Sol's Story (PART 3)

Sol's Story (PART 3)

A Story by Benjamin_Anderson

As Sol and his men arrive at the Camp they hear of some news. This is part 3 in the Sol Story trilogy, after the Dam was blown apart due to NCR tactics, the Legate and Sol are injured.

Ben Anderson - The continuation of the Sol saga!
Caesar Has News

Sol arrived at the Island after the Legate was brought in. As he was shot in the arm and had some minor cuts and bruises from the explosion, he was moderately fine. As he saw soldiers running to the edge of the Camp looking towards the Dam in shock, he walked to Caesars tent. As he arrived in, Caesar was sitting in his chair with his head down, and his hand on his face. He looked to be in deep though. Sol walked in slowly and slowly spoke "Ave.. True to Caesar!" Caesar slowly looked up at Sol and spoke up "What in the hell happened down there! The Legate is severely injured, and almost everyone died down their! The Dam is useless now that it is in ruins! It will take years to rebuild the damage done!" Sol replied "The NCR b***h down there rigged the place to blow, I guess she triggered it before we could get to stop her. The Legate was talking to me, when the place exploded. Then I remember dragging him out, and some Recruits came over the hill and helped us here. That's all I know so far Caesar!" Caesar stood up and slowly started to pace. He then said "Sol, while the Legate is injured I need someone to lead my forces. I have chosen you, as my best Commander as of now you will lead our forces to conquer the Mojave. At least until the Legate is ready to command again. Now leave my sight and fix that pathetic wound of yours." Sol nodded, and backed out. As he got out of the tent, he started to head towards the slave who healed the soldiers. He sat down next to her and said "Hey b***h, I need patching up. Grab you're med-kit and some Stimpaks. Snap to it" She jumped at the sudden voice, and ran over to her bin and grabbed her supplies. She walked over to him and stuck a Stimpak in his arm. Sol immediately felt relief. She then started to clean the wound. After she cleaned it she wrapped it in gauze. Sol stood up and started to walk away, he felt his belt and could not find his Gladius or his spears.

Sol was awoken to the sound of someone speaking. He listened to the men talk, the first voice said "What in the hell do you think happened at the Dam?" the other voice replied "I don't know man, I heard that Sol tried to kill the Legate on purpose so he could take over as commander!" "No way man, not possible at all. It doesn't even make sense, but whatever lets just get back to guard duty." Sol thought to himself "Do the Recruits really think that? I bet the slaves are starting rumors!" Sol couldn't fall back asleep, so he decided to get up. The sun was just rising. Sol grabbed his gear and slid it on. As he put on his torso piece, he arm was still sore. He felt a slight sting as he put it on. He walked out of his tent and stretched, he took in a deep breath. He knew Caesar would not be awake this early, so he decided to go and get a new weapon. As he walked towards the armory he saw some Recruits talking. They looked at him as he walked by, he yelled at them "What the f**k are you two looking at! Get back to work maggots, or I'll have to Mongrels teach you a lesson!" The quickly looked away and started walking away. He reached the armory, the man behind the counter says "Ave true to Caesar! How may I help you Centaurian?" Sol replies "I need a new Gladius, and some spears." The guy behind the desk nods, and pulls out a Gladius, and 5 spears. He looks at Sol with a smile and says "Freshly sharpened this morning, could slide a Deathclaw in two!" Sol smirked and grabbed the weapons, he slid them into the slots on his belt, and walked out. 

After a few hours of doing nothing but milling about the base, Sol finally decided to go see Caesar. As he walked up the hill, he started to feel a surge of power. He was now the new Commander of the Legion's forces. As he entered the tent Caesar looked at him and said "Sol, I need you and some men to move out and head to the old NCR Prison. There are some prisoners there calling themselves Powder Gangers. I want them to either join us, or die. If they do not comply, I want you to slaughter the camp for the Legion." Before Sol could completly enter, he was already leaving. He went outside to see a group of Legionary Decanus standing infront of him. He looked at them, as they were completed loaded out with gear. He looked at them and said "Alright, you are to follow me all the way to the Prison, our objective is to either have the prisoners join us, or die. They call themselves the Powder Gangers.. What a joke. This should be an easy process. They are mainly loaded with small fire arms, and melee weapons. Such as baseball bats, crow-bars, etc. etc. alright, let's move out!" Sol starts to jog towards the gate, as the Legionary Decanuses follow.

© 2014 Benjamin_Anderson

Author's Note

What do you think of Part 3 so far? I'm really liking this idea of continuing the Sol story! So keep up the reviews!

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Added on May 7, 2014
Last Updated on May 7, 2014
Tags: Fallout, Caesars Legion, NCR, Mojave, Wasteland



Pittsburgh, PA

Hey everyone, I'm Ben and I'm a 16 year old writer! I write stories mainly Fallout related, but every now and then I will do a future story. I only do Military & War stories as of right now, but I wil.. more..


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