The River

The River

A Poem by The Faire

I see the night is nearing

The woods are murky in this light

I come to the waters edge

The moss drapes down and cicadas sing

A lullaby of the South


I have a goal, but what it is

I cannot discern

I know I must swim through these

Frigid waters

To find myself


Or lose myself


Slipping into the water

I feel the need of my siren calling me



I swim


There is danger below the surface of the water

Sharp rocky shards that can cut

Weeds that would entangle me

Each danger, I circumvent

After traveling this river and its cruelties

I reach a clearing


The river runs clear and the dark, deepens

My world has turned forest green

The colour of my lover's eyes

Mysterious, beautiful

I roll over and in the water I float

Under branches overhanging


My journey


Bare breasts pucker in the gloaming air

Long black hair

Streams around my face

The moon peeks between the branches,

Pale in this light




Ahead, I hear the roar of a waterfall

As I draw near

The sound becomes deafening

A choice must be made

Do I quit this river?

Or ride it like a woman rides a man?

Head flung back and screaming



The midnight hour is past and

I throw myself into the spray

The ride is not for everyone

Injuries are sustained

Yet still

I want more


At the bottom of the falls

There lies a lake

Beyond the water's churn

The lake is placid and calm

The sun warms the water and

The light is brightened into day.


The water brings me to the shore

And leaves me resting on the sand

I hear the sounds of the woods again

And footsteps drawing nigh

Your hands lift me up

Your voice opens my eyes

Your lips quicken my heart


At last!

At last

I have come home.


Copyright ©2007 Nadine Clayton

© 2009 The Faire

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Added on April 12, 2009


The Faire
The Faire

Edge Of Reason, NV

Currently living in Las Vegas, I am a native of the U.S. N.W. and some of my writing reflects that locale however, much of my writing explores male/female relationships. It has occurred to me that me.. more..

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