Science versus Magic

Science versus Magic

A Story by Karleem Johnson

A Dragonborn King and a powerful Emperor clash in this action packed story.


A blaring klaxon alarm sounded. It’s red and white lights flashing throughout the polished black hallways as shiny black armor clad soldiers hissed from the grey-blue slits in the wall into weapon storage area, grabbing what they were programmed too. “PROXIMITY ALERT! WARNING! PROXIMITY ALERT!” A robotic female voice sounded softly over the speakers. Nemaru stared out of the viewing panel in his armored war quarters as he stroked his sleeping daughter’s purplish white hair. A huge army composed of humans, elves, orcs, ogres, giants, and every other detestable outdated creature this planet had to offer thudded across the earth toward his shining black metallic castle-ship in the bright sunlight. They roared their primitive battle cries, led by the one known as “The Dragonborn”, Nemaru grimaced behind his mask. He should’ve eliminated this threat long ago, BEFORE he lost his son and wife at the hands of the savages. He slid his daughter into an automated escape pod and made his way to his war chambers. His bright purple and yellow eyes hardened as blue-purple energy cracked around his hands. He would end this.

Kaden rode his great albino warcat, Sil'nyy, through the war camp. His hazel eyes stared ahead beneath his thick curly hair, the only thing on his body apart from the runes painted on and his scars from his days as a gladiator was a light armor of golden bronze dragon scales, his gold and onyx crown, the sheath of his enchanted broadsword, and a couple of daggers. He thought of the coming battle, he thought of his brother and close friend. Dead. Murdered at the hands of this unnatural monster.  He would have his vengeance. His beloved, Sildara, the Ice Queen of Golmiria sat behind him, her mahogany skin contrasting sharply with the thick white fur gown she wore, her eyes and lips the same icy blue of a glacier. She held her frost staff in her hand, staring at the unnatural castle looming in the distance. She was trying hard not to think of her beloved, of the battle to come. Not to think of his bronzed skin, or the way he laughed, the way it felt when his strong arms held her, how softly he kissed her, of how he might die and she might never have those things again. No. She would not think on them. She would protect the Dragonborn, the King, her love. Kaden’s eyes flicked to the left and then to the right as Sil’nyy leaped the ruins of the protective barrier. Things began to whir and move underground, as the giants and ogres hurled flaming boulders and huge explosive creations at the walls of the evil black castle. He whipped his softly glowing blade from its sheath and quickly ended four of the black machine men spilling from the castle like ants, now was the time for battle.


 Nemaru zoomed through the battlegrounds on his mechbeast, along with his high command. Huge rail guns and lasers rose from the ground, powered, and fired, hitting scores of the various primitives. The primitives launched flaming boulders and their strange energy from their hands at his ship in return, some ricocheted, but most hit, the force fields were holding, barely, but they would not hold forever. His mechbeast fired a quick burst of incendiary rounds from its mouth, felling several warriors, as Nemaru threw his palm out, his energy finding at least fifteen. Aerial fighters and mechs twirled in the air with wyverns, pegasi, and griffins, their casualties raining down on fighters from both sides. Nemaru, turned, dodging an arrow moving impossibly fast and fired a bolt of energy, propelling its elven shooter into his brothers. He jumped from his mechbeast as it leapt onto the head of a werewolf, wrapping its spiked poisoned tongue deep into the flesh around the wolf’s hairy neck. Nemaru twirled his shock staff around effortlessly, his black cloak flapping with his movement, as steam hissed from the mouth opening of his gas mask, he grimaced with anger and satisfaction, his electrified blades finding flesh with every fatal movement. His cyborg soldiers were firing automatic pulse rifles, plasma rifles, ion cannons, and slashing at their enemies with their shockblades. Nemaru searched while he fought, searched for the King of the savages.


Kaden lopped a machine man in half, cutting through his armor like butter, then turned and stabbed a four armed gray-fleshed man with metal hands through the head, every flash of his blade sent at least two enemies to the afterlife. His stout orc companion bashed heads in with two battle maces, grinning with the savage pleasure that orcs get from battle. It was contagious for the Dragonborn, Kaden leapt into the air, landing on a giant robot’s leg, swept his blade through it, and leapt again, landing on a large battleship. He sliced the top off and took a huge breath, his chest lighting up and flickering from the inside, then blew out a blue-white pillar of flame inside, flipping off just as the smoking mess collapsed into the ranks of machine men, exploding among them. He yanked a shield off the ground and sent it crashing into a metal sky ship, then leapt onto Sil’nyy and ran to a werebear that had mechanical beasts surrounding it.

