A Story by bigfootprint

Editorial, opinion based on threads of social, political and scientific news items.


Marxist dictators call it the "glorious revolution," but you can't get the paid agitators to shut up long enough to argue the finer points. Power hungry Democratic leaders insist you “cannot be civil" in dealings with the duly elected officials and supporters of the Trump administration. The Trump haters openly call for a campaign of violence, disruption, and agitation -- and are getting away with it. Stories continue of politically motivated threats, public confrontations, mob havoc -- even assassinations. Democratic Party leaders work to keep the anger burning and incite even more harassment and violence. Their sole purpose is to undermine American society and derail the justice system -- risking the nation's survival in the process. And all the while, the President has brought this nation back from the brink to regain its self-respect as the world marches toward perdition.

Soon no doubt, the campaign against Christianity and American's faith will re-intensify. Marxism denies the existence of God (capital G) and the human soul, calling the government the nearest thing to god, with power over human life and property. Some scientists are now claiming that consciousness precedes matter and exists independently in multiverses across all times. To conquer a people, Marxists must first wipe out hope and self-reliance, squelching all faith in any power other than the state. Their mindless foot soldiers seem to thrive on gleaning a sense of raw power from creating anarchy -- however fleeting their existence. Remember the kid that got his kicks by pulling the wings off house flies just to watch them crawl? Marxists appear to fear divine intervention by God, while at the same time embracing Islam and Sharia law because of shared demands for total obedience and ultimate control over human minds -- transference, brainwashing.
Maybe the Marxists consider Islamist leaders easier to wrest control from, once total domination over human thought is achieved. Much of the anarchist disruption is being carried out directly by US tax-exempt rights organizations disguised as charities, that follow policies directed by dictator wannabe George Soros' and his globalist banking cabal. Some of the activist groups pay top leaders a whopping $150,000 annual salary as neighborhood organizers. No one talks about IRS oversight of the bookkeeping practices of such revisionist organizations. The cabal has achieved ownership of major mass media and turned its powers into a mind-control machine meant to manipulate public opinion among the unschooled.

Marxism's glorious revolutionary process involves converting the few and conquering the many. As in the historical accounts of bloodbaths following actual communist takeovers as in China, Russia, and Cuba, apparently they eradicate all who challenge their imposed public peace, which is defined as total absence of resistance. The process might also evaluate every individual's likely value to the New World Order, eliminating all mental and social misfits, addicts, and ne'er-do-wells. Every communist takeover has a history of blood baths. Vladimir Lenin's Red Army eradicated an estimated 10 million Kulaks in the battle for the Crimea, starting in 1919, in the early days of the Bolshevik Revolution, clearing the way for the establishment of the Soviet Union. far surpassing the death count for Hitler's attempted eradication of the Jewish people in WWII. Mao tse-Tung's war to install his 1949 communist regime in China and the subsequent Cultural Revolution to weed out undesirables killed an estimated 103 million people. No one will say how many lives were lost in Castro's Cuban takeover.

Some credit the globalist vision for Soros's world takeover to a race of super smart reptilian beings of nefarious intent, under control of an entity called the "Black Pope." The question is out there, "Do they eat people?" They supposedly manipulate world economies and political schemes, financed and carried out by an international banking cabal, bent of establishing a world totalitarian oligarchy to serve their non-human masters, who are bent on maintaining Earth as a prison planet. Of course, the long-term plans of the ruler entities will have no vacancies to fill with humans when the deed is done, and so the helpful Muslims and Marxists -- or for that matter the radical leftist Democrats, appear to have overlooked that vital point. They could suddenly find themselves disposable excess baggage. Under the plan, Christians would have been greatly reduced in number and driven into hiding like in Roman times. Anyway by that time, the Yellowstone super volcano and a weeks-long solar blackout with subsequent 7-degree rise in surface heating might have wiped out most of the US population, leaving the small ruling elite to argue over who will take out the trash.

What the Marxists lack in converts, their paid mercenaries make up in noise, riots, and public confrontations. What the radical rabble sees as free speech is their right to silence everyone else. They all appear to be following the same scripted rhetoric as the Democratic Party leaders. Scores of elected officials, including many governors and big city mayors, and congressmen (we know who some of the are) rode into office on campaigns financed by the same Soros activist organizations. Elected officials have managed to create sanctuary cities in defiance of the law of the land. Those local leaders work tirelessly to brainwash the public, encourage the demise of the Immigration enforcement, and wipe out America's borders. Tunnel systems burrowed beneath  our borders, rigged with rail systems and solar lighting, seemingly bring weapons and more illegal aliens into the sanctuary areas. No one tells us the intended use of the military grade weapons flowing in. No one talks about the failure of the military's ground-penetrating radar to discover such hidden pathways.

