"The might of the nib and the well
Yielding garlands of green
Streams of cream
A knight in armor
Treachery and betrayal
End to war or climax of revolution"
Such a valid statement that everyone seems to have forgotten. I loved this piece entirely! It flows nicely, gets the point across, and doesn't distract from the message with overly-flowery language. There really isn't anything I would change within this piece, except maybe the repetition of the line:
"With a flick a swish and a flourish"
in the third and fourth stanzas. It doesn't fit as nicely in the third, although, I'm not an expert by any means. Thanks for sharing your poem, I enjoyed it!
I love this....the writer is the creater, in complete control of the composition and can be as daring, provacative, subtle, gentle, outrageous, or malovent as he or she desires....what power the pen wields. This can't help but make me feel gleeful !! Yeah !!
Writing is my savior. It has become my outlet and my release, as well as my greatest passion. I dream of a career as a poet, possibly sprinkling in a few novels along the way. I operate on two levels.. more..