 Nemaru kicked an orc into a primitive warship, the orc’s chest flashed blue twice then he exploded, as Nemaru leapt and swept his energy saber through the knee of a giant. Then he rolled into a section of elven knights, swinging his red energy blade swung through their bodies before they had a chance to react. One of the meteors that rained down from the skies crashed into one of his guard towers, causing it fall onto his army with a huge explosion. There was a high “VEEEEEN”-ing sound as the giant particle cannon on his ship gathered matter, and then a low “BEYOOUUUUUN” as it fired across the battlefield into the primitive’s side. A huge red beam of energy boomed from the enemy’s side, slamming into his ship causing minor explosions. Nemaru grit his teeth as he focused all remaining power to his ship’s defenses from his wrist control.

 Sildara’s staff shot out left and right from behind Kaden, felling wave after wave of enemies, she froze the missiles that were headed for her and then froze their shooters, she sensed many wood elves fall, and turned. The unnatural abomination swung his strange evil red blade with deadly accuracy, light shot from his fingertips and destroyed a rhino’s head. She tapped Kaden on the shoulder and said two words. “He’s there” Kaden whipped his head around and glared where his love had pointed, and sure enough the abomination was there. His strange mask hissing, his red weapon sizzling, tattered black cape swishing around him. His muscle was evident even through his shiny black armor; four black cylinders were on his back by his shoulders, one big and one small on each side. Kaden sheathed his blade, and reached behind him, Sildara placed an enchanted bow and arrow in his hands. He pulled back as far as he could, aimed and let the arrow fly just as a huge beam of energy hit right beside him, launching him in the air.

Nemaru tingled, he suddenly turned and struck his saber against an arrow that had way to much force behind it. It sparked and deflected to the back of a cyborg, freezing him so hard he cracked and shattered. Nemaru hissed in hatred and rage when he saw who shot it. He clicked his sharpened teeth in annoyance, and then sent a thought out, calling his mechbeast to him, the true battle began now.

Kaden’s spear flashed left and right before he threw it into the chest of a half beast half machine. A familiar voice cried in pain, causing him to whip his around. He could see his orc friend and two others surrounded on all sides by the machine men through a wall of flame. Sildara leapt from Sil’nyy to her huge white bear as Kaden turned Sil’nyy around and raced toward them. The two warriors fell dead as the orc fought savagely, Sil’nyy leapt over the flame into the air when suddenly something huge and metal smashed into Sil’nyy’s midsection. They landed on the ground in a spinning rolling growling heap, Sil’nyy jumped clear. The Dark one stood before Kaden. The mechbeast tackled Sil’nyy and  began their own fight. Nemaru and Kaden stared at each other for a little while, and then Kaden lunged with a roar, his face twisted in rage as Nemaru sneered behind his mask and whipped his other energy saber out. They fought so fast that they appeared as a blur to others. Kaden leapt just as Nemaru swept his foot for his legs, he landed behind Nemaru and shot pure, raw magic from his hands. Launching Nemaru through the air with a loud “CRACK!!”.

Nemaru smashed through his control window, smashing most of the panel, a high beeping sounded repeatedly, flashing an “ACTIVATED” sign on the shattered panel. Kaden stared in horror at his hands, he had been too angry to remember what his mentor had said about raw magic. His vision swam, and he staggered, suddenly a rocket smashed into his back, propelling him into the room where the dark one lay, then exploded.

Sildara stopped, as her whole body flushed with heat, she felt her beloved dying. “NO!” She screamed as she leapt into the air clutching a scale from long ago. She began chanting faster, and faster, gold light surrounding her body, filling her eyes, creating runes in the air and on her skin. There was a huge flash and a roar that could be heard for miles.

Nemaru’s thoughts were murky, his love, his son, and…his daughter…all he had left…he grimaced and stood. “You” his voice rasped “You killed by mate. My son!!” he was shouting now “YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER” Then he smashed his bare palms together. The black canisters on his back turned a murky swirling grey-silver, and then shot down into his back. Nemaru screamed in pure agony as silver shot through his skin.

