![]() Task-Force 141A Story by Benjamin_Anderson![]() This is a story from a long time ago, that I recently found. It's the story of a new type of plane designed by American Engineers that will help with a new war with the PLA. (People's Liberation Army)![]() Date : December/21/2017 Location : Washington D.C Time : 19:00 hours Subject : Boeing 609 " Stealth bird "
It was a cold crisp December day , it was the day that we have been waiting for so long. Outside an abandoned warehouse , we were gathered to begin work on our little toy , a military grade aircraft. Our team ( on site ) was 15 engineers , all with extensive aerospace experience. The objective : to build the best stealth aircraft the budget would allow. The plane would be equipped with two: 40mm bofors canons , 155 cal howitzer cannons , and state of the art stealth technology. We are creating this plane for two reasons, and two reasons only. To kill the People's Liberation Army (PLA) we went to war with China in December 21, 2012 & to liberate the island of Japan. It all started when China mobilized its infantry and sent them into Japan. As their troops moved in (two-hundred thousand strong) to Tokyo we got word that China had invaded Japan. The PLA moved into the city killing, raping, and capturing all the people they could see. The Japanese were overwhelmed and lost Tokyo, and after they lost it China slowly took over the rest of the Island. We mobilized twenty-thousand US Marines in Chinooks, we were heading towards Japan. We landed in a small town just near the border. This is now our command center. We drop our troops off here, and get everything refueled here. It has been five years since this war started, it is called the Chinese American War. We are now fighting in the city of Nanchang, we have the town center under our control. We have our infantry, and armor in the center. Our air comes in but gets shot down from the Chinese Anti-Air. This plane is being created for our troops to push farther into China. We are heading towards Hong Kong to kill General Ho-Shakily. He is the commanding General in China hes second in command, and he started this war. We are going to end it. Our allies in Europe are getting an army ready. They will attack from the north with the SaS, and Royal Marines. Then we will meet at Tokyo and reclaim Japan. This plane will be made with the best aerospace technology known to man. It is shaped like an AC-130 Gunship, but has to speed and stealth technology of a F-117. Our engineers said it will take 5-7 years at the most, to create this plane. We will use to it destroy enemy Anti-Air, bunkers, and Head Quarters to secure the area. We hope that our troops have taken Nanchang, and have pushed closer to Tokyo.
Date : December 29 2024. Location : Washington D.C. , & Area 51. Time : 1:15. Subject : Stealth bird testing.
It was a dark , crisp & cold desert morning in December, snow was on the ground at the testing facility, but in no time , all the snow in the world wouldn't make a difference, with the full crew of engineers , and Shadow-Force 141 aboard , the first run of the Stealth bird would begin, and history would be made. About four hours, we boarded the plane , got into our crew quarters , got situated , had the supplies stocked up in the cargo hold, had a munitions check , and prepared for the takeoff of a lifetime. After a signal alerting of take off, and a loud rumble of the engines we were off. Stealth bird & Shadow-Force 141 is airborne. After everyone got familiar with where everything was, we flew over a designated test site, we loaded the shells , and opened fire. The following result was complete & total devastation, the result that we wanted. The came the stealth testing, varying from the most basic of systems, to a state-of-the-art system. We flew in ordinance, and returned to the base. Once we touched down we received word that we were nowhere to be seen on the radars, mission success. Later on we revived a full report, and briefing.
"Nowhere to be seen on the radars." The troops just heard this morning and they all got up and cheered. Now that the plane was successfully tested, that troops want to know whats next. In Nanchang we have made still little process. We got some air in but they were to take out the Anti - Air. They were destroyed as soon as they entered but took out two positions and crashed into a building where the PLA had a machine-gun nest set up. The SaS have pushed into China today, they secretly got into the country from jumping from cargo planes. There are ten-thousand SaS members and twenty-thousand British Royal Guards. They are going to reclaim Japan, and they are making more progress then us at the moment. We have another division of Marines heading to the west of Nanchang, they are trying to flank the enemy instead of attacked straight into Nanchang. They have air in their defense so they are having very little casualties. We are hoping that plane will destroy Nanchang so we can finally start to reclaim Japan and restore peace!
Date : Jul/4/2030. Location : Numa , AZ marine base. Time : 23:00. Subject : Weapons hot.
