3. Neverending Nightmare

3. Neverending Nightmare

A Chapter by Sarah

this isnt the whole chapter im still writing it... but i want to know what you all thought :D


I toss and turn all night. I wake up with my blanket on the floor. It's mid winter, so the bumps on my arms wake me often. I lookover to my clock, it's 2:30 in the morning. I have about three and a half hours to sleep. Quickly I appear in dream land. The most magical place where anything can happen. I get to make my own world. Sometimes I forget that it's up to me what's in my dreams.


The car skidds to a stop at a place I've never seen before. It's beautiful, like a palace. It seemed like nothing bad could step foot in the castle. At the time, I didn't know the evil that awaited me. I walked slowly, and carefully to the squeaky door. I open it fast, so it wouldn't make as much noise. Almost immediately, the black smoke swooshed out and onto my face. It smelled like a burning house, worse burning flesh. My heart started to race. I followed the smoke forward.

Then I saw the flames, they were high and bright. The smell got stronger as i approached  long narrow hallway. Thick smoke was coming from the bottom of a closed door. I placed my shaking hand on the door knob, the other over my heart, my eyes closed. Quietly I opened the door, then the scream escaped my mouth, a hand from behind me covered my mouth, and my eyes flashed open. I wiggled, trying to get away. In a liquid voice the man said, "You're next, and there's no way to escape, no matter what, my grip won't loosen. You're mine now." He spun me so I faced him, "Beautiful." He took his finger and caressed my face. Tracing from the corner of my eye to the corner of my lips.

I didn't want to move, because I was scared he would hurt me. My mind told me to stay as still as possible, but my heart told me to run, run far away. So I did, I ran, but he was too fast for me. He pulled me against him and I found a deadly weapon come from his pocket, he snapped it out, and it was against my throat. My heart was pounding. "If you scream, people could hear you, then I'll have to get rid of you." These were words only a killer would say.

A gasp escaped from my mouth, this beast pressed the knife against me, and I felt the sting, the warm blood run down my skin.


I tried to catch my breath, as I thought about the nightmare. I couldn't put it together, why would I have that kind of nightmare? I mean, I've had murder nightmares before, but they were never about me getting killed. It was like going on a carnival ride that spun really fast, and it was your first time on it.

All I can think about now is, what would I do if that really happened? Would that or something worse happen if I ran? Is that what getting your throat slit feels like?

I really wanted to go back to sleep only an hour went by, it felt so much longer. I got up, and grabbed my ipod from my dresser. I went back in bed, bundled myself up in my warm covers, put on my playlist, and closed my eyes. I started to drift off, back to the same place I was.


"Have you learned not to make any noise?" The seductive voice returned. I nodded my head, scared to speak.

He pulled the knife away from my throat. Relief washed through me, and I let out the breath I was holding. The beast pushed me away, knocking me down. He was starting to come after me again with the knife, aiming right for my heart. Before he could kill me I rolled over. Then I could feel this man, he was so close to me, I was in kicking distance, so I kicked him. The kinife came dow, just shy pf puncturing my heart, then I woke to the annoying beeps of my alarm clock, but I could still feel the blood and sting on my neck.


I sat up quickly, the one time I was glad to be going to school, out of this horrid room, where my greatest fears had come. I got in the shower, trying to wash away the scene that played over and over in my head.

When I got out if the shower, I continued with my daily routine to get ready.


I didn't take the bus to school this morning, I walked. I really didn't want to be bothered by anyone. I was scared though, I didn't know what would happen. The truth is that, I didn't want my nightmare to become my life. The nigihtmare was starting to go to my head. Constantly I thought I saw the thick smoke, and when I didn't see it, I could smell it. The man's voice was whispering over and over. Everything he said was different, never the same thing in a row. It went from words he said in the dream like "beautiful" and "You're mine now" They seemed to be what most of the words revolved around. I also heard his voice speak the words that were running through my head.

There was something strange though, something that should be the opposite. It wasn't the horror of the nightmare that scared me, it's the fact  that it was me the man was trying to kill. It didn't have the thrill to it like an action or horror movie. It was disgusting, torture, and it scared me like never before. It wasn't anything like a scarey movie though. You know, the ones where people's heads get sut off out of no where? Yeah, it wasn't like that. I could feel the pain, smell the nasty smoke. The sent of the smoke was so strong, I could taste it.

Then the screaming started. The man came behind me again. He covered my mouth once again, whispered a few words I couldn't make out, and then I saw the flames. The man stabbed me, slowly, I was dying.


I sat straight up, it was a dream, everything that just happened was in my head. I was shaking because that nightmare scared me so much. It felt so real, and that's what scared me the most. This time I knew I was awake. I could feel how scared I was, soon reality hit me and I looked at my clock, if I didn't get up and get ready now, I would never be done in time.

I got up, showered, dressed, and put my make-up on after I fixed my hair. I looked back at the clock, almost time to go. I thought about walking to school, but I did that in my nightmare, and it didn't turn out well.

When I got on the bus, I saw a new kid. He had dark brown hair, kinda long, his eyes were beautiful. He smiled at me, it was one of the most gorgeous smiles I'd ever seen.  I stopped in front of him he was in my seat, I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there. "I'm in your seat aint I?" That smile took over his face again, I nodded, ''The I guess you'll just have to put up with me." He was still smiling. He was truely adorable. He moved over and I took my normal seat.

The rest of the people were staring at us. I got that a lot. Whenever my friends and I go out everyone stares. Most of the poeple who stare, are a lot different than me. Already I could tell that this guy was much different than me, but he wasn't staring at me, he was looking out the window. "When did you move here?" My voice was a little shakey, but I managed to get the words out.

"A few days ago, use to live in Louisiana. I'm James by the way. What's your name?" He turned his body so he could face me more. My gosh, he was beautiful.

"Well if I were you I would've stayed in Louisiana, it must be better than here, it gets sorta boring. Some people like it though. And I'm Abbie, sorry for the let down, there are a few good things here, some fun things too." I pulled my ipod put of the pocket in my jeans.

"It's really nice to meet you, maybe we could hang out sometime?" He seemed shy at first, but this showed me he wasn't as timid as I thought. I didn't want to talk too much, so I just nodded and turned on my favorite song waiting for him to make conversation if he wanted.











© 2009 Sarah

Author's Note

again... only part... still working on the other half of this chapter...

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Added on April 23, 2009
Last Updated on August 4, 2009



Sewell, NJ

Growing Up Growing Up

A Poem by Sarah

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