Outside a huge robot had emerged from the ground, the battle was going in the Nemaru’s favor. Suddenly a huge gold dragon slammed down on the robot from the sky, and the battle raged on. Kaden thought of everyone he lost…of all his loved ones…he couldn’t fail them…his unborn child! Suddenly he felt something. Soft at first, then explosive, as the dragon in him awakened. His body was engulfed in golden fire, as golden bronze scales raced along his skin, and a tail exploded from his lower back. His nails grew into bronze claws, and wings snapped out from his back. He ripped his pulsing golden sword from its sheath, tossed his head back and roared.

Nemaru’s body spasmed back and forth, and then he growled and stood. He was twice his previous size and full of thick muscle, his eyes were silver and glowing with purple light.  His spine had sharp metal spikes trailing down to his lower back, four jet slits opened on his back, blowing steam and heat. Shiny cords of metal were visible through his pale skin. He ripped his armor off, wearing only a bit of his mask around his mouth, his gloves, and his pants and boots with his cape around his waist. He activated his enhanced energy saber; it made a “TSHOOOVE!” sound, then his eyes met Kaden’s golden slits. “Now” Nemaru said, rolling his shoulders “Where were we?”  Kaden roared and Nemaru grimaced as they clashed swords, the room falling apart around them.

© 2014 Karleem Johnson

Author's Note

Karleem Johnson
The story has two images, but i was only able to upload one here. The story, my writing page, and both images can be found here: blaring klaxon alarm sounded. It’s red and white lights flashing throughout the polished black hallways as shiny black armor clad soldiers hissed from the grey-blue slits in the wall into weapon storages, grabbing what they were programmed too. “PROXIMITY ALERT! WARNING! PROXIMITY ALERT!” A robotic female voice sounded softly over the speakers. Nemaru stared out of the viewing panel in his armored war quarters as he strokied his sleeping daughter’s purplish white hair. A huge army composed of humans, elves, orcs, ogres, giants, and every other detestable outdated creature this planet had to offer thudded across the earth toward his shining black metallic castle-ship in the bright sunlight. They roared their primitive battle cries, led by the one known as “The Dragonborn” Nemaru grimaced behind his mask. He should’ve eliminated this threat long ago, BEFORE he lost his son and wife at the hands of the savages. He slid his daughter into an automated escape pod and made his way to his war chambers. His bright purple and yellow eyes hardened as blue-purple energy cracked around his hands. He would end this.
Kaden rode his great albino warcat, Sil'nyy, through the war camp. His hazel eyes stared ahead beneath his thick curly hair, the only thing on his body apart from the runes painted on and his scars from his days as a gladiator was a light armor of golden bronze dragon scales, his gold and onyx crown, the sheath of his enchanted broadsword, and a couple of daggers. He thought of the coming battle, he thought of his brother and close friend. Dead. Murdered at the hands of this unnatural monster. He would have his vengeance. His beloved, Sildara, the Ice Queen of Golmiria sat behind him, her mahogany skin contrasting sharply with the thick white fur gown she wore, her eyes and lips the same icy blue of a glacier. She held her frost staff in her hand, staring at the unnatural castle looming in the distance. She was trying hard not to think of her beloved, of the battle to come. Not to think of his bronzed skin, or the way he laughed, the way it felt when his strong arms held her, how softly he kissed her, of how he might die and she might never have those things again. No. She would not think on them. She would protect the Dragonborn, the King, her love. Kaden’s eyes flicked to the left and then to the right as Sil’nyy leaped the ruins of the protective barrier. Things began to whir and move underground, as the giants and ogres hurled flaming boulders and huge explosive creations at the walls of the evil black castle. He whipped his softly glowing blade from its sheath and quickly ended four of the black machine men spilling from the castle like ants, now was the time for battle.

