Chapter 1: "By God."

Chapter 1: "By God."

A Chapter by RosalieEmorosa

He Meets this girl for the first time. Who is she? What is she about? Can he trust her? Is the questions that go through his head. He decides to approach her I wander how this goes.


 Chapter 1: "Dont be a stranger."



                         It was a usual day for me.

I awoke from a deep sleep and headed for the bathroom for the usual shower, brushing of teeth,and etc. I grabbed today's paper and read about the first two pages before deciding to go get some coffee at the local coffee shop across the street.


                      Nothing was still unusual. I walked across the highway waving a hand of thanks to the cars that allowed me to pass. As I entered the coffee shop I noticed Sally the store owner was talking to a young lady with long flowing brown hair at the counter. I could only see the back of her head and  boy was it the best back of a head I ever saw! I decided to sit two seats away from the stranger. Not to far and not to close. Sally gave the young lady an application and still I could not see the front of her face.


                      Sally must have noticed me staring, because she decided to randomly introduce the two of us. "Hey there Liam! This is gonna be our new waitress Miss Anya Patrillo." Sally introduced with her loud country accent. I smiled and picked up my paper and began to read. "Your not gonna say Hi?" said a sweet mid tone voice from the left of me. I knew it was hers and by now she must have turned and looked at me. I turned my head hesitantly. Then I froze. She was so beutiful,her hair came past her round shoulders and those beutiful light brown eyes.


                     "Uh. Hi." I said in awe.  She giggles and says,"If you keep that mouth of yours open any longer a fly might drop in." She had an southern accent,unlike Sally's it was soft and low. I laughed by nature and closed my mouth. "Nice smile you got there." I compliemented. "Why thank you." she replied. "By God!" I let out. "Whats the matter?" she says. "You dont know how beutiful you are. I mean with those features you must be a model. She began to blush and I cant help but laugh. "Well I must be going. What time do I start Mrs. Rockafeller?" Anya asked.


"You call me Sally Ya' Here? You  start tomorow at 7 a.m. and dont be late for your first day or your check will be late for his first day." Sally retorted before walking back into the kitchen. I studied Anya's facial expression. She had that "Oh No You didnt!" look on her face. She turned to me and nodded in farewell. I watched her walk away and from then on I knew the coffee shop would become my favorite hang out.






Thanks For Reading





© 2010 RosalieEmorosa

Author's Note

Excuse me if I didnt spell a few words right or didnt add some puncuation. Please enjoy this first chappter and I hope to get some reviews on what you think :] xoxoRosalieEmorsa

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Added on September 5, 2010
Last Updated on September 5, 2010
Tags: stranger, mysterious, mystery, trust, love, at, first, site, romance, dark, adventure, deceit, heavenly, teen, mature



Hey There. Im Rosalie Emorosa. Im an aspiring writer who loves wildlife and hopes to one day work with them. I love writing because you get to make up your own story and let the story be told how you .. more..
