Cool it!

Cool it!

A Poem by Captain Goldpants

Cool it, a break

A big mistake
A test, a mess
A great big cake.
A lake, a bed
A pain in my head
Cool it you fool!
Give me space
Come here my dear
And rest your head
On my chest.
Think from afar play the radio in the car
I don’t want to see you
Where are you?
Why aren’t you here?
You make me mad
You are infuriating
You are testing, testing
You try my love, my patience
And like magnets on
Opposing poles
You move away as I approach
With a dart of a glance
And acid reproach
You pain me
You drain me
You abstain me
And why?
Because your fence can be climbed
I’ve looked over the top
I’ve counted the sheep
Your little secrets
A surprise on the turn
My fingers burn
Your fence is electrified!

© 2008 Captain Goldpants

My Review

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ah, sometimes we just can't make up our bloody minds.

"leave me alone, I'm lonely".

Posted 14 Years Ago

yay, I love this one..I liked the rest , but this one.. it is love..

Posted 14 Years Ago

You make me mad
You are infuriating
You are testing, testing
You try my love, my patience
And like magnets on
Opposing poles
You move away as I approach
With a dart of a glance
And acid reproach
You pain me
You drain me
You abstain me
And why?

Because your fence can be climbed
I've looked over the top
I've counted the sheep
Your little secrets
A surprise on the turn
My fingers burn
Your fence is electrified!

I love the last two verses. Can really feel this on and even relate to it. It is unique with the images you have painted. Splendid write! Left with a mischievous feeling.

Posted 15 Years Ago

Honey this is brilliant, the words dance ....... I especially love the end. Mx

Posted 16 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2008


Captain Goldpants
Captain Goldpants


It's just ridiculous!Feb 29, 2008 - Apr 1, 2008 Perennial traveller of the soul and other lost continents. Seeking those of pure heart and fishnet stocking for adventures in sleazy motels and makin.. more..


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