A Poem by Belen Gonzalez

Just A Poem :] Hope u Like It ^_^, THIS IS OnE OF THE poems i like MOST, Its my Fav. Of all of them :]





Daydreaming is what I find my self-doing.
Drifting away in the thoughts of you holding me in your arms,
My lips kissing yours, and you telling me “I Love You”.
Feeling so nice next to you, that I cant explain it.
That’s what I want, YOU
You to be close to me and tell me you love me.
But , my happiness ends when I go back to reality,
And find you not next to me and all alone again.
The smile I once had is now fading away,
The feeling of being loved is not there
And the “I Love You no more.

© 2008 Belen Gonzalez

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you're from the Philippines. (I can tell)

good form, good format, concrete message imparted.

well written for your age. Keep writing.

Posted 16 Years Ago

omg i love this 1 so f****n much it relates to me on so many levels gurl ...8]

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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2 Reviews
Added on February 11, 2008
Last Updated on March 28, 2008


Belen Gonzalez
Belen Gonzalez

los angeles, CA

Well my name is Belen, and im 16 years young. My poetry is just basicly about me and whats happening. so yeah thats about it ^_^ well if u wanna talk to me just mssg me n i'll talk to u of course :D more..
