Chapter 2

Chapter 2

A Chapter by Moth Phoenix

Drama is already setting in.

“I’ll be home by 6, okay? We can go out to eat then.” Cayden said grabbing his car keys. I nodded and smiled.  “Is your ankle any better?” he asked getting a RedBull from the fridge. I nodded. “Good. I love you and I’ll see you later.”
    “Bye, love you too!” he walked out of the house and I was left on my own. Cayden’s friend, Martina, took Jamie swimming. He thought that it was a nice way for me have some alone time. I wasn’t sure what I was gonna do in that time, maybe I’d go down to the beach and lay on the sand. I took Cayden’s iPod and a towel and headed down. I got down there and laid my towel out and listened to his music, which wasn’t all that great, but it was all I had.
    “Hey there stranger.” I looked up and saw Kylie, Stacy, and Austin.
    “Hey there.” I said and smiled. Kylie helped me up and I looked at Stacy and Austin.
    “You wanna come with us?” Stacy asked.
    “Sure, I’ve got nothing else to do. I have to be home by 6 though.” Kylie smirked and grabbed my hand. I followed her and the guys followed us. She brought us to this abandoned shack and we chilled there.
    “How’s your ankle?” Austin asked sitting next to me. I smiled.
    “It’s a lot better. My brother wasn’t mad, he was just worried.” I said.
    “Yeah, weren’t you getting ready to tell us why you were living with your brother?” Stacy asked. I looked at them and chuckled a bit.
    “Hey uhm Stacy you want to come with me for a moment?” Kylie asked. “We’ll go get some soda for us. Come on!” she grabbed Stacy and they were gone.
    “That Stacy is something ain’t he?” Austin said with a smirk. I chuckled a bit and smiled at him. I nodded. Stacy was a funny character.  “Yeah, he’s my best buddy. He’s like my brother. I love him to death.” I smiled.
    “That’s nice. I never had a solid best friend before. My best friends had other best friends whom they cared for more than me, but it’s all good. I think Kylie is finally gonna be that best friend.” I said. He smiled.
    “Yea, she’s a great friend. She always makes me laugh when I’m sad and she’s always there for me when I need her.” I felt a pang of jealously for a moment, but I had to brush that away. I looked at my feet for a second. “So, Kylie told me that you have a little sister. That’s cool. I got a younger sister too, but she’s not like 7.” I chuckled.
    “That’s cool! How old is your sister?” I asked.
    “Like 14, she’ll be 15 soon though,” he paused for a minute, “so, why do you live with your brother?” he asked. I sighed.
    “Well, this isn’t that easy to tell, but I guess I’ll just say it. My stepdad killed my mother, except no one believes that it was him, because he’s too nice of a guy, well not really. He killed her, he gagged me and Jamie, tied us up, and went downstairs and killed her. The police located my older brother and we’re staying with him until everything can be sorted out. What scares me the most is that he’s lose and I’m afraid he’s gonna make us live with him.”
    “That’s upsetting Lany, I’m really sorry.” I looked at him and he was staring at me with his green eyes. I gazed into them for a moment and then turned away because I could tell I was blushing.
    “Thanks. So, my brother was the only other person who could look after us. I’m happy that I could come down here. It’s lovely.” I said.
    “Yea, it is. It’s so beautiful when there’s a full moon above the ocean.” He said softly and smiled at me. I felt my face get hot and I looked away.
    “We’re back!” Kylie said holding Stacy’s hand and laughing herself silly.
    “What’s so funny?” Austin asked. I stood up and stretched trying to hide my face from getting redder.
    “Stacy totally did a major spill and it was hilarious. You two really should have been there.” Kylie sat down next to Austin and I sat on the ground. “What should we do?” she asked sitting back and thinking. Stacy’s face lit up and he looked at us.
    “I have a great idea!” he said.
    “What?” we asked.
    “Let’s go jump off the cliff over there. It’s not that high and the water is pretty deep.” I looked both Austin and Kylie.