With a absolutely successful stealth flight ,and systems up , we could begin the second part of testing, 25cal Gatling gun, 40mm bofors canon , and the 155 cal howitzer. The plan of flight was to provide air-support in a mock raid of a heavily fortified hostile compound. at midnight(24:00) after flight prep . we took off to a range about five-or-so miles from base. Once we were in active range, we got the word "Weapons Hot" On the FLIR we could pick out what was the compound to be assaulted. Before engaging, we had to find out the location of the troops on the ground. The platoon for assault was in mobile transport, leaving base , traveling at 30mph, ten minutes to secure the region of tango's, tank's, anti-infantry , and anti-aircraft. We had the crew on high alert to scan the ground for targets, which would me marked by strobe-lights. Once we were in range , we opened fire , first with the 40mm, taking out anti-aircraft , tanks , and "large enemy forces". , then the 25mm Gatling gun taking out tango's that were spaced out, and then finally, the big gun, the 155mm howitzer, breaking the walls down for infiltration. " This is 609, back en-route to base.
Date: Dec/31/2031. Location: British SaS Camp. Time: 15:00. Subject: Captain Hunnell's Voice Log.
"As the Americans were struggling in America, us the SaS are moving farther into Japan! As they said, we came in from Cargo Planes. That was a major lie. The Americans just wanted them to think that we would bloody come from a f*****g plane! We came in fighting! With our bloody guns blasting everything! Then we had some assist from the Royal Marines, but mainly we fought our way in. The main squadron of SaS came in from the North by boat. But the real SaS soldiers came straight in by swimming, from Naval Vessels. Bloody 'ell was that a swim! Then we encountered a lot of resistance, from the damn PLA. So we called in some AH-6 Little Bird's. Those Birds got rid of those b******s like theirs not tomorrow. Well, now I have to go to bloody rest. Its nearly two-AM here. Signing out Captain Hunnell."
Transmission end. All that can be heard is static.
Date: Mar/21/2031. Location: Hong Kong. Time: 1000. Subject: General Ho-Shakilys's Speech.
The crowd angrily shouted about the Chinese Soldiers still on the Island.
The crowd clapped, and then some people started shouting about how many nukes that they were going to drop.
The crowd started to cheer, and scream. Chinese Flags dropped down from buildings, and flower petals dropped all over the city from planes. General Ho-Shakily looked at the crowd, with a smirk on his face, preparing to say his last thing to the crowd.
As he walked, away several guards followed behind him. With their guns around the front of their chests, ready for anything. The soldiers had a black military uniform on, with a Kevlar Vest on, with different sorts of objects, from ammo clips to family pictures. He walked over to a limousine and a man opened the door for him to get in. The Chinese man looked at him with a smile an said “你好秘书长何颤抖。'爱™话!" The General smiled and then got into the car. Two of the soldiers followed behind him, and each sat on both side of him as the rest got into two military Humvees and followed the vehicle. One in front, with the other in the rear. As the limousine drove through the town, people were throwing roses onto the car, only to be crushed by the wheel. General Ho-Shakily didn't like the people. Actually he despised them, he only acted like he liked them to get the presidents favor. The president was James Soong Chu-yu. A man for the people. So if he didn't like the people, the president wouldn't like him. As the limousine came to a stop, one of the soldiers opened a door, and took a step out, and then said the all clear for Ho-Shakily to get out. He stood out, and a man ran up to him begging for money. One of the soldiers said “他妈的离开这里老头!不要"扰你毫-价值的赌博一般。另外,不要让你肮脏的手,对他的西装或'到-上吹你的头!” The old man cowered in fear, as the soldier hit him in the face with the back of his gun. The old man fell, and the two soldiers, and General Ho-Shakily walked into a building. The building was just a restaurant on the outside. But actually, it was just a decoy. Under it, was a secret military headquarters in which General Ho-Shakily lives. He only comes out for speeches, and meetings with the president. The president has no idea this base exists! Ho-Shakily built it on his own expense. Ho-Shakily and his two soldiers, walked into an elevator. One of the soldiers pushed a button and they started to go down towards the ground. They are going to the center of the base. The doors slide open, and the two soldiers walk out. Following behind is Ho-Shakily. The center of the base, had several soldiers always on guard, and walking around, many computers used for many things. Workers, to go with the computers, and just the occasional engineer who comes in to fix something. Ho-Shakily turned to his left, going towards the big computer. This was the device to launch all of China's nukes. Originally, only the president of China, should have these. But Ho-Shakily saved his life, from an assassination attempt, from a British spy. The president trusts Ho-Shakily with his life, but he doesn't know Ho-Shakily secretly hates him. He started to talk to the worker in front of the computer, telling him to launch the nukes in certain areas. If he didn't have them hit in certain areas, the radiation would effect China. After several minutes of talking, he pulls out a key and slides it into a slot. A glass cylinder opens, revealing a big red button. Ho-Shakily slams his fist onto the button and shouts “对于所有的中国'她的后代,'一般浩颤抖着将是最好有万™!母™中国!” The twenty silos open, and the nukes fly out. The last of the PLA were taken out of Japan, just moments ago. They will arrive in the morning. The Americans, and British soldiers can see the missiles from all over the Island. The first missile, strikes the main US military base. The explosion is massive and people on the other side of the island, can see the mushroom cloud. Then the other nukes hit. The Island turns into a radiation apocalyptic wasteland.
