Sol's Story (PART 4)

Sol's Story (PART 4)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

As Sol and his men embark on the NCR Prsion, they encounter a surprise along the way.

Ben Anderson - A story of war and curiosity
A Strange Encounter

Sol and his men started their travels from the Camp. Sol was in his Centurion gear with his Machete Gladius while his men had 12.7 mm sub-machine guns. They eventually reached a small Legion camp. As they approached a Prime Legionary spoke up "Ave true to Caesar! Hello Centurion! I am Gaius, and I am in charge of this camp how may I help you?" Sol looked around at the camp, it had a few tents and a campfire at the center. A few Recruits were stationed around the camp, and one was behind two men. Their hands were bounded and they wore a blue like jump suit. Sol nodded his head towards the men and said "Who are these two men?" The man responded "Some Powder Gangers we caught near our camp, they were talking about raiding a caravan so we decided to wait it out. We saw them run over to a small caravan and as they were robbing the people we ran over and captured these two. We killed the traders and stole all their supplies." Sol walked over to the men and spoke to a gangling looking fellow. The man had short brown hair that was messy, his jumpsuit read in the top left '6617' Sol guessed it was a number representing something of importance. Sol said to the man "Speak you dog, where do you come from?" The man looked up at him and said "I'll say nothing to you, Legion dog." Sol slapped the man across the face, the man hit the dirt with a grunt. Sol crouched down to the man and grabbed his face and spoke "Listen here you piece of s**t, if you don't speak I shall slit you're buddy's throat here!" Sol would pull out his Gladius and put it to the other mans throat. The man on the ground said "Do it you dog, I don't care about this man. He's some worthless new guy!" Sol looked at the man in-front of him, and slid the blade across his throat. He started to gurgle, and fell over onto the other man. The man on the ground started to scream "You f*****g piece of s**t! I'll f*****g kill you!" Sol kicked him in the face, the man spit blood at Sol. Sol then got close to the man again, he said "You're last chance f*****g dog, if you do not speak I shall crucify you and let you rot for the crows to eat at you!" The man had a look of terror over his face, he has heard tales of what being crucified is like. He slowly spoke "We are from the prison.. You know, the NCR one? That's all I am telling you dog." Sol smiled, and then sliced his head clean off. He stood up, and spoke "These dogs were from the Prison, we must be close. Come men, lets move out. Gaius, keep up the patrols."

The small Legion band led by Sol finally found the Prison. They await over a hill that overlooks the Prison. Sol speaks to his men "Alright, we are going to wait until the night to assault the Prison, we have the element of surprise and we shall strike with an iron fist. May Mars watch over us!" A few hours later, they notice some men walking to buildings inside the main Prison, Sol pulls up his binoculars and looks down at the Prison. At the main entrance stood a black male leaning against a wall, smoking a cigarette. He then looks towards on of the watchtowers that isn't destroyed and sees two men on it with Sniper Rifles. Sol puts his Binoculars down and speaks to his men once again "Alright, we got two guys in the tower, and one at the entrance. Now, I want two of you to take out the ones in the tower, and I will deal with the one at the door. I want you two" he points at two men to his left "to take out the men in the tower. Lets move." Sol slowly went over the hill, as did the other two men. Sol slowly walked towards the entrance, the gate to enter was slightly open but enough for him to fit through. As he raised his hand to give the signal, the black man starts to walk around. Sol drops instantly, the man looks over at the gate for a second and says "Must be my imagination.. F*****g to much Jet.." He then turned towards the wall and started to mess with a panel. Sol then raised his hand to give the signal. He slammed his hand down, giving the order for the two Vetern Decanuses to kill the tower guards. As they fired, Sol ran into the gate, as he was running he pulled out his Gladius and smashed it into the black mans skull. The man slowly dropped to the ground, with ease. Sol then looked up at the tower and did not see any men. The two Decanuses gave the signal that they were dead. He did a whistle, and the rest of them came over the hill to the door. Sol spoke "Alright, we did it. Now starts to fun part. Let's move in, deal with any of them in here, and then we shall decide what to do with the Prison." Sol pushed a button the the panel near the door, it slid open. A man inside said "Marcus, is that you?" Sol ran in and saw the man, he ran over to him and slid his Gladius into his chest. The rest of the Legion party ran in. There were two more Powder Gangers in the corner, and one behind what looked like a bar. As they came in, they killed all three men before they could even reach for their weapons.

