![]() DelusionsA Screenplay by Blu Ski![]() My first screenplay made for a short film that I am going to be making. Looking for some pointers on the format and content of the story.![]() DELUSIONS By: Blu Ski, Joclyn Day, and Kaitlin Feller INT. BEDROOM - DAY Dark and gloomy with a single streak of light shining in the room. Tall mirror with a dresser to the left. Closet on nearby wall and a bed in the middle of the room. CAMERA CAPTURES full bedroom before we focus on the SHAUN’S actions. Shaun picks out clothes from the closet and throws them on the bed WE FIX CAMERA on mirror and dresser as eerie music begins to play Shaun steps into mirror view dressed and fixing his bowtie. Smiles evilly. INTERCUT- THE WOODS/SHAUN’S BATHROOM-EVENING Cloudy skies. Ominous look to the world. No path and a huge rock formation. Girl#1 and Boy#1 are walking through the woods talking and laughing INTERCUT- BATHROOM Shaun is vigorously washing his hands. INTERCUT-WOODS Shaun is hidden behind a section of the rock formation. Girl #1 and Boy#1 walk and begin to pass the rock formation; they continue to banter. WE FOCUS on Girl #1 and Boy #1; they walk past the shot. INTERCUT-BATHROOM Shaun throws bloody clothes on the bathroom floor. INTERCUT-WOODS Shaun steps out from behind the rocks and begins to walk quickly toward them.Then, attacks Girl#1 and pins her to the ground. Girl#1 screams and fights and struggles to be released. Boy#1 is scared and runs off set. CAMERA FOCUSES on Shaun’s face. FADE OUT BLACK *DELUSIONS* INT. NEWS STUDIO- EVENING News studio with desk doing a broadcast of breaking news at a desk. NEWS ANCHOR sitting to the left of the middle of the shot. News Anchor (Concerningly) Breaking News: Alert comes up in the top right hand corner. Changes to a picture of the crime scene. News Anchor (CONT’D) A recent police report has informed us that a teenage girl was found murdered today in the woods. The police suspect the teenager’s boyfriend, as he was the only one with her when she was supposedly attacked. INT. Shaun’s KITCHEN-EVENING MOTHER is in the kitchen cooking dinner. She is in a light mood which soon turns concerned when she hears the tv. WE FOCUS on the tv. News Anchor No names have been released to public yet. SLOW ZOOM OUT and switch view to see the whole kitchen Shaun walks in the room,grabs a drink from the fridge, and sits down at the kitchen table. Mother Hey, Shaun. Did you hear what happened today?
Shawn No,what?
Mother A girl was murdered. Shawn That’s awful. How could anyone do such a thing? Mother begins to talk, but Shaun begins to trail off into his own thoughts. Shaun's voice (Voices begin to speak in his mind) Do you think she knows? I bet she does. If not she will. You left the evidence in your hamper. Voices begin to get louder and overlap. Shaun grabs his fork and begins to grip it tightly. CAMERA CIRCLES around the Shaun slowly getting faster and faster. Shaun's voice(CONT'D) You’re going to go to jail for the rest of your life. they’re going to lock you up and throw away the key. You’ll never survive in jail you’ll rot in that cell. You’re a cold blooded murderer. You’re sick. You’ll need to cut all the loose ties, her boyfriend was there. your an idiot, if you don’t kill him he may tell someone. Voices get louder and mumble together. Mother comes over to Shaun and touches his hand laying on the table(piercing silence). CAMERA PAUSES on the hand the mother touches and then to the mother herself. Shaun drops his fork on the floor. Everything is silent. Mother Are you okay honey? Shaun snaps out of it and clears his throat. Shaun (Confused, yet annoyed) Yes mum, I’m fine. INT. SHAUN’S ROOM-NIGHT We show the same view of the room as the last bedroom scene. Not much has changed. Shaun walks in room worried and begins to pace back and forth. Shaun (talking to himself, quiet and a little mumbly) How could you let yourself be so stupid. How could you do that to her. Unless you didn’t do that to her. Maybe... it wasn’t you. No that COULD NOT have been you. I mean you didn’t even go to the woods today. Yeah. That’s right. You took the long way home. But if you didn’t do that, then WHO did? This is horrible. There is just a killer running around doing whatever they please. Why?Why?Why? Shaun storms off, shuts the light off, and he goes to bed. Shaun wakes up and gets ready. This scene is very similar to the opening scene. We show the passage of time from that morning to this night. EXT. OUTSIDE STREETS-NIGHT Cold wintery kind of night. Street lights around the main part of his town. The downtown that is not too far from where he lives. Shaun is walking to the park on the far side of town. He sees a few people along the way. He says hi and talks to them. Eventually he makes it downtown, walks a bit, and heads up an ally way. Here he sees a TEENAGE GIRL. Shaun stops and stares dead in his tracks. The teenage girl walks down a path her head is down, she is wearing a hoodie, and she’s not paying much attention to the world. She picks her head up and takes a look at the world. She looks around and comes back to a certain spot a second time as a man(the Shaun) caught her eye. Freaked out she stops and turns around. Shaun begins to walk the same direction as the teenage girl. The teenage girl turns back and notices she is being followed. She begins to run. Shaun begins to run after her, eventually getting really close to her. The teenage girl turns back and Shaun reaches out and grabs her hood and she falls back to the ground. Shaun strangles her(piercing silence plays) and walks away. AERIAL VIEW of teenage girl lying in the street and the Shaun walking away. INT. SHAUN’S BATHROOM- LATE NIGHT Shaun walks into the bathroom angry and looks into the mirror. He looks straight into his own eyes Shaun (Whispering)What’s wrong with you? (Screaming) WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU?! Shaun looks down at the counter and quickly swipes everything off of it. INT. SHAUN’S ROOM- DAY Entire scene shot from the same angle as the first scene showing the full room. Shaun walks into the room with anger and frustration. he hits walls and knocks things over FADES TO Shaun walking anxiously back and forth mumbling to himself Shaun How could you(pregnant pause)/ Wait did you? They never did anything to you FADES TO Shaun rocking back and forth he looks sleep deprived and almost crazy FADES TO Shaun lying still on his bed. FADES TO Shaun's body gone FADES TO Bed with sheets and accessories around the room starting to go FADES TO Very empty room. Bed Stripped. Pictures off walls. Accessories around room completely gone. FADES TO Empty room with a dark figure floating around. FADE TO BLACK *DELUSIONS* CREDITS
© 2015 Blu SkiAuthor's Note
1 Review Added on December 29, 2015 Last Updated on December 29, 2015 |