![]() Chapter 3A Chapter by BJ RichardsonThere was a softness to the fallen log in the damp woods. It had long lain undisturbed at what seemed to be its final resting place. Peat moss steadily doing a thorough job of camouflaging the dead wood and an army of various insects were busy making a feast of its interior. Jaen Farsight noticed none of this as he silently settled on the fallen log. Even as his weight was still pressing into the loamy wood, he settled his hands into his lap, closed his eyes, and muttered, "coata". After a moment of blurry darkness, Farsight was looking down on himself sitting as still as a statue on the fallen log. His vision raised and, hovering about twenty feet off the ground, slowly moved forward into a nearby clearing. Stopping there, it slowly rotated in a clockwise direction. With every detection of movement in the thick woods that vision would pause. Most often the movement Farsight had noticed was simply the wind blowing through the trees from the southwest. Occasionally it was a bird lighting on a nearby branch or perhaps a squirrel scampering from tree to tree. Once his vision saw a hare bounding into view, but it was not nearly large enough to be worth the effort he was putting forth. Farsight was just about to give up from this location when he saw it. Far to the north there was a large old boar grubbing slowly through the woods. Faster than the wind Jaen's vision flew below the branches until it was nearly on top of that bristly pig. With his vision now focused on the ground Farsight then followed the trail of the boar backwards for nearly a quarter mile. Satisfied with this, the vision snapped back into his head. Opening his eyes, Jaen Farsight stood up with a smile and headed off in an ambling direction towards where he had stopped following the tracks. Once he came to the place he followed it forward for a bit and then began leaving markers as he headed back to where he knew the main body of the hunting party would be. Coming up to the three riders on horseback and the thirteen retainers who remained with them he called out, "Boarspears. I've found a big one." "Good work." The oldest man on horseback said. "How far from here?" "I came upon his tracks about a mile north to northeast. They didn't look to be more than an hour old." "Then lets have at it." The horn was sounded bringing in those who were still out seeking game. As it did the small party moved forward following the young Jain Farsight's lead. Those who were out in the woods would either catch up with the party on the way or it would head back to their original meeting spot and then follow the trail until they caught up with the main party. While the party moved forward, some of the runners began pulling out boarspears from the packhorse and distributing them among the party. Tenit Windrunner was one of the first of the other hunting scouts to catch up with the main party. Catching the eye of the oldest of the horsemen he nodded his head yes. The older man's face grimaced with pain and he made signs for Tessen to remain silent. Jaen Farsight, being in the front of the pack, missed this byplay completely. © 2008 BJ Richardson |
Added on May 10, 2008 Author