this is me

this is me

A Poem by Kayla W.

this is basically my creepy side. it's how my alter ego, newblood, works. "no newblood! you can't kill the readers!" sorry, she has a habbit of killing people. this poem is about her. hope you enjoy!


I’m walking down your hallway

To find your bed

Then I hide under it

No words are said


I’ll wait till you get home

And till you come to your room

But you do not know

You are about to meet your doom


You open the door

And my smile grows wide

Then all of a sudden

I’m standing by your side


I have long dirty nails

And Pure black eyes

My sight turns red

And I ignore your stupid cries


I use my nails

To cut one eye out

So you can still see

what I’m all about


Then to your head

I’ll slice it open

Did you really think

That I was just jokin’


Back to your head

I’ll eat your brain

Yes officer, yes

I am insane


Down to your feet

So you can’t run

I’ll shoot them off

With my invisible gun


Don’t you worry sir

That was just a joke

Now you can say it with me

Or *cough* *cough* choke.


Now you are dead

And no one knows

That is me

And how my story goes 

© 2010 Kayla W.

Author's Note

Kayla W.
you can lock the doors, but newblood will always find a way in.............

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this is super awesome. i love it

Posted 10 Years Ago

i absolutly love this thanks for sharing

Posted 11 Years Ago

I love this creepy side of you, great descriptions, I love creepy poems lol awesome!!

Posted 14 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on April 4, 2010
Last Updated on April 4, 2010
Tags: officer, scary, death, murder, killer


Kayla W.
Kayla W.

Nashville, TN

HI everyone! My name is kayla. I like to write stories based on homosexuality even though i'm a girl. I don't think it really matters, but it's just a stereotype. My age is a secret because, people ac.. more..

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