you have some lines that just hit me with a sharp edge (All through the night my minds like this
I'm physic) you have gotten better and i thought that wasnt possible :)
This is written with as much sharpness as the Omega blade that rips through each verse. The handle is clearly in your hands wielding away with brutal force. There is blood in this one but it drips with confidence.
Although it is epically written, I feel it only touches the surface of what's to come in your writing. Isis emanates from hell. They've done hellish things. You reflect their devilish ways in this poem through the lens of arrogance, as it should be. They are no angels are they? And yet, an angel has died, in fact many.
Keep wielding your pen my friend.
BLitZeD indeed.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
s**t, that was an epically written review, i feel like it might have been better then the poem. lol... read mores**t, that was an epically written review, i feel like it might have been better then the poem. lol. thank you for your words
Not being familiar with the Batman story this is based on, I didn't know any of the characters mentioned, nor did I know the storyline, also hampering my ability to understand this piece. The writing was, as usual, well done but without an understanding of the things I mentioned I was just lost. Had I understood the review would reflect the excellence shown. take care...dan
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
you gada read deeper, despite the batman theme its not about batman, bain and joker are just represe.. read moreyou gada read deeper, despite the batman theme its not about batman, bain and joker are just representations, the same as Azazel omega and blitzed. its like a coded story in a way, or a story within a story.... but really tho? how the hell have you not seen the batman movies? your missing out man lol
I saw "The Dark Knight," with Heath Ledger's great Joker. I don't go to movies anymore, just wait ti.. read moreI saw "The Dark Knight," with Heath Ledger's great Joker. I don't go to movies anymore, just wait till it's rentable at our local video store. Now I'm going back to re-read your piece. take care...dan
9 Years Ago download bittorrent to open files . all the movies you could wantread more download bittorrent to open files . all the movies you could want
9 Years Ago
Thanks, BlitZ3D, but I know how to find the movies, I'm only half-incompetent because of my age (58).. read moreThanks, BlitZ3D, but I know how to find the movies, I'm only half-incompetent because of my age (58). But I am asking to just give me a handle to your train of thought so I can latch on. I think I've already told you (blank)(I don't know your real first name) that I think strongly that you possess more raw talent than 98% of the people on WC, Including me. I don't want to have to familiarize myself with Batman movies, or I'll start asking you to do the same with MY iconic old favorites. You just keep writing SIR ('cause you deserve it), just remember all of those (like me) you trampled on your way up (kidding...) take care...dan
Critique: (Yes, im sane, let me explain) I'm
(A pocket full of knifes) knives
(the moment when batman looses his life) loses
(The one that walks in like its nothing) it's
(together they make the forth) fourth
(who really holds the pitch fork) pitchfork
Review: I normally don't review works with new slang because it almost always has a hate connotation and being uncertain of the nuisances in their meaning I have no right to judge. Coming from at least two generations back I would rather look on silently than make a comment uninformed, so I hope you understand and will forgive my choice to forgo the review due to my old fogyism.
Posted 9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
im just happy your looking on, silently or loudly haha
i give them the plans i drew up
with thoughts methodically calculated
and so intricately placed ,
every outcome was accounted for
and algebraically related.
f*****g statistically graced,
like .. more..