Sol looked around the room, it looked like a relaxation area. The ground was covered in Nuka Cola bottles, and other junk. Sol looked at his men and said "Alright, I want you to split into groups of five. I will go into the center building, while you split into groups and go into the other two buildings. Then regroup in the center." Sol moved towards the door, he slowly opened it and peeked out. He saw no one. He went out the door, and started towards the center building as the group splits and starts towards the other two. Sol reached the door, he put his ear to the door to see if he could hear anything. He heard two voices the first voice said "Man, do you got anymore f*****g Jet?" The other voice said "F**k you man, go to the office and see if they have any." He heard foot steps approaching the door. He got ready to bust in. The door opened, and Sol busted in, he landed on top of the man. He slid his Gladius into his forehead, he then turned his attention to the other man. He ran up to him, and punched him straight in the face knocking him to the ground. Sol got on top of him and slit his throat. He looked around for any more Powder Gangers, but none were there. He stood up and started his way out as he heard gun shots from one of the buildings. He started to run towards it, as he reached it he busted in the door. Two of his men were dead on the ground while the other three all fired onto the man who fired the shots. As he got shot, the man shook as he stand. After the fire ceased, the man fell to his knees, then dropped to the ground. Sol spoke up "What in the hell happened!" One of the men looked at him and said "When we busted in, we took out three of them but this one just came out of no where and started shooting!" Sol shook his head and said "Come on, we gotta finish out this place before the alarm is raised. Let's hope that didn't alert anybody!" They all walked out, as the other group came out of their building. They regrouped in the center.

As Sol was about to speak a flash of light came on him. They all turned to where it came from and heard someone say over a loud speaker "Well well well, look at what we have here. Some Legion dogs ready to be my prisoners? Well, let the fun commence!" As he said that last word, Sol heard a bunch of yells. As Powder Gangers came out of another building near the tower, his men opened fire. But it was not enough, they finally reached Sol and his men. As one ran at Sol, he swung his Gladius at him, slicing his left arm off. The man dropped to his knees, Sol kicked him and he hit the ground. Sol's men pulled out their Machete's and started to fight the Powder Gangers with them. Sol was killing the Gangers left and right, but they kept coming. He didn't know where they were coming from! After a few minutes of fighting, Sol killed at least twenty Gangers after they stopped coming. He looked around him, and saw no one standing. All of his men had died in the fighting, the man on the loud speaker spoke again "Well, that was interesting, now shall you come to my office dog? I would like to meet you." Sol started to run towards the main building, he walked in through the open door. He saw no one inside of the building, as he walked through an open cell door he saw a set of stairs, he walked over to them and started his way up them. As he finally reached the top of the steps he sees a door. He walks up to it and kicked it in, as he busts in he sees a man behind a desk in a normal prison jumpsuit but with a bulletproof vest across his chest. As he goes to run towards him, he sees a man out of the corner of his eye. He swings his Gladius without turning his head from the man behind the desk, the man that was coming at him hits the floor, right before his head. Sol then walks up to the desk, and grabs the man. He throws him over the desk to the floor. The man starts to laugh and says "Haha, Legion dog do you seriously thing I'm afraid of death? You are as worthless just as you're dog leader Caesar!" Sol then threw his Gladius into the mans skull. Sol stood breathing, as he pulled out a small radio. He turned it to the Legion station and spoke "Legion Station, this is Sol. The Prison is ours, my men are dead but the Prison is secure. Send reinforcements over." The radio had static, then a voice responded " Roger that Centurion, reinforcements are on their way to the Prison. Hold location until they arrive."

© 2014 Benjamin_Anderson

Author's Note

This is Part 4 in a series I really love, so tell me what you think of it so far!

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Added on May 8, 2014
Last Updated on May 8, 2014
Tags: Fallout, Caesars Legion, NCR, Mojave, Wasteland, Powder, Gangers



Pittsburgh, PA

Hey everyone, I'm Ben and I'm a 16 year old writer! I write stories mainly Fallout related, but every now and then I will do a future story. I only do Military & War stories as of right now, but I wil.. more..