Nemaru zoomed through the battlegrounds on his mechbeast, along with his high command. Huge rail guns and lasers rose from the ground, powered, and fired, hitting scores of the various primitives. The primitives launched flaming boulders and their strange energy from their hands at his ship in return, some ricocheted, but most hit, the force fields were holding, barely, but they would not hold forever. His mechbeast fired a quick burst of incendiary rounds from its mouth, felling several warriors, as Nemaru threw his palm out, his energy finding at least fifteen. Aerial fighters and mechs twirled in the air with wyverns, pegasi, and griffins, their casualties raining down on fighters from both sides. Nemaru, turned, dodging an arrow moving impossibly fast and fired a bolt of energy, propelling its elven shooter into his brothers. He jumped from his mechbeast as it leapt onto the head of a werewolf, wrapping its spiked poisoned tongue deep into the flesh around the wolf’s hairy neck. Nemaru twirled his shock staff around effortlessly, his black cloak flapping with his movement, as steam hissed from the mouth opening of his gas mask, he grimaced with anger and satisfaction, his electrified blades finding flesh with every fatal movement. His cyborg soldiers were firing automatic pulse rifles, plasma rifles, ion cannons, and slashing at their enemies with their shockblades. Nemaru searched while he fought, searched for the King of the savages.

Kaden lopped a machine man in half, cutting through his armor like butter, then turned and stabbed a four armed gray-fleshed man with metal hands through the head, every flash of his blade sent at least two enemies to the afterlife. His stout orc companion bashed heads in with two battle maces, grinning with the savage pleasure that orcs get from battle. It was contagious for the Dragonborn, Kaden leapt into the air, landing on a giant robot’s leg, swept his blade through it, and leapt again, landing on a large battleship. He sliced the top off and took a huge breath, his chest lighting up and flickering from the inside, then blew out a blue-white pillar of flame inside, flipping off just as the smoking mess collapsed into the ranks of machine men, exploding among them. He yanked a shield off the ground and sent it crashing into a metal sky ship, then leapt onto Sil’nyy and ran to a werebear that had mechanical beasts surrounding it.
Nemaru kicked an orc into a primitive warship, the orc’s chest flashed blue twice then he exploded, as Nemaru leapt and swept his energy saber through the knee of a giant. Then he rolled into a section of elven knights, swinging his red energy blade swung through their bodies before they had a chance to react. One of the meteors that rained down from the skies crashed into one of his guard towers, causing it fall onto his army with a huge explosion. There was a high “VEEEEEN”-ing sound as the giant particle cannon on his ship gathered matter, and then a low “BEYOOUUUUUN” as it fired across the battlefield into the primitive’s side. A huge red beam of energy boomed from the enemy’s side, slamming into his ship causing minor explosions. Nemaru grit his teeth as he focused all remaining power to his ship’s defenses from his wristcontrol.
Sildara’s staff shot out left and right from behind Kaden, felling wave after wave of enemies, she froze the missiles that were headed for her and then froze their shooters, she sensed many wood elves fall, and turned. The unnatural abomination swung his strange evil red blade with deadly accuracy, light shot from his fingertips and destroyed a rhino’s head. She tapped Kaden on the shoulder and said two words. “He’s there” Kaden whipped his head around and glared where his love had pointed, and sure enough the abomination was there. His strange mask hissing, his red weapon sizzling, tattered black cape swishing around him. His muscle was evident even through his shiny black armor; four black cylinders were on his back by his shoulders, one big and one small on each side. Kaden sheathed his blade, and reached behind him, Sildara placed an enchanted bow and arrow in his hands. He pulled back as far as he could, aimed and let the arrow fly just as a huge beam of energy hit right beside him, launching him in the air.
Nemaru tingled, he suddenly turned and struck his saber against an arrow that had way to much force behind it. It sparked and deflected to the back of a cyborg, freezing him so hard he cracked and shattered. Nemaru hissed in hatred and rage when he saw who shot it. He clicked his sharpened teeth in annoyance, and then sent a thought out, calling his mechbeast to him, the true battle began now.
Kaden’s spear flashed left and right before he threw it into the chest of a half beast half machine. A familiar voice cried in pain, causing him to whip his around. He could see his orc friend and two others surrounded on all sides by the machine men through a wall of flame. Sildara leapt from Sil’nyy to her huge white bear as Kaden turned Sil’nyy around and raced toward them. The two warriors fell dead as the orc fought savagely, Sil’nyy leapt over the flame into the air when suddenly something huge and metal smashed into Sil’nyy’s midsection. They landed on the ground in a spinning rolling growling heap, Sil’nyy jumped clear. The Dark one stood before Kaden. The mechbeast tackled Sil’nyy and began their own fight. Nemaru and Kaden stared at each other for a little while, and then Kaden lunged with a roar, his face twisted in rage as Nemaru sneered behind his mask and whipped his other energy saber out. They fought so fast that they appeared as a blur to others. Kaden leapt just as Nemaru swept his foot for his legs, he landed behind Nemaru and shot pure, raw magic from his hands. Launching Nemaru through the air with a loud “CRACK!!”.