    “Only you would think of that Stace. Lany, what do you want to do?” Kylie turned to me smiling. I thought for a moment.
    “I’d like to go swimming, but it’s up to you guys since you know your way around more.” Kylie, Austin, and Stacy all liked the idea of swimming so that’s what we did. We walked down to the beach and over to the place I had been and fallen in. Kylie and Austin were up ahead while I tagged along with Stacy.
    “How are you liking Oahu?” he asked smiling at me. I shrugged and smiled. I mean it was okay, but I don’t really like change.
    “I’m adjusting, but something good is bound to happen. I hope I get to stay here for the rest of my life.” I said. Stacy had a puzzled look on his face.
    “What do you mean?” he asked. I looked at him and then at the water.
    “Nothing...” I looked back at him and he nodded. Kylie and Austin were out of sight now. “Uh where’d those two go?” I asked. Stacy looked around and couldn’t see them. He shrugged.
    “They go off places all the time. Don’t worry, I’m sure they’re close. Come on, lets look for shells. There are a ton over here.” Stacy said. He went under the water and so did I. I opened my eyes and the water burned my eyes so I had to close them again and take my head out from under the water. Stacy swam over and made sure I was okay.
    “You alright?” he asked. I nodded. “You don’t look okay.”
    “I’m fine, I’m not used to the ocean water.” I wasn’t used to the ocean water. My eyes didn’t know how to react, but it wasn’t good. I opened my eyes and they were all good.
    “You wanna swim over to the cove?” he asked. I nodded. We swam over there but we still didn’t see Austin and Kylie.
    “Did thy ditch us?” I asked. We were looking all around and we couldn’t find them.
    “They’ve done this before, they’re just being annoying.” We climbed out of the water and sat on the rocks that were near there. Stacy’s blonde hair was in his face, but it made him look cute. I looked around and let random thoughts enter my mind and soon I began thinking about Austin. I caught myself and made a noise, Stacy noticed.
    “What was that little yelp for?” he chuckled and showed his straight teeth. I chuckled and put my hands over my face, blushing.
    “It’s nothing... oh gosh really? Now I’m blushing... this only happens when... oh goodness.” I said softly.
    “What was that part? I missed it.” Stacy said.
    “What part?” I asked.
    “This only happens when... I couldn’t hear you, I’d like to know.” He smiled again. I blushed and looked away.
    “No! Come on, ugh it’s like so embarrassing for me to say.”
    “Come on, Lany say it, please!” he begged. With his damp wet long blonde hair, and honey brown eyes, how could I resist?
    “Okay, okay, okay. I have a little crush on Austin, you cannot say a word! Please don’t! I can’t believe I just told you, oh my gosh!” I put my hands over my face again. I felt him pat my back and let out a chuckle.
    “Don’t be embarrassed by that, Austin is a cool guy. He’s like my brother. Spend more time with him, I am darn sure you’d love him a lot more.” I smiled and felt myself blush again.
    “Alright, thanks Stacy.” I gave him a hug and he hugged me back.
    “No problem. I like helping people out.”

    He softly bit her neck as she took her shorts off. She let out a giggle and pulled him closer. They had gone farther down from the cove where Stacy and Lany were. He pushed her up against a rock and kissed her passionately. She wrapped her legs around his waist as they kissed tenderly. He took her bikini top off and felt her chest. She threw her head back and then looked at him. It was a secret between the both of them, something no one knew, not even Stacy.

© 2010 Moth Phoenix

Author's Note

Moth Phoenix
The last little bit is third point of view, if you can guess who the two are... =]

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Added on May 29, 2010
Last Updated on May 29, 2010


Moth Phoenix
Moth Phoenix


Hello there stranger! Thanks for checking out my profile. I'm just some girl enjoying life one song at a time. Drop a review if you'd like, or a comment! more..

Phoenix Phoenix

A Poem by Moth Phoenix