Barack Hussein Obama, who appears to have amassed great wealth since his venture into American ruling circles, judging by the opulence of a gifted family residence which far outshines the White House in elegance and sophistication, insists that the  globalists are already running the USA and that he is the chosen one, Soros's choice to become post apocalyptic American dictator. He said more than once he was sorely needed to govern America because Americans are not smart enough to govern themselves. He tried to cede America's sovereignty to the United Nations, answerable to the World Court, toward the end of his presidency. Convoys of UN military vehicles were seen traveling American highways, carrying who knows what kinds of shipments to unknown destinations. This same Kenyan strongman still flits about the globe taking meetings with foreign dignitaries and insisting he is still running the USA.

The Soros butt wipes will make their quest for power a reality if they gain a majority in the upcoming congressional election, acquiring the power to impeach President Trump, reverse his proven successes at reviving America's  greatness, and maybe imprison any public official they deem unworthy, to face presidential summary courts-martial.  No doubt the borders would again be thrown open to UN  convoys and motorcades bringing logistical supplies and newly designated UN appointees to look after its global interests in our border towns and refugee processing centers, all to ensure welfare benefits to incoming hordes of foreigners. No doubt their arrival would be welcomed by Marxist activists and their lapdog media on behalf of the sanctuary areas. Our nation could be thrown open to all who might  serve radical purposes -- maybe even military detachments sent by hostile Third World countries who would no longer have to rely on tunnel systems to invade the USA. Communist world leaders shy away from the topic, as quiet as church mice about possible collusion.

The vast Muslim contingent of "humanitarian refugees" brought in by BHO to help purify the American culture by bringing multiple wives, concubines, and male lovers, appears to have cut back on open confrontation aimed at asserting the dominance of Islam and demanding imposition of Sharia law. It has lowered its revolutionary fervor, probably because it became clear that Democrats' agenda had little to do with empowering Islam. Maybe Muslim refugees are assigned to secretive, no-go, militant training camps to be schooled as militiamen to quell any uprisings by armed citizens. The Muslims continue their strategy of making inroads into American city, state, and federal governmental offices,  capturing one city  at a time and creating no-go communities in the name of Islam. Confidently, the Soros foundations are standing by with millions of dollars to grease the campaign wheels of American politics. 

Meanwhile, President Trump apparently has launched an effort to wrest control of the Federal Reserve system from the Rothschilds. Trump apparently wants to reinstate the US Treasury secretary as head of the Fed and maybe add more members to loosen the Rothschild choke hold on our nation's money supply, adding to economic  boom times with a  resurgence in real estate values. If Trump is successful, maybe he can shine the spotlight on the New World Order ties to America's traitors who support the enslavement of world populations by the totalitarian cabal. He has vowed to rid the White House corridors of  untrustworthy Deep State types in his quest to drain the Washington swamp, waiting for the signal to run for it. No need to fret over our caring government officials, who will be safely bunkered under large mountain peaks in well stocked and defended nuclear bomb shelters, only to re-emerge when the shooting stops. Ordinary people will be living as they can, totally exposed, risking life and limb, foraging for food, and defending each other against Marxist zombies and hungry reptilians. No doubt, the all clear signal will ring hollow against the rubble.

© 2018 bigfootprint

Author's Note

It is fun to watch the daily cultural, political, and scientific goings-on across the nation and see how the pieces come together to form a social landscape of lies, nightmares, and questionable assumptions. We can never trust public information gleaned from radical news releases, manufactured documents, social media sources or our own political and church leaders. How is an ordinary person expected to make sense of it all?

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Yes, you have hit the nail on the head here Doug. How is an ordinary person expected to make sense out of all this? Some people have huge ideas with gigantic agendas, George Soros being one of them. Politics is becoming increasingly concerning. I hear much about Mr Trump, and though as an individual I don't care much for him, he does appear to be getting the results that he was elected on. In other words, he is carrying out the manifesto. We have a socialist party taken over by Marxists. We have to watch out step over here, what lies ahead could become very ugly. Mrs May needs to get a grip.


Posted 6 Years Ago

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6 Years Ago

Thanks for your prompt response. I value your opinion. You have keen insights and the command of the.. read more


it has made a mark in the history. and will always be a part of history whether one can understand the concept of it or not

Posted 6 Years Ago

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6 Years Ago

Thanks for the response
Yes, you have hit the nail on the head here Doug. How is an ordinary person expected to make sense out of all this? Some people have huge ideas with gigantic agendas, George Soros being one of them. Politics is becoming increasingly concerning. I hear much about Mr Trump, and though as an individual I don't care much for him, he does appear to be getting the results that he was elected on. In other words, he is carrying out the manifesto. We have a socialist party taken over by Marxists. We have to watch out step over here, what lies ahead could become very ugly. Mrs May needs to get a grip.


Posted 6 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


6 Years Ago

Thanks for your prompt response. I value your opinion. You have keen insights and the command of the.. read more

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3 Reviews
Added on October 12, 2018
Last Updated on October 12, 2018
Tags: Commentary



Bossier City, LA

Hi I'm Doug Fowler, age 77, proud American. Perpetual student, newspaper copy editor (retired), poet, novelist, painter, Christian minister, USAF veteran, and pool player. I live alone and like it (bu.. more..
