Running from the light will harm you, hiding from the dark
will consume you. Be careful who you trust, even blood turns dark. When we are
children we don’t figure any of this out. Our hearts are big and our souls are
pure, and over time the sweet music we hear, runs our blood cold. Our
imagination runs away from our slowly corrupting hearts. We run on auto pilot
as pixels flood our minds. We think we own our bodies but if we did then why
would our government say they control us with a click of a button. We hear a
lot of intelligent people say we are glued to a screen, and they are right. We
can’t go a day without electricity, without a screen in our faces slowly
eroding our brains away and replacing it with ideas of who we are supposed to
be, not who we are. Women have this idea that to be perfect is to look like a model.
To hide their natural look away from the world. They are made to believe love
is to show the man their body to give them self to the man. Men are made to
believe that manners are just a word. Yes boys will be boys, but a manner of
respect should be brought up. What happened to the men who thought a girl in a
hoodie, no make-up, a natural looking body was beautiful. What happened to the
girls who thought men didn’t have to be perfect in looks and settle for men who
treat them like objects. Neither men nor women should be treated in such way,
but lack of discipline from parents causes kids to think they can get away with