

A Poem by SJ

Thoughts and sentiments as stirred up by the ever inspirational moon.





The words given to describe

The un-describable.

To bring to life,

One, of the few constants,

We conveniently forget,

From time to time;

While running through,

this life of ours.

She’s there though,

Keeping an eye out,

Warming the cockles of
my heart and soul.

The only light,

That sometimes lets me know,

That every tunnel,

Does have a light at the end of it.

Even if, darkness seems to

One too many days,

Light always follows,

To clear up the haze,

And to lead you on your way…

And sometimes,

She just reminds me that,

Perhaps there just might be
some warmth,

In the company of darkness,

That, it need not always be,

A lonely or miserable place.

But most of all,

She’s a reminder,

If not the epitome of

True ethereal beauty.

Never before has one worn,

Her scars, or flaws, as proudly

As she, the good old Moon, does.

She’s a constant reminder of,

How beauty,

Is not perfection,

And how perfection,

Does not mean hiding yourself,

Perfection, instead is,

Having the courage,

To be true to yourself,

And, being fearless to share,

Who you really are,

Unabashedly, with no remorse,
fear nor guilt.

For the whole world to see,

Receive, and perceive,
for themselves.

© 2012 SJ

Author's Note

The structural aspect of my poetry is something I like to play around with often, but other than that, thanks a bunch for stopping by and taking the time out to read, review and leave feedback. It's greatly appreciated!

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Added on July 6, 2012
Last Updated on July 6, 2012
Tags: Luna, moon, Poetry 2012, inspiration



Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Just another being trying to pitch in my share of the lyrics to the music of life. more..

Chapter 1 Chapter 1

A Chapter by SJ

Chapter 2 Chapter 2

A Chapter by SJ

Chapter 3 Chapter 3

A Chapter by SJ