bluessadmood

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