Nemaru smashed through his control window, smashing most of the panel, a high beeping sounded repeatedly, flashing an “ACTIVATED” sign on the shattered panel. Kaden stared in horror at his hands, he had been too angry to remember what his mentor had said about raw magic. His vision swam, and he staggered, suddenly a rocket smashed into his back, propelling him into the room where the dark one lay, then exploded.
Sildara stopped, as her whole body flushed with heat, she felt her beloved dying. “NO!” She screamed as she leapt into the air clutching a scale from long ago. She began chanting faster, and faster, gold light surrounding her body, filling her eyes, creating runes in the air and on her skin. There was a huge flash and a roar that could be heard for miles.
Nemaru’s thoughts were murky, his love, his son, and…his daughter…all he had left…he grimaced and stood. “You” his voice rasped “You killed by mate. My son!!” he was shouting now “YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER” Then he smashed his bare palms together. The black canisters on his back turned a murky swirling grey-silver, and then shot down into his back. Nemaru screamed in pure agony as silver shot through his skin.
Outside a huge robot had emerged from the ground, the battle was going in the Nemaru’s favor. Suddenly a huge gold dragon slammed down on the robot from the sky, and the battle raged on. Kaden thought of everyone he lost…of all his loved ones….he couldn’t fail them….his unborn child! Suddenly he felt something. Soft at first, then explosive, as the dragon in him awakened. His body was engulfed in golden fire, as golden bronze scales raced along his skin, and a tail exploded from his lower back. His nails grew into bronze claws, and wings snapped out from his back. He ripped his pulsing golden sword from its sheath, tossed his head back and roared.
Nemaru’s body spasmed back and forth, and then he growled and stood. He was twice his previous size and full of thick muscle, his eyes were silver and glowing with purple light. His spine had sharp metal spikes trailing down to his lower back, four jet slits opened on his back, blowing steam and heat. Shiny cords of metal were visible through his pale skin. He ripped his armor off, wearing only a bit of his mask around his mouth, his gloves, and his pants and boots with his cape around his waist. He activated his enhanced energy saber; it made a “TSHOOOVE!” sound, then his eyes met Kaden’s golden slits. “Now” Nemaru said, rolling his shoulders “Where were we?” Kaden roared and Nemaru grimaced as they clashed swords, the room falling apart around them.
A blaring klaxon alarm sounded. It’s red and white lights flashing throughout the polished black hallways as shiny black armor clad soldiers hissed from the grey-blue slits in the wall into weapon storages, grabbing what they were programmed too. “PROXIMITY ALERT! WARNING! PROXIMITY ALERT!” A robotic female voice sounded softly over the speakers. Nemaru stared out of the viewing panel in his armored war quarters as he strokied his sleeping daughter’s purplish white hair. A huge army composed of humans, elves, orcs, ogres, giants, and every other detestable outdated creature this planet had to offer thudded across the earth toward his shining black metallic castle-ship in the bright sunlight. They roared their primitive battle cries, led by the one known as “The Dragonborn” Nemaru grimaced behind his mask. He should’ve eliminated this threat long ago, BEFORE he lost his son and wife at the hands of the savages. He slid his daughter into an automated escape pod and made his way to his war chambers. His bright purple and yellow eyes hardened as blue-purple energy cracked around his hands. He would end this.
Kaden rode his great albino warcat, Sil'nyy, through the war camp. His hazel eyes stared ahead beneath his thick curly hair, the only thing on his body apart from the runes painted on and his scars from his days as a gladiator was a light armor of golden bronze dragon scales, his gold and onyx crown, the sheath of his enchanted broadsword, and a couple of daggers. He thought of the coming battle, he thought of his brother and close friend. Dead. Murdered at the hands of this unnatural monster. He would have his vengeance. His beloved, Sildara, the Ice Queen of Golmiria sat behind him, her mahogany skin contrasting sharply with the thick white fur gown she wore, her eyes and lips the same icy blue of a glacier. She held her frost staff in her hand, staring at the unnatural castle looming in the distance. She was trying hard not to think of her beloved, of the battle to come. Not to think of his bronzed skin, or the way he laughed, the way it felt when his strong arms held her, how softly he kissed her, of how he might die and she might never have those things again. No. She would not think on them. She would protect the Dragonborn, the King, her love. Kaden’s eyes flicked to the left and then to the right as Sil’nyy leaped the ruins of the protective barrier. Things began to whir and move underground, as the giants and ogres hurled flaming boulders and huge explosive creations at the walls of the evil black castle. He whipped his softly glowing blade from its sheath and quickly ended four of the black machine men spilling from the castle like ants, now was the time for battle.

