As I was going to school,I saw the vision in Alice's head very clearly. Cadhla attacking me right as Tyler's vehicle hit me, then she pushing the bottom half on my legs,then she throwing the bumper to my neck,then her leaving and Tyler's vehicle crushing me.
I was getting very dizzy,and he got out of his car.
"Cullen!"he yelled,getting out of his vehicle,and running to me to make sure I was alright.
My vision disappeared, and I couldn't see him anymore.
"Cullen!"He called again trying to get me to respond.
The next thing I knew everyone but my siblings came running to my side to see for themselves if I was alive.
" ¡Cullen! ¡Contésteme! ¡Cullen!" the Spanish teacher said worried.I was much too dizzy now, so I gave up,letting the darkness settle in.
"Cullen!No!Cullen!Open your eyes!Edward!"I think that was Tyler that said that.I was still much too weak to open my eyes, but I heard five footsteps coming towards me. "Well it's about time."I thought bitterly.
"Edward?Edward!"Alice called very worried.
Her voice alone dragged me out of her vision,and I saw that I was near my Volvo.