( Translation for Chinese- "I General Ho-Shakily are here today to inform you on the current events in Japan! The Americans, and British are pushing farther into Japan. But! What they don't know is that we actually plan to nuke the island! This will obliterate the island, and its inhabitants."
"As in the topic about the Chinese troops in Japan, we are going to pull them out! As we are going to need them to defend Chinese soil. We plan that the Americans, and the British will attack China, after the first nukes drop."
"We will be launching, twenty nukes onto the American and British camps, that we know of. But after we obliterate them, and if the Island is destroyed, we will make all preparations for North Korea, to start attacking South Korea. Then, after we commence that we will start setting up defense positions in Chinese cities. Hong Kong will be a military only zone, so only military personal can be in at all times. Or unless you have a special pass to get in."
"I thank you for the time of hearing this today! It will be re-broadcasted on the radio at four PM! I will now make my way to my head quarters into a secure location under Hong Kong. General Ho-Shakily, signing out!" )
Date: Mar/25/2031. Location: North Korea/South Korea/Japan. Time: 900. Subject: Attack on South Korea.
In North Korea, they were just getting the news of the nukes dropping on Japan. They knew that they had to mass their military and take over South Korea. First they massed their KPAGF and move into South Korea, with the support of Air. North Korea's Air, and Infantry massed at the border, and started the attack. While their SOF forces, were starting riots and attacking small towns the main army attacked. They started by over whelming the border, then slowly took over the rest of South Korea. It took a week, but North Korea, finally took over South Korea and renamed the country into Korea. America, found out about this news during the attack. They sent cruisers over towards Korea, and Japan. They were sending them to Japan to figure out what happened, and secure the situation. They heard reports of nukes being dropped but they didn't believe it. Then the British, knew what happened because they had ships stationed just outside of Japan. So, they started to mass their military and fly there way to China to invade China itself. As Kim Jong-un sat in triumph of taking back Korea, the United Nations was furious! They want all allies to invade Korea, and China to end this conflict. But most of the nations decline because most of their products come from China. So the only countries that are going to war with China and Korea are England, America, and Africa.
Date: May/15/2031 Location: Abuja, Africa. Time: 1000 Subject: Launching the Attack.
Their were soldier's everywhere. Chaos has stricken the city, as African Soldiers marched through the Capitol City. They were marching, for the boats. To go to China, and invade it. They got orders from America, to move into the attack or they would be taken out of the United Nations, just like China and Korea were. As the soldiers marched through the streets, they were attacked by some of the protesters. The Military Police in Africa were ordered to not shoot, but a gun shot was heard so they all opened fire causing the protestors to flee. The soldiers finally reached the transportation ships. As they started to load onto the ships, in the distance you could hear a sound of a plane. In a matter of moments, bombs were dropping all over the docks, and the surrounding area. The bombing lasted a few moments, but it seemed like hours. The majority of the African Military was wiped out during this bombing. Only 1/4th of it remain. So Africa cannot go to war at this moment. It must bring it's forces back up which could take a few years.
Date: July/17/2031 Location: Tokyo, Japan Time: 900 Subject: U.S. Forces Arrive at Destroyed Japan
The USS Obama, was stationed outside of a port in Japan. All that they could see was a wasteland. Not like before, when Japan was alive and green. Now it was nothing but death and destruction. The Admiral on the USS Obama just looked out and one lone tear strolled down his cheek. He whiped it away. He didn't want his men to see him crying. He turned around to see two officers standing. They were Captain Lunsford, and Captain Curran. He saluted them both and then he spoke. "Ah, hello gentlmen. As you can tell, those c**k suckers over in China have destroyed this f*****g island. Now, I want ideas from you! What shall we do?" They both look at each other then Captain Lunsford spoke "Well sir.. I think that we should go in right away with medical personal and hazmat teams to find survivors and.." Captain Curran stopped him. "I think we need to wait for the radiation levels to go down THEN go in and find survivors. First off we need to make sure there are no more of them Chinese b******s here. We have no F*****G idea what they are up to, they could be atching us right f*****g now. We need to send our military forces in with hazmat suits on. I'll lead the team personally. © 2014 Benjamin_AndersonAuthor's Note
Added on May 7, 2014 Last Updated on May 7, 2014 Tags: Future, China, America, Africa, England, War, North Korea, South Korea AuthorBenjamin_AndersonPittsburgh, PAAboutHey everyone, I'm Ben and I'm a 16 year old writer! I write stories mainly Fallout related, but every now and then I will do a future story. I only do Military & War stories as of right now, but I wil.. more..Writing