Nemaru zoomed through the battlegrounds on his mechbeast, along with his high command. Huge rail guns and lasers rose from the ground, powered, and fired, hitting scores of the various primitives. The primitives launched flaming boulders and their strange energy from their hands at his ship in return, some ricocheted, but most hit, the force fields were holding, barely, but they would not hold forever. His mechbeast fired a quick burst of incendiary rounds from its mouth, felling several warriors, as Nemaru threw his palm out, his energy finding at least fifteen. Aerial fighters and mechs twirled in the air with wyverns, pegasi, and griffins, their casualties raining down on fighters from both sides. Nemaru, turned, dodging an arrow moving impossibly fast and fired a bolt of energy, propelling its elven shooter into his brothers. He jumped from his mechbeast as it leapt onto the head of a werewolf, wrapping its spiked poisoned tongue deep into the flesh around the wolf’s hairy neck. Nemaru twirled his shock staff around effortlessly, his black cloak flapping with his movement, as steam hissed from the mouth opening of his gas mask, he grimaced with anger and satisfaction, his electrified blades finding flesh with every fatal movement. His cyborg soldiers were firing automatic pulse rifles, plasma rifles, ion cannons, and slashing at their enemies with their shockblades. Nemaru searched while he fought, searched for the King of the savages.

Kaden lopped a machine man in half, cutting through his armor like butter, then turned and stabbed a four armed gray-fleshed man with metal hands through the head, every flash of his blade sent at least two enemies to the afterlife. His stout orc companion bashed heads in with two battle maces, grinning with the savage pleasure that orcs get from battle. It was contagious for the Dragonborn, Kaden leapt into the air, landing on a giant robot’s leg, swept his blade through it, and leapt again, landing on a large battleship. He sliced the top off and took a huge breath, his chest lighting up and flickering from the inside, then blew out a blue-white pillar of flame inside, flipping off just as the smoking mess collapsed into the ranks of machine men, exploding among them. He yanked a shield off the ground and sent it crashing into a metal sky ship, then leapt onto Sil’nyy and ran to a werebear that had mechanical beasts surrounding it.
Nemaru kicked an orc into a primitive warship, the orc’s chest flashed blue twice then he exploded, as Nemaru leapt and swept his energy saber through the knee of a giant. Then he rolled into a section of elven knights, swinging his red energy blade swung through their bodies before they had a chance to react. One of the meteors that rained down from the skies crashed into one of his guard towers, causing it fall onto his army with a huge explosion. There was a high “VEEEEEN”-ing sound as the giant particle cannon on his ship gathered matter, and then a low “BEYOOUUUUUN” as it fired across the battlefield into the primitive’s side. A huge red beam of energy boomed from the enemy’s side, slamming into his ship causing minor explosions. Nemaru grit his teeth as he focused all remaining power to his ship’s defenses from his wristcontrol.
Sildara’s staff shot out left and right from behind Kaden, felling wave after wave of enemies, she froze the missiles that were headed for her and then froze their shooters, she sensed many wood elves fall, and turned. The unnatural abomination swung his strange evil red blade with deadly accuracy, light shot from his fingertips and destroyed a rhino’s head. She tapped Kaden on the shoulder and said two words. “He’s there” Kaden whipped his head around and glared where his love had pointed, and sure enough the abomination was there. His strange mask hissing, his red weapon sizzling, tattered black cape swishing around him. His muscle was evident even through his shiny black armor; four black cylinders were on his back by his shoulders, one big and one small on each side. Kaden sheathed his blade, and reached behind him, Sildara placed an enchanted bow and arrow in his hands. He pulled back as far as he could, aimed and let the arrow fly just as a huge beam of energy hit right beside him, launching him in the air.
