wrong kind of happiness

wrong kind of happiness

A Poem by berenongur

a blind man accused me of seeing, but I tried to make him see.

The sun hasn't entered my room since September 10th
I didn't touch the furnitures so you won't feel like a stranger when you come back home
I lost the smell on your pillow cause of my tears
When you come back, your smell will get on the new sheets, 
so i don't mind the wet now

When we were together, neither of us would eat
I'm sorry, my love, i guess it's not your thing
I can't eat when you're not here too
My mother says it's because of sadness
But we were happy, right?

I finished the book I told you about
the library guy is waiting for me to deliver it
but you are the one who always take me there
then we go to the beach and have coffee and chat
remind me about the book when you come back, the library guy is pissed of

I saw our teacher the other day
she got quiet when I mentioned you
I don't understand why
I think she hates the see people in love 
but she loved us very much before September 10
maybe she's going through a hard time

I didn't know there was a derby tonight
I always knew when you were at home
if your team lost, you would be sad, I would calm you down
it's so strange I've never heard of about the game this time
I guess your team won the match

I can't sleep without you
if you were I would ask you how I sleep
you can solve every problem
haha how dump i am
if you were here i would sleep so well
can you sleep without me, i don't know
i think, you haven't slept too since you left

I woke up, winter seems coming
but we loved love in June
maybe you left because you don't like the winter
because my room doesn't see the sun
but I could warm you up
you wouldn't feel cold at all.

You always say that i am carried away by love and novels
and there is the happiness of someone who will kill herself in me
i guess you've never tasted true happiness and loving
i wasn't drowning but waving

© 2024 berenongur

Author's Note

If you talk to a blind person about seeing, they will accuse you of being crazy. Seeing in a place where no one else sees is a disease. The same goes for those who don't know love.

"Not Waving but Drowning" is a quote from a poem by Stevie Smith.

My Review

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Really Fabulous exploration of Love and Loss, beautifully realised and expressed. Exceptional ✨️✨️✨️✨️✨️

Posted 1 Week Ago

sometimes this one feels a bit too personal in delivery...and might not be universal enough...others may say..."I feel bad for your situation" The other one of yours I read I found quite relatable...you left it just
ambiguous enough.
One thing here which I think could be its own poem....and quite universal is the last stanza. Love that.

Posted 1 Week Ago


1 Week Ago

I know. I mostly do storytelling and more personal. I'll work on it. Thank you so much for your time
"Beautifully heartbreaking. This poignant letter/poem captures the longing and ache of separation, weaving everyday moments with raw emotion. A tender, intimate, and deeply relatable expression of enduring love,
very good.

Posted 2 Weeks Ago


1 Week Ago

Ah thank you so much sir

1 Week Ago

you are welcome
This is an essay, broken into one sentence per line. Does that magically convert it to a poem, if you use none of the techniques of poetry? There's a LOT to poetry. They've been making mistakes and finding solutions to improve it for centuries. So if your goals is to write poetry, it makes a lot of sense to learn from those mistakes.

But over and above that, this is you talking to someone the reader knows nothing about, reacting to a situation that's unknown to the reader. But, to be meaningful, the reader must have context as-they-read.Withot it, it's a line of, meaning unknown because as read the reader possesses no context.

For example, you open with "The sun hasn't entered my room since September 10th" What can that mean to the reader who just arrived? The blinds have been closed? It's been raining? Someone put up a structure next door? You know. But the reader is lost, and you cannot retroactively remove confusion.

As constructed, this is you talking to someone unknown, in declarative sentences. But what's in it for the reader? The speaker is unknown so far as location, gender, age, and situation. Even the purpose of telling the person being addressed is unknown. So how can the reader empathize?

That matters because readers come to fiction and poetry to be entertained. They expect to be made to feel and care. As E. L.Doctorow so wisely put it: “Good writing is supposed to evoke sensation in the reader. Not the fact that it’s raining, but the feeling of being rained upon.”

To do that we must involve the reader, or at least impress that reader with the beauty of presentation. But that cannot be done with the nonfiction, report-writing skills we were given in school, as they prepared us for the needs of employment. It takes the skills of the poet, which are emotion-based, as against the fact-based approach we learn in school. So, as I said before, it makes a lot of sense to learn the skills that the pros take for granted, Knowledge can be a great working substitute for genius.😆

For you, who have both context and intent guiding your understanding, it works, perfectly.

Try a few chapters of Mary Oliver's, A Poetry Handbook. I think you'll find it a fun, and, informative read.

Sorry for the bad news, but since we'll not address the problem we don't see as being one, I thought you might want to know. And since it's a matter of missing information, not talent, hang in there and keep on writing.

Jay Greenstein
Articles: https://jaygreenstein.wordpress.com/category/the-craft-of-writing/the-grumpy-old-writing-coach/
Videos: https://www.youtube.com/@jaygreenstein3334

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”
~ Mark Twain

Posted 2 Weeks Ago

0 of 1 people found this review constructive.


2 Weeks Ago

Thank you for your detailed review, this is a more constructive criticism. I will take it into consi.. read more
We stopped talking all together on the 11th. I'm still not adjusted. But the air feels lighter in autumn, without their presence you might be lost. Enjoy the walk home.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Hey, we will be fine, it's okay. Keep breathing. You got this. You deserve better
Most touching and sad it carries a sense of melancholy a feeling of loss and since September 10 was mentioned I felt that the person had been in the trade towers and not returned. A powerful write that reaches to the depths of the soul

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

Grieving, loss and other stuffs... just when you lost someone you put in a special place, you can't .. read more
It takes a very long time to adjust to love walking out the front door and you have captured all of the reasons why, in this well inked write, Beren. The 'missing you' factor is difficult to deal with but there are so many other factors involved also. I love how you speak to him as though he could hear you, as though he was there in the room with you. I think you still feel his presence in your life, it takes time also to modify that. A great out-pouring of emotion and feelings in this poem are so well expressed. It is a very sad, heart-breaking read, but you have done justice to and acknowledged your feelings so finely. Huge respect, dear poetess. All those who do not want to hear what we are saying to them, are deaf to our words. A privilege to read, thank you for sharing.

Posted 3 Weeks Ago


3 Weeks Ago

The way I speak represents, I wish he could back. But at the last i accept he won't. It's okay. Life.. read more

3 Weeks Ago

Acceptance is a wonderful gift to oneself, Beren. Once you accept, you are ready to let the past go,.. read more

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7 Reviews
Shelved in 1 Library
Added on September 22, 2024
Last Updated on September 22, 2024

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