Nemaru tingled, he suddenly turned and struck his saber against an arrow that had way to much force behind it. It sparked and deflected to the back of a cyborg, freezing him so hard he cracked and shattered. Nemaru hissed in hatred and rage when he saw who shot it. He clicked his sharpened teeth in annoyance, and then sent a thought out, calling his mechbeast to him, the true battle began now.
Kaden’s spear flashed left and right before he threw it into the chest of a half beast half machine. A familiar voice cried in pain, causing him to whip his around. He could see his orc friend and two others surrounded on all sides by the machine men through a wall of flame. Sildara leapt from Sil’nyy to her huge white bear as Kaden turned Sil’nyy around and raced toward them. The two warriors fell dead as the orc fought savagely, Sil’nyy leapt over the flame into the air when suddenly something huge and metal smashed into Sil’nyy’s midsection. They landed on the ground in a spinning rolling growling heap, Sil’nyy jumped clear. The Dark one stood before Kaden. The mechbeast tackled Sil’nyy and began their own fight. Nemaru and Kaden stared at each other for a little while, and then Kaden lunged with a roar, his face twisted in rage as Nemaru sneered behind his mask and whipped his other energy saber out. They fought so fast that they appeared as a blur to others. Kaden leapt just as Nemaru swept his foot for his legs, he landed behind Nemaru and shot pure, raw magic from his hands. Launching Nemaru through the air with a loud “CRACK!!”.
Nemaru smashed through his control window, smashing most of the panel, a high beeping sounded repeatedly, flashing an “ACTIVATED” sign on the shattered panel. Kaden stared in horror at his hands, he had been too angry to remember what his mentor had said about raw magic. His vision swam, and he staggered, suddenly a rocket smashed into his back, propelling him into the room where the dark one lay, then exploded.
Sildara stopped, as her whole body flushed with heat, she felt her beloved dying. “NO!” She screamed as she leapt into the air clutching a scale from long ago. She began chanting faster, and faster, gold light surrounding her body, filling her eyes, creating runes in the air and on her skin. There was a huge flash and a roar that could be heard for miles.
Nemaru’s thoughts were murky, his love, his son, and…his daughter…all he had left…he grimaced and stood. “You” his voice rasped “You killed by mate. My son!!” he was shouting now “YOU HURT MY DAUGHTER” Then he smashed his bare palms together. The black canisters on his back turned a murky swirling grey-silver, and then shot down into his back. Nemaru screamed in pure agony as silver shot through his skin.
Outside a huge robot had emerged from the ground, the battle was going in the Nemaru’s favor. Suddenly a huge gold dragon slammed down on the robot from the sky, and the battle raged on. Kaden thought of everyone he lost…of all his loved ones….he couldn’t fail them….his unborn child! Suddenly he felt something. Soft at first, then explosive, as the dragon in him awakened. His body was engulfed in golden fire, as golden bronze scales raced along his skin, and a tail exploded from his lower back. His nails grew into bronze claws, and wings snapped out from his back. He ripped his pulsing golden sword from its sheath, tossed his head back and roared.
Nemaru’s body spasmed back and forth, and then he growled and stood. He was twice his previous size and full of thick muscle, his eyes were silver and glowing with purple light. His spine had sharp metal spikes trailing down to his lower back, four jet slits opened on his back, blowing steam and heat. Shiny cords of metal were visible through his pale skin. He ripped his armor off, wearing only a bit of his mask around his mouth, his gloves, and his pants and boots with his cape around his waist. He activated his enhanced energy saber; it made a “TSHOOOVE!” sound, then his eyes met Kaden’s golden slits. “Now” Nemaru said, rolling his shoulders “Where were we?” Kaden roared and Nemaru grimaced as they clashed swords, the room falling apart around them.

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Shelved in 1 Library
Added on November 16, 2013
Last Updated on January 20, 2014


Karleem Johnson
Karleem Johnson

Grand Rapids, MI

I'm a young aspiring author (as i'm sure lots of other people on this page are) who is just trying to make it. My goal is to finish a novel and have it published, i also want to create video games and.. more..
